



Zora Neale Hurston


To propose a contribution or idea for the Reading/s or Alerts sections of HOW2, send a brief description of the subject, title and current status --"unpublished" or "reprint" (with publishing information) -- to: Kathleen Fraser <kfraser@sfsu.edu>

You may propose a piece of new writing, or any scholarly or informal "reading" directly to the guest editor of the section for which your piece is intended, by e-mail or a file attachment . [See appropriate section for next issue's guest editor/her e-mail address.]

You will be contacted within one month of sending your proposal, regarding its viability for the issue in progress.


Once an essay, "reading," scholarly study or piece of "new writing" (poetry or mixed genre forms) has been selected for use in a particular issue, it must be sent -- in two (2) forms -- directly to the HOW2 Web Master: Roberta L. Sims <rsims@bucknell.edu>

1. First form: Electronically formatted in a MS Word program--for Mac or Windows. Poems and Prose must be sent as an attachment file to preserve the intended lineation and use of page space.

2. Second form -- two hard copies of manuscript must be sent to Mg. Editor, Jo Ann Wasserman: 833 Cole St./apt. 3 /San Francisco, CA 94117 <twoswirl@aol.com>

All manuscripts should include a short bio/biblio note with recent information and publications. In addition, a Working Note must accompany all "new writing" contributions. (See current new writing section for examples).


Proposals for original artwork should bear in mind the requirements of this journal. A xerox or photograph of suggested graphics should be sent to the editors, rather than original art work. If a piece of work is requested by an editor for a particular issue, the artist will then be asked to send the original art work to a designated postal address.