PROPOSALS To propose a contribution or idea for the Reading/s or Alerts sections of HOW2, send a brief description of the subject, title and current status --"unpublished" or "reprint" (with publishing information) -- to: Kathleen Fraser <> You may propose a piece of new writing, or any scholarly or informal "reading" directly to the guest editor of the section for which your piece is intended, by e-mail or a file attachment . [See appropriate section for next issue's guest editor/her e-mail address.] You will be contacted within one month of sending your proposal, regarding its viability for the issue in progress.
Second form -- two hard copies of manuscript must be sent to Mg. Editor,
Jo Ann Wasserman: 833 Cole St./apt. 3 /San Francisco, CA 94117 <> GUIDELINES Proposals for original artwork should bear in mind the requirements of this journal. A xerox or photograph of suggested graphics should be sent to the editors, rather than original art work. If a piece of work is requested by an editor for a particular issue, the artist will then be asked to send the original art work to a designated postal address.