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We are eager to post announcements of all international, English-language conferences generated by both writing and academic communities -- when those events pertain to modernist studies and contemporary innovate poetries & scholarship, particularly when focused on the works of twentieth century women authors. This section will be continuously UPDATED between the September and February issues. Please send Call for Papers, dates, location, website information -- with plenty of lead time -- to Mg. Editor Jo Ann Wasserman <twoswirl@aol.com>
SEEKING ESSAYS, CRITICAL ESSAYS, AND REVIEWS ON THE WORK OF JOANNE KYGER FOR AN UPCOMING ISSUE OF Jacket Jacket can be found at: http://www.jacket.zip.com.au/welcome.html. Send inquiries/abstracts to: Linda Russo<lvrusso@acsu.buffalo.edu> Deadline March 15, 2000 The issue, which also features Philip Whalen, is concerned with drawing attention to the poetic work of Kyger which is in danger of falling the way of much writing by women of her generation—either relegated to the margins of literary history or collapsed into the broad, phallocentric, and in this case ill-fitting, category of "woman Beat writer." In Kyger's case this is especially questionable, since, as a member of the Spicer-Duncan circles of the San Francisco Renaissance, she became immersed in a small press scene that brought her work to print in an era when few women were published, and out of which even fewer have continued to sustain lives of poetic inquiry.
THE AVANT-GARDE: April 13-15,
2000 In the attempts to construct expansive theories of Modernism, the avant-garde has sometimes been characterized as either purely concerned with aesthetics--some Modernist theorists have convicted it for being experimental for experimentation's sake--OR as void of aesthetic content and only concerned with political ramifications--certain dismissals of Duchamp's work, for example, are animated by charges of being merely anti-art (in a bad sense). We are looking for papers which negotiate between politics and aesthetics to provide a more nuanced investigation of the role of the avant-garde in Modernist re-evaluations. While our focus will be the "historical" avant-garde movements indigenous to Modernism (Italian and Russian Futurism, Dada, Imagism, Vorticism, Négritude, and Surrealism), we encourage investigations which explode these boundaries, not only between "schools" but also between the modern/post-modern divide. We are also encouraged by a recent spate of scholarship on women in the avant-garde, and welcome not only explorations of this region but also examinations of race, class, and sexual orientation. Keynote
Speakers: with
responses from: Erich Hertz
and James Hansen
CRITIQUE, CULTURE is an interdisciplinary conference which aims to explore
the divisions between craft and critique in academic institutions. Where
and when are these divisions justified and useful, and when are they specious
and harmful? How and where can they be broken down, and where should they
be preserved? How do they function to construct both powerful positions
and limited horizons? How should we understand and negotiate this divide,
and how do we communicate across it? And finally, what is the role of
craft and critique in relation to culture? What is the future of aesthetic
analysis and production in the field of cultural studies? The goal of
this conference is to provide a space to discuss and debate these questions.
This conference invites scholars from a range of disciplines, including
poets, writers, literary critics, teachers, non-fiction essayists, theorists,
culturalists, art historians, as well as visual and performing artists.
We welcome completed papers (15 page maximum), abstracts (200 words or
less), or panel proposals which explore the complex and agonistic relationships
between craft and critique. We also encourage brief proposals for performative
and interactive panels that exceed or evade the familiar academic structures--including,
but not limited to, dramatic or visual presentations, readings of original
works of prose or poetry, interactive investigations, and short analyses
related to the topics of the conference. In addition to these presentations,
we will host a series of round-table discussions between professors, artists,
and graduate students to investigate the way artists and critics communicate,
collaborate, and coexist within the university; as well as the way artists
read critics, the way critics read artists, and the ways in which we might
more productively read one another. Possible topics include, but are not
limited to: Selected
papers will be published in the Iowa Review. Please submit papers,
abstracts, or proposals by JUNE 15, 2000 to: Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List CFP@english.upenn.edu Full Information at http://www.english.upenn.edu/CFP/ or write Erika Lin: elin@english.upenn.edu
American Literature Association Annual Conference Dates: May 25-28, 2000 Location:
Hyatt Regency Long Beach Conference Director: Jeanne Reesman, University fo Texas at San Antonio Conference Fee: $50 ($10 for Grad Students, Independent Scholars and Retired Faculty) Deadline for Proposals: January 30, 2000. Address
for Papers and Proposals: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Special issue of Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Critical essays on Barbara Guest are sought for a special issue of Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. This volume will focus on the importance of Barbara Guest's contribution to literary and interdisciplinary arts. Essays which situate Guest in the literary and historical context in which she writes are preferred over close readings. Editor is also interested in essays which discuss Guest's collaborative work with visual artists, relationship to the New York School, and those which examine her influence on recent poetry. Send essays
via mail by 1 June 2000 to: Catherine
Kasper Inquiries:
210-458-7722 (ckasper@utsa.edu).
*********** FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS************ The 10th Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf: VIRGINIA WOOLF OUT OF BOUNDS The University
of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) VIRGINIA
WOOLF OUT OF BOUNDS will highlight the range of work on Woolf that crosses
regional, temporal, and disciplinary boundaries of all kinds.As the inaugural
conference of the millennium VIRGINIA WOOLF OUT OF BOUNDS will address
the future of Woolf study, especially as an opportunity for new intellectual
exchanges and mixtures. The conference will also feature original art,
music, and performance inspired by Woolf. Jessica
Berman UMBC is located 10 minutes from downtown Baltimore in the Baltimore -Washington Corridor and affords easy access to Baltimore's inner harbor and to Washington D. C. It is easily reached via Amtrak, air (into BWI airport) and car. The suburban campus is wheel-chair accessible. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *** Call for Papers *** The Opening of the Field: A Conference on North American Poetry in the 1960s UNIVERSITY
OF MAINE The National Poetry Foundation invites paper and panel proposals for a conference on North American poetry of the 1960s. Proposals are welcome on writers of previous generations whose literary careers extended into the 1960s, such as Louis Zukofsky, George Oppen, Robert Lowell, Charles Olson, Anne Sexton, Elizabeth Bishop, Lorine Niedecker, etc.; on poets or literary movements that climaxed in the 1960s, including the Beat, Black Mountain, San Francisco Renaissance and New York schools; on women poets and poets of color, who achieved a broader visibility during this decade; and on new literary moments that began to define themselves in this period, such as the ethnopoetic movement and language-centered writing. Papers are also invited on the general cultural background of the period, including such themes as the tensions between the "academic" poetry and various attempts to bring poetry into the lives of people "in the streets"; the relationship of poetry and popular culture, including rock music; and the role of poetry in the anti-war movement. As the title of the conference suggests, we invite proposals on Canadian as well as on American poetry in the 1960s. The conference will begin on Wednesday evening, June 28, and will conclude shortly after noon on Sunday, July 2. Accomodations will be available at a reasonable rate in university residence halls. Registration will be $85, with a reduced rate of $60 for graduate students. CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTS, as of December 1, 1999, include Marjorie Perloff, Michael Davidson, Frank Davey, Lorenzo Thomas, Rosmarie Waldrop, Keith Waldrop, Kathleen Fraser, Lynn Keller, Peter Middleton, Ron Silliman, Marie Damon, George Bowering, Barrett Watten, Aldon Nielsen, Joan Retallack, Michael Heller, Jane Augustine and Theodore Enslin. Send one-page abstracts befgore February 1, 2000, to: Burton Hatlen,
Director +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Modernist Studies Association "New Modernisms
to modernism at the end of the millennium is not a farewell but a new
beginning." In its 1999 inaugural conference, described by The Chronicle of Higher Education as "giving new life for modernism," the Modernist Studies Association created a forum wherein scholars, poets, musicians and artists could contribute to this ongoing revitalization. Modernist studies is reemerging as a dynamic and complex field, hospitable to interdisciplinary, international and multicultural approaches and energized by recent work in race, class, gender and sexuality. "New Modernisms II" convenes at the University of Pennsylvania, and will incorporate the urban diversity of Philadelphia. Our plenary sessions will emphasize the arts, and performance, but our call for panel and seminar proposals remains open. Proposal guidelines are available on the MSA website: http://www.psu.edu/dept/english/MSA/msa2.htm The MSA homepage can be visisted at: http://www.psu.edu/dept/english/MSA/msa.htm Queries
about seminar and panel proposals may be directed to: Completed
proposals should be submitted to: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POETRY AND POETICS INTO THE 21ST CENTURY June 30-
July 1st 2000 [ A joint conference with Manchester Metropolitan University in association with new formations and P.N. Review] This conference will investigate the role and status of poetry and poetics as we enter a new century. Numerous aspects of contemporary poetry and poetics will be considered; debate and argument will be encouraged. Plenary speakers include: Geoffrey
Hill (Boston University) Organisers: Antony Rowland
(Salford University) The deadline for abstracts (500 word max) is March 31st 2000 Enquiries to: Wendy Dodgson
(Conference Administrator), w.a.dodgson@salford.ac.uk
WOMAN EDITED JOURNALS AND PRESSES FOCUSED ON INNOVATIVE WRITING The e-zine Moria welcomes submissions for a soon to be added section on poetic theory. Theory submissions should deal with current issues in contemporary poetics, especially with issues relating to the language school and its inheritors. The essays do not need to follow any traditional notions of composition for academic essays. Submissions must be sent via e-mail to alegr@ibm.net or to wallegr@lsu.edu. big allis Issue 8 available now with new work by poets including: Heather Ramsdell, Juliana Spahr, Liz Waldner and many others. Special British and Irish feature. Guest editor: Fiona Templeton. subscription
inquiries: a+bend
press 3862 21st
Street (all titles 1999) SAYING
NO. 3 by Jenna Roper Harmon
C h a
i n
Editors: Jena Osman and Juliana Spahr ![]() Em Press Editor/Printer: Dale Going Poetry Pamphlet Series, 16 page books letterpress printed on Italian and French mould-made papers in signed limited editions of 100-150. Currrently available: Unseen Stream, Jaime Robles, ISBN 1-889589-01-2 Even the Smallest Act, Denise Liddell Lawson, ISBN 1-889589-02-0 Bowl, Carol Snow ISBN 1-889589-03-9 Due this Spring: &O, Dale Going ISBN 1-889589-04-7 Human Forest, Denise Newman ISBN 1-889589-05-5 Series subscribers receive each book at $10 per copy. Individual titles are available without subscription at $15. Subscription requests and single book requests: Em Press 541 Ethel Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 415-381-1243 DaleGoing@aol.com
Outlet Magazine & Double Lucy Books PO Box 9013 Berkeley CA 94709 USA http://users.lanminds.com/dblelucy Outlet Magazine Outlet publishes poetry, fiction and criticism, loosely centered around a common theme. Themes have so far included fairy tales, ornament, and weather/maps. Please visit our website to view excerpts from current & previous issues, which include work by Franklin Bruno, Norma Cole, Malcolm de Chazal, Brenda Iijima, Lily James, Tan Lin, Pamela Lu, Yedda Morrison, Laura Moriarty, Michelle Murphy, Stephen Ratcliffe, Camille Roy, Linda Russo, Jocelyn Saidenberg, and many others. [Sample copies: $5/ea. Subscriptions: $10/yr (2 issues). Checks to E. Treadwell] Outlet (4/5) Weathermap -- due out Fall '99 -- will include new poetry and prose by Norma Cole, Gwyn McVay, Christopher Reiner, Kathy Lou Schultz, Liz Waldner & many others, plus an interview with Kathleen Fraser and a history of women publishers at the Poetry Project, NYC. CALL FOR WORK—OUTLET Outlet (6) Stars Astronomy, astrology, celebrity, catastrophe, destiny, romance, navigation, wishes, fortune-telling, constellations. The passage of time. Hemispheres, seasons. Prophecy, heaven. Leonardo da Vinci/di Caprio. Submission postmark period: January 1-February 15, 2000. Replies by: April 15, 2000. The issue will appear during Summer, 2000.
send correspondence to:
Rooms Second
Story Books 85 Henry
Street, #5 Second Story Books publishes works which navigate a relationship between narrative and lyric, interrogating implications of verbal consciousness as event and invoking fugitive conditions of place, time and subjectivity. Titles from Second Story Books: Not
Right Now, Renee Gladman
ajournal of poetics PO Box 420936 tripwire3: Gender featuring work by: Diane Ward, Carla Harryman & Lyn Hejinian, Norma Cole, Jocelyn Saidenberg, Linda Russo, Kristin Prevallet, Kevin Killian, Elizabeth Robinson and many others.
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