Catherine Bowers
Look in the cupboard see
what she eats:
II. response time We'd already set sail staring at one thing incident crossroad say that lie/that lay ahead watchdog even at this distance awake to trace the contours of diminished significance. Figures around a fire faces finally. Or so we jury-rig as to lead time lead line plumb plumb vermilion ether mercuric sulfide mangrove. La neige la blancheur de époudrins snow the whiteness of whitecaps no stranger to the translation visitors from a yacht if any fauve swamp waterfall where none. You can go for the day now walk through several zones in as many hours each trail of debris unique as to the actuarial villa. Spectral evidence that an exercise of such scale sense fails but you could swear archipelago where earth curves the current between. Probe there ledge and back not so much out as down black box in bed with retronight opens on cliff. Highwire series one sails under this alias camouflage: spoon tower cock. Vestiges of the dispute mixed with reality. "Why is the knife on the chair?" III. persistence of vision Pinto day our boat Cold Dwarf blows forward. Toward evening sleeps by what it eats peripheral. Burnt sienna surge. Sea wrack. She isn't coming back. What latitude the iron grillework city? Tasks without meaning litter the path. Contrast a jar filled with brushes inkwell paper laid out table facing the sea. Off the coast of what catwalk dive? Asymmetric boldface whole ruined cities rows of these columns fallen boat slow grinding aground as she descends speaks a kind of kid glove panicle or inflorescence velvety pubescent branch. There is no visible damage but foreshortening. Of a considerable perspective. And magnification. Watery courtyard moving toward mute you much as a meditation specular thread you'd ridden. Now it's steeper. Lateral sun at your back for hours then out of a blue sudden provisional just operating on all fours singlehanded heading toward what appears vast desert of uncut page. go to Catherine Bowers' bio page or to Rebar City go to this issue's table of contents |