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A Booke of the Arte and Manner How to Plant and Graffe All Sorts of Trees: How to Sette Stones and Sovv Pipins, to Make Wild Trees to Graffe On, as Also Remedies and Medicines: With Divers Other New Practises.
By one of the Abbey of S. Vincent in Fraunce, practised with his owne hands; devided into vii. chapters, as here after more plainly shall appeare with an addition in the ende of this booke, of certaine Dutch practises, set forth and Englished by Leonard Mascall. London: V. Simmes, 1596. Based upon David Brossard's "L'art et Maniere de Semer Pepins et de Faire Pepiniere."--Cf Hunt p. 120. "A pirated ed. w. woodcuts copied."--Cf. STC (2nd ed.). Printer from STC (2nd ed.) First ed. printed by Henry Bynneman for John Wight in 1569. Includes index. References: STC (2nd ed.) 17579.
This English rendition of an early French work describes and pictures early tree planting and grafting techniques, and features the pippin apple, new to England. Mascall informs his readers that he has taken the information in his book from "divers Authors" and translated them into English. The work begins with a detailed illustration of the tools required for grafting, and then continues by covering every aspect of the subject. The author concludes with an index to all the topics covered.
Subjects: Fruit culture; Grafting; Gardening.