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Herbolario Volgare: Nelquale se Dimostra a Conoscer le Herbe, & le Sue Virtu, & Il Modo di Operarle, co Molti Altri Simplici di Nouo Venute in Luce, & di Latino in Volgare Tradutte, con Gli Suoi Repertorii da Ritrouar le Herbe, & li Remedii Alle Infirmita in Esso Contenute.
Nouvemete Stampato. Stampato in Vinegia: Per Francesco di Alessandro Bindone & Mapheo Pasini, 1536. 3rd ed. of the Italian tr. of the Herbarius Latinus. References: Nissen 2316. Woodcut on t.p. representing Saints Cosmas and Damian.
This is the 3rd and probably rarest of the Italian translations of the Herbarius Latinus and has 170 woodcuts, chiefly of plants, throughout the text. The Herbarius was first printed in Mainz by Peter Schoeffer in 1484, and was translated into Dutch, Italian, and German. The work is divided into two major sections. First, over 150 plants from Germany are described and their medicinal uses given. Then the various materials of medicine commonly available in apothecaries and from spice merchants are listed briefly. The entire work is arranged alphabetically, making it easy to use. While the plants listed are all found in Germany, this work sold nearly as well in Italy, probably because of the second section, which would enable the average man to learn which drugs to purchase and how to use them.
Subjects: Medicinal plants; Vegetables; Herbs--Therapeutic uses.