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Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets.
London: Printed for B. Tooke, 1699. First edition--Cf. Hunt 401. References: Hunt 401. ASU copy lacks folded table and errata leaves mentioned in Hunt citation.
This work is a first edition of a recipe and gardening book, featuring herbal salads, pickled vegetables, and unusual recipes. The author begins with an historical discussion of salads, followed by an alphabetical listing of the major salad ingredients giving their histories and uses. Evelyn continues with a discussion of the condiments for salads, explaining how they are handled. The proper seasons for gathering, composing and dressing salads is covered next. The appendix contains actual recipes, and there is an index for the book as well as a list of ingredients for the recipes in the appendix.
Subjects: Vegetables; Herbs; Salad greens.