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Flore Medicale.
Peinte par Mme. E. P--, et par P. J. F. Turpin. 7 v. in 8. Paris: C. L. F. Panckoucke, 1814-1820. Vol. 2-6: Ouvrage entierement neuf. Vol. 3-6: Decrite par F. P. Chaumeton, Chamberet et Poiret. Vol. 7: Partie elementaire, par J. L. M. Poiret. Iconographie vegetale par P. J. F. Turpin.
This seven volume French work features 424 beautiful colored plates. Each plate is placed before the description of the plant. The descriptions begin with the listing of all the names for the plant in various languages, beginning with Greek. Sources are given for the names. The names are then followed by detailed botanical descriptions and medicinal uses. Plants are arranged alphabetically, according to the French name. The last two volumes are actually two parts of volume seven, and differ from the preceeding six volumes. Volume seven is an iconography on vegetables, with excellent colored plates at the end, giving accurate drawings of the first part, showing seed parts, etc.
Subjects: Botany, Medicine.