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The Anatomy of Plants; with An Idea of a Philosophical History of Plants; and Several Other Lectures Read Before the Royal Society.
London: Printed by W. Rawlins for the author, 1682. First collected ed. of Grew's works, some of which were previously pub. under different titles.-- Cf. Johnston, S. H. Cleveland Coll. 274. Place of publication from Wing. Each section has separate t.p. Numbers 213-216 omitted in paging. References: Wing G1945; Johnston, S. H. Cleveland coll. 274; Hunt 362. Includes index. Plates 68, 69, 76, 77, and 82 damaged; plates 14-17, 40, 71, and 83 missing.
This was the first major contribution to the knowledge of plant anatomy. Grew was able to use Robert Hook's newly invented compound microscope for his studies. He notes in his preface that he begins his work, after an essay on the philosophical history of plants, with observations made using the naked eye. "Having thus begun with the bare eye; I next proceeded to the use of the Microscope." Grew discusses the anatomy of plants, followed by the anatomy of roots, then trunks, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Then there are a series of seven lectures discussing such topics as the nature, causes, and power of mixture; essential and marine salts of plants; colours of plants; diversitites and causes of tasts, chiefly in plants; and the solution of salts in water. There is an index of the main subjects, followed by 82 plates of illustrations. Printed margin notes within the text give the plate references.
Subjects: Botany--Pre-Linnean works; Anatomy.