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[Agriculture et maison rustique. English]
Maison Rustique, or, The Countrey Farme.
Compyled in the French tongue by Charles Stevens, and John Liebault. Translated into English by Richard Surflet. Now newly reuiewed, corrected and augmented, with divers large additions out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French, Albyterio in Spanish, Grilli in Italian, and other authors, and the husbandrie of France, Italie, and Spaine reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England by Geruase Markham. London: Printed by Adam Islip for John Bill, 1616. Originally published as a collection of Estienne's works under title Praedium rusticum (Paris, 1554). Translated into French and enlarged by Estienne. Edited and published immediately after Estiennes death by Jean Liebault under title L'Agriculture et Maison Rustique. Surflet's English translation first issued 1600--Cf. Hunt 69 and 202. First edition of Markham's re-editing. References: STC (2nd ed.) 10549; Hunt 202. Includes indexes.
Charles Estienne was a distinguished printer from a family of printers. He also wrote little treatises on botany. 1st Markham ed. Cf. Hunt 202. First published in Latin (Praedium rusticum) in 1554. First English edition in 1600.
According to the contents summary at the opening of this work, the author plans to give all the information "whatsoeuer can be required for the building, or good ordering, of a Husbandmans House, or Countrey Farme: as namely, to foresee the changes and alterations of Times; to know the motions, and powers, of the Sunne and Moone, vpon the things about which Husbandry is occupied; as, to cure the sicke labouring Man; to cure Beasts and flying Fowles of all sorts; to dresse, plant, or make Gardens, as well for the Kitchin, and Physicke use." The author also includes information on honey and wax production, silkwormes; fish ponds, baking bread, brewing beer, making wine, breeding herons, and also a "large discourse of hunting the Hart, wild Bore, Hare, Foxe, Gray, Conie, and such like: with the ordering of Hawkes, and all sorts of Birds." The work ends with a brief discussion on how to feed and keep Nightingales, Linnets, Goldfinches, Sisking, Larks and other singing and melodious birds. The work is divided into seven books and there is a detailed index at the end covering all subjects. Printed margin notes are also given throughout the work.
Subjects: Agriculture; Gardening; Hunting.