March Platica

The Hispanic Border Leadership Institute


Consuelo Nieto, Ph.D.

Understanding the Hispanic Woman's Struggle: A Perspective


Friday, March 12, 1999

10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Memorial Union, Cochise East


The Hispanic woman's role in the educational process or her socialization goes counter to the traditional research paradigms and feminist theories.  Questions and issues must be carefully considered prior to formulating individual or institutional strategies to improve the lot of the minority woman.  The Hispanic woman shares with all women the universal victimhood of sexism.  Yet the minority woman's struggle for for personhood must be analyzed with great care and sensitivity.  Hers is a struggle against sexism within the context of racism.  Ignore this factor and it is impossible to understand her reality or her struggle.  

Consuelo Nieto is a professor at Long Beach State University and formerly a teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District.  She earned her doctorate at Claremont Graduate School with a Ford Foundation Fellowship.  While at Long Beach State University she has headed the Bilingual Education program and the Chicano Studies Program.  Her research and writing have focused on the education of culturally diverse students, the preparation of teachers for a diverse student population, women's issues and equity through the political process.  She has received the George I. Sanchez award for Leadership in Resolving Latino Social and Educational Issues from the National Education Association and the Outstanding Grassroots Leader in Education from the California Democratic Party.


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