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Vol. 3, No. 1 The HBLI Family Bulletin September, 1999
Bienvenidos to another academic year and the start of the fourth year for HBLI. How quickly time passes. We start our fourth year with three cohorts of doctoral fellows at four universities. Nine of the fellows are in their third and final year of study and nine are in their second year of study at ASU and NMSU. Twelve fellows are starting their first year of doctoral studies at the University of California, Riverside, and the University of Texas, Pan American.
This past summer HBLI sponsored its first Policy Seminar for State Legislators, school board members, and community college trustees in Albuquerque, NM, on July 16 and 17. It was an outstanding experience as evaluated by the participants, and more than forty persons attended.
The start of the fall semester began with conducting orientations at UTPA in August and UCR in September for new HBLI doctoral fellows. Also, ASU doctoral fellow Sylvia Peregrino redesigned, upgraded, and expanded our webpage—log on to www.hbli.org to see the improvements.
We plan to inititate the HBLI Policy Papers Series this fall—look for the first one to come late this semester. Also, as an early alert, we will have our fifth School Board Leadership Training Session in February, 2000, at either Colorado or New Mexico. A meeting of the National Advisory Panel, with new fellows only, will take place in November, 1999. Lastly, we want to bring together the nine fellows who interned this past summer with the nine fellows who will intern next summer so the new interns can learn from the former interns and prepare for a solid internship experience.
Until next time,
Leonard A. Valverde
Two of the NMSU fellows, Bonavita Quinto and Janelle Taylor, will be presenting the results of some of their internship work. Bonavita will present at the TACHE (Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education) State Conference in November. Her topic will be "Increasing the Pipeline of Chicanos in Ph.D. Programs."
Janelle worked as a Research Analyst with the New Mexico
Legislative Education Study Committee (LESC) researching House Joint Memorial 1
(HJM1), "Teachers to Learn English and Spanish." HJM1 addresses
Article 12, Section 8 of the New Mexico State Constitution (1912), which states
that all teachers who teach in the state of New Mexico must speak both Spanish
and English in order
to effectively teach both English- and Spanish-speaking students.
Janelle researched the history behind the writing of the State Constitution as well as bilingual education on a national and state level. She will present her findings to the LESC at their interim meeting on Oct 13_15 in Carlsbad, NM.
Eduardo Arellano was appointed a member of the NMSU College of Education Student Advisory Council. He is also co-chairing a Student Network Organization for graduate students with a focus on higher education administration.
Dolores Gross Delgado and Eduardo Arellano will present at the Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual conference in late October at Las Cruces, NM, on the concept of team evaluation of Bilingual Education.
Rachel Ortiz and Mariella Rodriguez will present at the next University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) national conference on October 29 in Minneapolis, MN. Their session topic is "Preparing School Leaders for Minority Populations in the Age of Accountability."
Dr. Reynaldo Contreras, Professor of Education and former Department Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies at San Francicso State University, will be visiting ASU this fall to conduct seven policy seminars for ASU doctoral fellows. These seminars will provide the fellows with a foundation for policy research that will help in policy development and implementation.
Three of the four speakers for the ASU Fall Platica Series have been selected (the December speaker has yet to be determined):
l On September 28, Raúl Cárdenas, Interim Chancellor of the Maricopa Community College District, will speak on the importance of community colleges in the education of Hispanics.
l On October 15, David Ballesteros, former Dean of the Campus, San Diego State University, Imperial Valley Campus, will speak. The title of his talk is "The Advantaged Student in the Y2K."
l On November 12, John Roueche, Professor and Director, Sid. W. Richardson Regent's Chair, Community College Leadership Program, University of Texas, Austin, will give a talk on the status of remedial education in higher education.
Seven new HBLI fellows have been selected to the University
of California, Riverside. They are:
(New Fellow, Current Employer)
Luis Cruz, Resource Teacher, Baldwin Park Unified School District,Baldwin Park, CA
Elizabeth Gutierrez, Gutierrez and Associates, Santa Fe, NM
Marilyn Martinez, Resource Teacher, Jurupa Unified School District, Riverside, CA
Zulma Yvette Méndez, Profesor Asociado A, Universidad Autonoma de Cuidad Juárez, Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua, México
Marie Orillon-Harker, Assistant Director, Center for Ideas and Society, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA
Mark Salinas, Faculty, College of Education, San Francisco State Univeristy, San Francisco, CA
Samantha Scribner, Assistant Principal, LBJ High School, Austin TX
If you have items of interest to include in future Entre Nosotros bulletins, please contact the editor, Roy Rukkila, at 480/727-6364 or email him at roy.rukkila@asu.edu.