FAQ Development Challenges
Campus differences in email systems and applications
No central digital repository on either campus for permanent electronic records
Records retention schedules not fully implemented on both campuses
Workshop/training programs not in place on both campuses
We still faced several challenges in the development of the FAQs. Because situations were so different on the two campuses, it was hard to come up with answers to our FAQs that would satisfy both private and public institutions. While UNC has moved to a unique ID system and has a primary campus email network, Duke has over 50 email systems running (that we know about). Neither campus can force all employees to use the same email software, although they did that recently at UNC Greensboro. Neither campus has a central digital repository for permanent electronic records, though both campuses are in the planning stages right now. Electronic records are currently maintained in the originating unit (if at all). Records management is still a fairly new concept at Duke and, while more established at UNC, we still have an emphasis on paper records. And while UNC has a well-established training program on records management issues, Duke is still developing theirs.