Conclusions – Sensitive Information
People/departments routinely send sensitive info via email.
HIPAA has greatly increased awareness in the medical community regarding the need to handle patient communication carefully.
Faculty often do not know what would constitute confidential communication with students (may not be clear on FERPA, either).
[click] People and departments routinely send sensitive information via email. Here's a quote from an interview: "People in my department occasionally email me sensitive information such as employee SSNs and our department P-Card's account information. This makes me uncomfortable."
[click] There is also much concern about patient records. HIPAA has greatly increased awareness in the medical community regarding the need to handle patient communication carefully. One interviewee said, "I am a physician and increasingly many patients send me email with medical questions previously handled by phone."
[click] Faculty often do not know what would constitute confidential communication with students (and may not be clear on FERPA, either). One said, "Occasionally I receive and send exams via email attachment. How secure are these emails?"