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Digital Research Records at Center for Environmental Studies
Peter McCartney
- Distributed Resources
- 5 institutions, 8 departments
- Biodiversity
- Taxonomic information Browsing
- Collections query
- Species checklists
- Identification Keys
- Research metadata
- Datasets, Literature,Images, Protocols, Models
- Data access
- Download, Visualization, EDA
- LTER Mandate to provide long-term management of Ecological Data
- Expand ASU Capacity for large environmental initiatives through integration
- Develop more effective data sharing with central Arizona partner (Federal, State, Municipal, NGO)
Model for EcoInformatics
Ecological Data Archives
- Diversity in formats, schema, size, organization.
- Tabular — SQL, ASCII, App formats
- GIS — shapefiles, SDE, coverages
- Raster — raw, SDE, Remote sensing, Erdas, ESRI Grid
- Standards and procedures may exist within individual archives
- Few standards at network level
Ecological Metadata Language
- Serve to integrate, rather than dictate, site solutions for data management
- ASU, Central Arizona, Naitonal LTER network, OBFS
- Machine parsable
- Build on existing standards
- FLED, Dublin core, ISO 19115, FGDC
EML 2.0 Design
- Modular, with classes relating to specific functional roles
- Uses XML Schema complex types to define extensible base classes of information resources
- Extensible via the linking of new modules within the schema
- Organized to abstract the logical description of data from the physical
EML Related Projects at CES
- Xylographa — Metadata Creation
- Xanthoria — Metadata Query
- Xylopia — Metadata mediated Access
Xylographa: Metadata Cretation
Xanthoria: Metadata Query
Xanthoria Methods
- ping(src): boolean
- query(returnfields, querygroup, query statement, src): Element
- getFullRecordElement(id, src): Element
- getFullRecordPath(id, src): String
- load(file, src): String
Xanthoria Query Request
Xylopia: Metadata Mediate Access
A web-service (Apache SOAP) based data analysis application for EML
- Uses EML Metadata to resolve message content
- Modules for:
- Data Query
- Processing
- Visualization
- Analysis
Typical Xylopia Workflow
- EML Query message built by the app/user
- App sends the message to the Data Collector
- Data Collector finds the data, puts it into an ascii file and places the data and a new 'clipped eml' into a designated drop box
- App gets these data and displays it to the user
- If the user requests a graph or statistics on these data, the 'clipped eml' and ascii file is usually used by these web services
- If the user requests mapping data, the Data Collector's output varies depending on the requested file's format
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