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[Photo of Richard Rainsberger]

Richard Rainsberger
Director, Admissions and Records
Central Virginia Community College
FERPA in the Digital Age: What You Need to Know


Richard Rainsberger is Director of Admissions and Records at Central Virginia Community College. He has been a professional college records administrator for 33 years. During 26 of those years, Dr. Rainsberger has had direct responsibility for administering FERPA policy on five different college and university campuses. Since 1986, he has conducted FERPA workshops for the faculty and staff of 20 colleges and universities as well as the annual meeting of AACRAO where he has also presented sessions on FERPA. He has also presented papers on FERPA for ACE, NACUA, the states of Kentucky and Illinois. In 1990, he was appointed chair of the AACRAO committee to revise the AACRAO FERPA Guide. He has continued in that capacity and has published FERPA Guides in 1995 and 1998. He is currently working on a revised and updated version that will be available in 2001. His other current pursuits are evaluating states’ open records laws in relation to FERPA and the recently passed federal legislation on digital signatures.