Steve Beeson
Steve Beeson is the primary developer of the
Patterns in Nature website. In addition, Steve also helps maintain
and develop the ACEPT website in general, creating new pages and graphics.
He can be contacted via email
Rodney Heyd
ACEPT's current webmaster, in charge of general maintenance on the website,
development of new webpages and graphics, cgi scripting, and keeping track
of site access statistics.
Also in charge of setting guidelines for the development of new
pages and slapping wrists when the guidelines aren't conformed to.
Rodney has also been
reponsible for the setup of ACEPT's new and improved internet server,
a Pentium Pro based PC running the Linux operating system, which hosts
our website, listserv, and anonymous ftp server (such as it is).
He can be contacted via email
Erika Hawkins
Erika Hawkins is the HTML programmer and graphic designer for the
Fundamentals in Physical Science (PHS110) online course as well as
the Summer '97 Math-Physics Workshop Modules. Before
joining ACEPT she volunteered with ASU's International Filmmaking
Society to do their webpage.
Erika just graduated from ASU with a Bachelor's of Arts in Political
Science this past May. In the future she hopes to pursue a career that
would incorporate her liberal arts skills as well as her technical
skills.She can be contacted via email
Ashutosh Sureka
Ashu has been tremendously helpful in bringing the Patterns in Nature course onto the WWW. He has created the References Pages and some of the modules based on the AAPT document Powerful Ideas in Science, as well as the Table of Contents Page for PiN. He can be contacted via email
Aaron Kader
Aaron has been responsible for the up keep of the ACEPT
He can be contacted via email
Robert Otani
ACEPT's first webmaster. Robert is responsible for the overall design and
layout of the ACEPT website that you see today. He also created some of
the graphics and the ACEPT logo. Robert has now moved on to greener pastures,
but his homepage can be found here.
Leroy Yellowhair
And finally we give an honorable mention to Leroy Yellowhair who helped to
generate the html version of the ACEPT newsletter.
He can be contacted via email
Page authored by the ACEPT W3 Group -- it DID take the whole group to do this one!
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504
Copyright © 1995-2000 Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved.