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Here is a list of the terms and definitions on each card.

Card 1:
Term: Cephalohematoma
Definition: Swelling that does not extend across suture lines due to subperiosteal (internal) hemorrhage. Occurs several hours after birth. May be associated with skull fracture. Monitor for jaundice due to absorbtion of red blood cells and elevation of bilirubin levels from hemorrhage.
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Card 2:
Term: Caput succedaneum
Definition: Diffuse swelling of the soft tissue of the scalp often extending over sutures. Due to pressure of uterus or vaginal wall on fetal head. Usually resolves in 24 to 48 hours.
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Card 3:
Term: Short Frenulum
Definition: Ankyloglossia. The frenulum or membrane that holds the tongue is short causing the infant to have difficulty feeding. The lay term is "tongue-tied." The frenulum may stretch or may need to be clipped to facilitate feeding and prevent speech problems.
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Card 4:
Term: Preauricular ear tag.
Definition: Extra piece of material on outside of ear. May be removed or not. Assess for renal abnormalities as the ears and kidneys formed at the same time embryologically.
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Card 5:
Term: Nasal Flaring
Definition: Widenning of the nares with inspiration. If persistent and associated with chestintracostal or subcostal retractions, respirations greater than 60, and grunting or singing indicates respiratory distress. Notify the physician.
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Card 6:
Term: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
Definition: Reddness in sclera of eye. May occur with difficult birth and be associated with facial bruising. No treatment. Resolves spontaneously.
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Card 7:
Term: Cleft lip
Definition: Incomplete closure of lip. Lay term "harelip." May be associated with cleft palate. May be breastfed or use a special bottle to feed. Surgical intervention needed.
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Card 8:
Term: Epstein's Pearls
Definition: Whitish-yellow cmall cycts on hard palate. Harmless and disappear within a few weeks.
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Card 9:
Term: Bohn's Nodules
Definition: Whitish-yellow nodules on gums. Disappear in a few weeks. Not significant.
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Card 10:
Term: Low-set Ear
Definition: Draw a line from the inner to the outer canthus of the eye to the insertion point of the ear. Insertion point of the ears which is lower that the line are low-set. This may be associated with trisomy-18.
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Card 11:
Term: Molding
Definition: Overlapping of cranial bones or shaping of the fetal head to accomodate the bony and soft parts of the birth canal during vaginal delivery. Infants born by c-section or breech birth will not have molding.
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Card 12:
Term: Cleft palate
Definition: Incomplete closure of the palate or roof of the mouth. Feeding difficulties. Often fed with a Haberman feeder until surgery is performed.
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Card 13:
Term: Anterior Fontanel and Posterior Fontanel Location
Definition: Point to the anterior fontanel. Point to the posterior fontanel on the image. Note that the anterior fontanel may be soft and does not close until 18 months. Follow the suture line from the anterior fontanel to the posterior side (back) of the head. The posterior fontanel may be barely palpable. It disappears by 6-8 weeks.
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Card 14:
Term: Dysconjugate movement of eyes
Definition: Due to weak eye muscles, the eyes may not move together. Another name is pseudostrabismus. This usually resolves without treatment.
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