Types of Occupation (5)
In service, (household, protective, other) there are 2,131 Latinos working compared to whites who have 13,201 working in same field.
In operators, fabricators, and laborers there are 22,472 Latinos as compared to whites who are 14,416.
Estimated Occupational Disease Morbidity in the United States (6)
Cancer: 6,679 - 11,113
Coronary Heart Disease: 3,650 - 7,300
- Cerebrvascular Disease: 505 - 1,440
Percentage of Latinos in Ten Occupations with the Largest number of Occupational Injuries/Illnesses (5)
Laborers (nonconstruction): 106,900 - 11.5%
Nurses' aides: 91,300 - 7.6%
Janitors and cleaners: 45,800 - 20.0%
Cooks: 31,500 - 12.8%
- Stock Handlers: 29,200 - 8.4%
In recent years the rate of work-related deaths for Latinos has been 20% higher than for Whites or African Americans. (3)