Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chicana and Chicano StudiesLatino Health Issues

What are the facts?


Bulimia nervosa went unacknowledged, lacking proper research, until after the 1970s,

when the death of Karen Carpenter, a beloved musician and longtime sufferer of

anorexia, hit reality for Americans in terms of the severity behind eating

disorders.(7)(2) Today, bulimia is the most commonly treated eating disorder next to

BED, short for binge eating disorder.(7) While Latinas and other women of color remain

largely excluded from the majority of the studies involving eating disorders among

women, reports show that Latinas have equal or greater concerns regarding body

image as their Anglo peers.(4) Apparently, many cases of eating disorders among

minority women often go unreported. (4) African American women, however, have

received more attention in studies regarding disordered eating than Asian and Hispanic

women alike. (7) Based on one particular study of approximately 900 middle school

girls in northern California, Latinas, followed by Asians, had the greatest levels of body

dissatisfaction out of all the ethnic groups including Anglo girls.(4)


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This site was created by Cecilia Ortiz in fulfillment of requirements for the course CSS 335: Latino Health Issues taught by Dr. Szkupinski Quiroga at Arizona State University, Spring 2004.