Acacia (Aromo) - Used for
digestive problems, increases appetite, treats diarrhea, and good
astringent. May be used when empacho (blockage) is
Aloe (Agave) - Aloe Vera.
Aloe is good for sunburns relieving pain and inflammation. Aloe has good
cicatrization effects in burns and minor wounds. It is used to control
constipation problems, digestive irritation, obesity problems and a way to
control and cure stomach ulcers.
Amaranth (Ataco) - Good
source of Calcium, Phosphorous, and Iron. They are high in protein,
mucilage, and natural sugars. It has astringent properties, used as
a diuretic, to stop menstrual disorders and to control sugar levels.
Avocado (Aguacate) - Lowers
sugar levels in the blood. The leaves help alleviate menstrual pain,
asthma, and bronchitis. The avocado also cures dysentery.
Barley (Cebada) - Alleviates
high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity. (Diabetes is common in
Latinos and this herb is commonly found in many stores, so the use of this
herb may be common).
Belladonna- Lessens
irritability and pain. It is used as a lotion, plaster or liniment
in cases of neuralgia, gout, rheumatism, and sciatica.
Cactus (Nopal) - Good source of
fiber. Treats digestive disorders, control cholesterol, high blood
pressure, colon cleanse, and obesity.
Cinnamon (Canela) - Improves
glucose and lipid levels for people with Type II diabetes. May
reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides for people not
taking insulin. Also used for nausea.
Damiana (Aguita de damiana) -
Used as an aphrodisiac and mood elevator. It regulates blood
circulation and hormone production. Useful for mild depression and
menstrual problems.
Echinacea (Equinacia) -
Boosts immune system to help in recovery of colds and flus.
Horse Tail (Cola de Caballo) -
Helps in controlling arthritic and rheumatic problems. It is a
diuretic, cleanses the urinary system, and heals bones and joints.
Hyssop (Hisopo) - Helps
coughs, shortness of breath, and wheezing.
Lemon Grass (Canita santa) -
Helps cure colds, stomach upsets, and lowers fever.
Psyllium- Helps diabetics
blood sugar level and controls cholesterol.
Stevia (Hierba de la mula) -
A natural sugar substitute with no calories. Stimulates the release
of insulin and regulates glucose. Reduces high blood pressure. (May be used by patients with Type II Diabetes).
Zapote (Mamey) - Used for
insomnia, hypertension, and malaria. Also helps control