CHM 233, Fall 2019, Midterm #1 Results (Both Onground and Hybrid Classes) |
Scroll to the bottom of this page for regrade instructions!
The results are summarized in the graphs below, which compares them with the scores from the last two times that I taught first semester organic. This years results are quite typical for a CHM 233 first midterm.
The online/hybrid class typically does slightly less well than the regular/onground class, and has a broader distribution of scores, and this is observed this year too.
Extra credit in this class is handled as follows. The exam is out of 175, if you get the extra credit question then you can receive more than 175 points for the exam. If you get a perfect score for all exams and quizzes and homework then you could in principle earn a total of 1020 points out of the 1000 available for the entire semester. So, don't get confused, the exam is out of 175, not 180, and the extra credit really is extra credit.
My advice at this point many of you will have heard before. If you really did study hard for this test and did not do as well as you expected to, then I WANT TO HELP YOU, but you need to come and see me as SOON AS POSSIBLE! I have office hours every day. If you know that you just didn't know the concepts going into this test then unfortunately you will need to work very hard to catch up now. The class starts top speed up a little from here and we won't be going over the basic concepts related to this material very much again, although we will see a lot of it again in the context of new material. But then your emphasis has to be on the new material and if you don't "get" something we have covered already then you will not be happy for the rest of the semester, you will be in a constant "fog" and will have to resort to memorizing rather than understanding.
If your score in this test was less than 70 points or so, then you need to ask yourself whether this semester is the best time for you to take this class, or what strategies are best for you for the rest of the semester. Please come and see me if you think that I can help.
Again, if you worked hard for this test and did not do well, then you must feel frustrated. I would too. Again, I encourage you to come and see me as soon as possible to see if we can make sure that doesn't happen again.
You can see your score by clicking HERE FOR THE REGULAR ONGROUND CLASS, and by by clicking HERE FOR THE ONLINE/HYBRID CLASS. As usual, you are identified by your "Posting ID #". The Column "Total" is the total points you received on the test, the column "% Score" represent your percentage score out of 175, and the column "Posn" represents your position in class out of the 380 students who took the test from the regular/onground class and the 169 who took the test from the online/hybrid class.
Regrades. We all are capable of making mistakes, and if you think that an error has been made in the grading of your test, I encourage you to bring it to my attention. Click HERE for instructions to request a regrade. I will NOT be doing regrades during office hours. Regrade requests must be delivered to me by Monday October 7th at the latest!