My final project begins with a book called Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements, written by Henry T. Brown in 1868.
The book is filled with illustrations and descriptions of mechanical components. Some examples:
I find mechanical devices such as these fascinating and want to be able to play around with them and incorporate them into my art. So, the goal of my project is to develop an efficient method by which I can convert these drawings into three-dimensional computer models, investigate their behavior with a modeling program that includes a physics engine, print these models out on a 3D rapid prototyper, and assemble the results into working models of the devices.
# 27
# 36
instructors: Dan Collins & Arius Elvikis |
spring 2008 |
arizona state university |
copyright 2008 alex schlegel. this work is licensed under a
creative commons attribution-noncommercial-share alike 3.0 license. |