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July 16, 2008

Welcome to the Lodestar Center Nonprofit News, formerly the Arizona Nonprofit Community Report. As always, we welcome your feedback and invite you to submit your news items for the next issue.

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What's New


The deadline to nominate for The Collaboration Prize is approaching (July 21, 2008)

$250,000 may await those you nominate for The Collaboration Prize. But you have to act fast: The nomination process closes at 5 p.m. EDT on July 21, 2008.

The Collaboration Prize will be awarded to a collaboration among two or more nonprofit organizations that each would otherwise provide the same or similar programs or services and compete for clients, financial resources and staff.

To qualify as a nominator, you must be familiar with the collaboration, but not employed by any of the participating organizations. Visit http://www.thecollaborationprize.org to learn more about the prize criteria and nomination process.

The Prize was created and is currently funded by The Lodestar Foundation, in collaboration with members of the Arizona-Indiana-Michigan (AIM) Alliance, a partnership that brings together The Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation at Arizona State University, the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, and the Johnson Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership at Grand Valley State University (Michigan).

Current offerings from ASU's Nonprofit Management Institute

Laws and Legal Issues Affecting Nonprofit Organizations (NMI 110)
July 25 – 26, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday

Learn about the legal framework under which tax-exempt organizations operate and are regulated including a discussion of the oversight responsibilities of the Internal Revenue Service and various state agencies as they relate to the nonprofit sector and tax-exempt organizations. Explore legal rights and fiduciary obligations of directors, trustees, officers and members of nonprofit organizations including a discussion of conflicts of interest, private inurement, private benefit, excess benefit and self-dealing transactions. Be apprised of legal and tax implications related to fundraising, charitable giving, political activities and commercial activities of tax-exempt organizations.

The Press, Power, & Politics (NMI 116)
August 8 – 9, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday

This course develops the knowledge and skills for nonprofit cause centered advocacy, how to build a campaign, mobile citizens/constituents for effective action, how to organize public messaging, and provides some idea and skills for how nonprofits can make their "message" known to external groups and provides techniques for practitioners to use when working with elected officials and media. It will cover the basic legal requirements for lobbying as well as provide simple techniques for communicating effectively to outside groups. Guest lecturers will provide real world suggestions on how to work with external constituencies and students will practice these techniques in mock-scenarios.

Effective Supervision (NMI 104)
August 15 - 16, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday

New supervisors and those seeking enhancement of supervisory effectiveness will gain insight on being an effective supervisor based on self-assessment and practical skill development. Review employment laws, behaviorally based interviewing, performance management, coaching and counseling, confident delegation and employee recognition and retention strategies.

All courses take place at the Mercado at the ASU Downtown Center, 502 E. Monroe in Phoenix.

Visit http://nmi.asu.edu/ to register today!

Questions? Contact the ASU Lodestar Center at 602-496-0500.



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Feeling the economic crunch? Find help at Arizona 2-1-1

With record home foreclosures, restrictions in the credit market, and increasing gasoline and food costs, all Arizonans are impacted by the economy right now. This project was designed to provide useful tips and resources to help you weather through the current tough economic times. Visit http://www.az211.gov, or review the information below:

  • Feeling the Economic Crunch? Brochure (PDF Reader Required)
  • Useful Tips to Stretch Your Dollar (PDF Reader Required)
  • Housing Assistance - Behind on your mortgage payment or facing foreclosure? For housing, mortgage, money management, and foreclosure assistance visit the Housing section.
  • Employment Assistance - Recently lost your job or worried about lay-offs? Arizona Workforce Connection is the place to go for unemployment insurance and employment and training resources. You can also find additional answers in the Employment section.
  • Dealing with Stress - Experiencing more family stress than usual? The Family Stress section contains information about health, wellness and counseling to help you and your family.
  • Paying the Bills - Having trouble paying the bills? For information on making your dollar stretch further, read the section on Paying the Bills. Visit Arizona Self Help for a free and easy way to find out if your family can get help from 25 different health and human services programs.

For information on other services and programs available to you, visit http://www.az211.gov.

Free Power Lunches for nonprofit professionals interested in public relations - The Public Relations Society of America

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Phoenix Chapter’s Community Relations Committee is now providing free power lunches for nonprofit professionals who want to learn more about public relations. These power lunches will help you:

  • Gain insight into the world of PR from experienced pros
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Network with PR professionals
  • Increase knowledge about local media opportunities
  • Design public relations plans

The power lunches are designed to provide professionals in the nonprofit industry with the support and knowledge needed to begin or grow a public relations plan. Whether you are just starting out in the public relations industry or are looking to gain more experience, PRSA can help!

For more information, or to schedule a lunch, please contact Cathy Planchard at 480-941-8497, or e-mail cathy@mindspace.net.

The Children's Museum of Phoenix is launching the Every Child free admissions program

The goal of Every Child is to ensure that all members of the region have the opportunity to attend the Children's Museum of Phoenix -- a place where children and families connect with their community through shared experiences. The program allows low-income or at-risk children and families to access the museum's rich learning environment, and experience programs and exhibits that reach out to any audience. Free passes will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis to organizations working specifically with low-income, or at-risk children, ages 0 to 10, and families.

Interested organizations must submit an Every Child Program application form to be considered for free admission passes.  Please follow this link to download the application:  http://childrensmuseumofphoenix.org/visit-the-museum/every-child-program.aspx

Completed applications can be sent to Caitlin King via e-mail at cking@childmusephx.org, or mail at P.O. Box 2439, Phoenix, AZ 85002.

WHO Foundation: Women Helping Others offers support for grassroots charities serving women and children

Grants are provided to organizations serving women and/or children in the United States and Puerto Rico. The foundation's priority is funding specific projects and programs addressing health and social service needs. The foundation recognizes the value of new programs created to respond to changing needs and will consider funding projects of an original or pioneering nature within an existing organization.

In order to qualify for funding, an organization must have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and be qualified to receive deductible charitable contributions. Organizations must have been incorporated for a minimum of three years prior to application. Preference will be given to organizations with an operating budget of $3 million or less, those not dependent on government grants, and those with greater organizational program costs than personnel costs.

Complete program guidelines and the 2009 funding application (Due September 9, 2008)  are available at the foundation's Web site: http://www.whofoundation.org/

The Herberger Theater Center will be home to three productions performed by the Stageworks Theater Company for the 2008 - 2009 season.

Stageworks is the Mesa Arts Center's family theater company and produces plays designed not only to introduce young people to the theater, but for the young spirit in everyone. The three productions will be  Senora Tortuga in November of 2008, Gooney Bird Greene and Her True Life Adventures in February of 2009 and The Emperor's New Clothes in April of 2009. This marks the first collaboration between Stageworks and the Herberger Theater Center. The goal with the new partnership is to bring these wonderful performances closer to school children in Central Phoenix and the West Valley. Most performances will be during the day for school children's field trips. There will be some weekend performances available. Exact performance times and ticket information will be announced soon. Check www.herbergertheatercenter.org for additional announcements. The Herberger Theatre Center is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support and foster the growth of the performing arts in Phoenix as the premier performance venue, art incubator, and advocate.

For more information about the Herberger Theater Center, please contact Amy Vynalek at 602-254-7399 ext 198, or visit www.herbergertheater.org.

The Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault joins Arizona's Children Association family of agencies

Arizona 's Children Association and the Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault (SACASA) proudly announce that the Center will join Arizona 's Children Association family of agencies. The Center will be a division of the 96-year old Arizona 's Children Association (AzCA), retaining its name, location, and full spectrum of programs. This collaboration enhances their identity, mission, and services; the Center will gain a statewide presence, and their administrative infrastructure will be streamlined and strengthened.

SACASA has been providing services to survivors of sexual violence and their families since 1973. It is the oldest and largest provider of sexual violence prevention and treatment in the state of Arizona, and the only organization in the state that provides comprehensive critical services. AzCA was founded in 1912 as Arizona Childrens' Home. For more than 96 years the agency has stayed true to its mission of Protecting Children and Preserving Families, serving more than 45,000 children and their families in all 15 counties in the state each year. AzCA's member agencies include Golden Gate Community Center, Las Familias, Child Haven, New Directions Institute for Infant Brain Development, and The Parent Connection.

Yavapai County Community Foundation seeks 2008 "Joy of Giving" award nominations

The Yavapai County Community Foundation is seeking nominations for the 2008 "Joy of Giving" awards that honor outstanding displays of philanthropy in Yavapai County. Categories include:

  • Philanthropist of the Year (individual)
  • Community Benefactor (community group)
  • Business Philanthropist
  • Youth (individual under the age of 25)

Nominees must have demonstrated some of the following attributes: outstanding contributions to improving the quality of life in Yavapai County, tangible results from a philanthropic history, innovative solutions to community problems, individual involvement and commitment to charitable causes, giving without personal gain or benefit, leadership by example and genuine caring for people and the community. Nominations should not exceed 200 words and should be mailed to Yavapai County Community Foundation, P.O. Box 34, Prescott, AZ 86302, or e-mail Traci Corey at tcorey@azfoundation.org. Nominations must be received by July 18. Awards will be presented on November 7 at the Prescott Resort. 

The second round of the AARP Foundation Women's Scholarship Program is now open

The second round of the AARP Foundation Women's Scholarship Program opened July 1, 2008. Nearly 250 women received educational assistance in the first round! At the close of the first round, 74 low-income women of ages 40 and up were awarded scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000 totaling $250,000. As a result of aggressive fund-raising by the AARP Foundation Women's Leadership Circle cabinet, and with the help of a partnership with AARP Foundation WorkSearch, nearly 175 additional women have received assistance towards achieving their educational goals.

The program is open to women 40+ whose income is within 150% of poverty. Priority is given to women who are raising the children of another family member, those in dead-end jobs and those who have been out of the paid workforce for five or more years. The program does not offer scholarships for graduate degrees. It seeks primarily to assist women who are in the final stages of their college or trade program. The program is funded by AARP and the AARP Foundation, with generous support from Bank of America and the Women's Leadership Circle cabinet.

To learn more about this program, or to apply, please visit http://www.aarpfoundationwlc.org/.

"SpacesToPlay.org" Web site created for public facilities and nonprofit organizations - Maricopa Council on Youth Sports and Physical Activity (MCYSPA)

The Maricopa Council on Youth Sports and Physical Activity is conducting a pilot test of the new Web site: www.SpacesToPlay.org. The Web site is a fun, interactive map and directory showcasing all sports and recreation facilities throughout the Valley! SpacesToPlay.org was created to promote the public facilities and nonprofit organizations throughout the community. More importantly, it strives to connect everyone with a great place to get active! There is an opportunity to add and edit facilities if you know of a site or amenity that is not yet posted. You are also welcome to submit a related nonprofit in their sport resource directory. Feedback and inquiry links also posted on www.SpacesToPlay.org.

McCarthy Heart Hats accepting grant applications

McCarthy Heart Hats, the community involvement arm of McCarthy Southwest Region, is seeking nonprofit applicants to benefit from its annual golf tournament proceeds. In past years the golf tournament has raised up to $50,000. The golf tournament will be held in December 2008, with the grant to be awarded soon thereafter. Seeking ways to put this money to good use in the community and are inviting 501(C)3 nonprofit organizations located in Maricopa County to apply for the funds. More than one organization may be selected as a recipient. This year’s tournament proceeds will be dedicated to nonprofits that support children and families experiencing dramatic economic need; and organizations that benefit active duty military, veterans and their families. Please carefully consider how your organization benefits these focus areas as you complete your application. If your nonprofit organization would like to be considered, please answer the following questions and mail or deliver to the following address for receipt no later than July 18th. Please limit your response to the questions below on no more than two 8 ½ x 11-inch pages. No supplemental materials or cover letters will be accepted. The applications will be reviewed by a committee of McCarthy volunteers. All applicants will be notified of the grant recipient via the email address provided on the application. A selection is anticipated by the end of August or beginning of September. McCarthy Heart Hats – Donation Review Committee
c/o B.J. Communications

340 E. Palm Lane, Suite 275
Phoenix, AZ 85004

  • Organization name, Organization web address (if available), Contact name, email address, phone and facsimile number, Physical address of your organization (Include mailing address if different) and Organization’s mission statement. Please provide details regarding the work of the organization.
  • Please identify a specific way that a gift of approximately $25,000 would benefit your organization. Include as much detail as possible

On a third page, please provide the following from your 2007 year-end or most recent annual financial statements:

  • Operating budget and general breakdown of expenses Total contributions received
  • Average corporate contribution
The third page is only for requested financial information.

Questions regarding this process can be directed to Sara Fleury, 602-277-9530 x226 or sfleury@mccarthy.com.

American Grants and Loans Book now available

The American Grants and Loans Book is now available. This publication contains valuable information with more than 1,800 financial programs, subsidies, scholarships, grants, and loans offered by the United States federal government. It also includes over 700 financing programs put forth by various foundations and associations across the United States. Businesses, students, individuals, municipalities, government departments, institutions, foundations, and associations will find a wealth of information that will help them with their new ventures or existing projects. What you get: Description of grant available; URL to government Web-site; full mailing address, phone, and fax number. The Canadian Subsidy Directory is also available for Canada. CD version: $69.95
Printed version: $149.95

To order please call: 819-322-7533



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Calendar of grants-related events - Just Grants! Arizona
Multiple dates and locations

Following are the grants- and fundraising-related events posted at the JUST GRANTS! Arizona calendar for the next 30 days. For complete details on these events, just click on the event name. For complete details on all listings, visit: http://www.azgrants.com/events/events.cfm. If you have a grant or fundraising event that you'd like them to post, just e-mail the details to them at sally.clifford@grantsusa.net. NOTE: All listings are provided free of charge.

Conflict resolution workshop - Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona
July 18, 2008 (Tucson)

Different sensitivities in the workplace can create disagreements and friction. Taking an emotionally intelligent approach to conflict can make you less stressed and more productive. This workshop will walk participants through the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Resolution Mode Instrument, to help identify the five modes of handling conflict, discuss personal behavior patterns in response to conflict, and alternatives to personal patterns of resolving conflict.

Learning Objectives: Analyze personal styles of interaction when handling conflict Identify steps to improve resolution of conflict

Presenter: Dr. Michael Engs has served on several Tucson nonprofit boards and holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University. He has extensive experience with training employees and students in issues related to personality and temperament.

Date: July 18, 2008
Time: 8 a.m. - Noon
Cost: FREE - made possible by a United Way capacity building grant
Location: Volunteer Center of southern Arizona, 924 N. Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85711. This location is handicap accessible.
Primary Contact: Marilyn Robinson, 520-881-3300.
Directions: The Volunteer Center is located at Speedway & Alvernon - 2 blocks south, on east side of street

Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards workshop - Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona
July 23, 2008 (Tucson)

Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards is a free workshop made possible by a United Way capacity-building grant. An effective board is the foundation of an effective nonprofit organization. In this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of the nonprofit board's roles and responsibilities. Specific topics include the board's role in policy making, financial stewardship, and strategic planning. This workshop will feature Scott Ingram, MBA, as its presenter. Scott Ingram is the Vice President of the Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona. He has served as a board member of several Tucson nonprofit organizations himself, and has prepared hundreds of volunteer board members for their challenging and diverse responsibilities.

Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Time: 8 a.m. - Noon
Cost: Free
Agency: Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona, Tucson
Primary Contact: Marilyn Robinson, 520-881-3300,
Location: 924 N. Alvernon Way Tucson, AZ 85711 This location is handicap accessible
Directions: The Volunteer Center is located at Speedway & Alvernon - 2 blocks south on east side of street

Laws and Legal Issues Affecting Nonprofit Organizations (NMI 110) - ASU's Nonprofit Management Institute
July 25 – 26 (Phoenix)

Laws and Legal Issues Affecting Nonprofit Organizations (NMI 110)
July 25 – 26, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday

Learn about the legal framework under which tax-exempt organizations operate and are regulated including a discussion of the oversight responsibilities of the Internal Revenue Service and various state agencies as they relate to the nonprofit sector and tax-exempt organizations. Explore legal rights and fiduciary obligations of directors, trustees, officers and members of nonprofit organizations including a discussion of conflicts of interest, private inurement, private benefit, excess benefit and self-dealing transactions. Be apprised of legal and tax implications related to fundraising, charitable giving, political activities and commercial activities of tax-exempt organizations.

All courses take place at the Mercado at the ASU Downtown Center, 502 E. Monroe in Phoenix.

Visit http://nmi.asu.edu/ to register today!

Questions? Contact the ASU Lodestar Center at 602-496-0500.

"The Big 3 of Sustainability" nonprofit management seminar - Stewart Communications
July 30, 2008 (Prescott Valley)

"The Big 3 of Sustainability - Friendraising, Fundraising, and Corporate Relations" will be presented Wednesday, July 30 from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. in Prescott Valley by Debbie Stewart of Stewart Communications, a nonprofit management consultancy. This seminar is designed to help your nonprofit stop wasting time chasing funding. This is the second in a series of Management Seminars for nonprofit organizations. Registration and fee required. See complete details at http://www.SeatOfOurPantsSeminars.com, or call 928-778-3747.

The Press, Power, & Politics – ASU’s Nonprofit Management Institute
August 8 – 9 (Phoenix)

The Press, Power, & Politics (NMI 116)
August 8 – 9, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday

This course develops the knowledge and skills for nonprofit cause centered advocacy, how to build a campaign, mobile citizens/constituents for effective action, how to organize public messaging, and provides some idea and skills for how nonprofits can make their "message" known to external groups and provides techniques for practitioners to use when working with elected officials and media. It will cover the basic legal requirements for lobbying as well as provide simple techniques for communicating effectively to outside groups. Guest lecturers will provide real world suggestions on how to work with external constituencies and students will practice these techniques in mock-scenarios.

All courses take place at the Mercado at the ASU Downtown Center, 502 E. Monroe in Phoenix.

Visit http://nmi.asu.edu/ to register today!

Questions? Contact the ASU Lodestar Center at 602-496-0500.

Effective Supervision - ASU’s Nonprofit Management Institute
August 15 – 16 (Phoenix)

Effective Supervision (NMI 104)
August 15 - 16, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday

New supervisors and those seeking enhancement of supervisory effectiveness will gain insight on being an effective supervisor based on self-assessment and practical skill development. Review employment laws, behaviorally based interviewing, performance management, coaching and counseling, confident delegation and employee recognition and retention strategies.

All courses take place at the Mercado at the ASU Downtown Center, 502 E. Monroe in Phoenix.

Visit http://nmi.asu.edu/ to register today!

Questions? Contact the ASU Lodestar Center at 602-496-0500.

You & the Alliance Webinar - Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits
August 19 (Online)

Do you have questions about the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits? Do you wonder what they do? Are you a member already, but need more information about their programs and benefits?

"Walk through" the Alliance during this 30-minute Webinar. Alliance staff will answer your questions and connect you to the knowledge you need.

Don't fear the technology - if you have a telephone and an Internet connection that you can use at the same time, you have all the technology you need for this session. No software downloads, no training required.

Date/Time: Tuesday, August 19, 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (11 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for individuals connecting from the Navajo Nation).

Location: Online
Cost: Free

For more information: http://www.arizonanonprofits.org/events/eventdetails.aspx?id=130

Learn the ABC's of web conferencing - Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits webinar
August 27, 2008 (Online)

How can your organization use webinars? Daily teleconferencing: hold board and committee meetings, collaborate with colleagues across the state or country. Phone and web meetings: share your desktop. Work on budgets or present slide presentations. Communicate with your donors and other stakeholders. Training: recruit and train new volunteers, board or staff members. Simplify and save: save time and money. Reduce travel expenses. ReadyTalk makes conferencing simple for everyone.

Enhance your organization's meetings, regardless of technical knowledge, office location, or type of computer you are using. All you need is a telephone and computer with an internet connection. Hold meetings from your office, home, or cell phone at your convenience.

Date/Time: Wednesday, August 27, 10 - 11 a.m. (11 a.m. - 12 p.m. for individuals connecting from the Navajo Nation).
Location: Online
Cost: Free
For more information: please visit this Web page.
To register: contact Tracey Grant at tracey.grant@readytalk.com.

Institute of Supporting Children and Families of Guard and Reserve - The Military Child Education Coalition, and Arizona Operation: Military Kids
Sept. 11 - 12, 2008 (Tucson)

The Military Child Education Coalition’s “Supporting Children of the National Guard and Reserve Institute” is a professional development program for educators and professionals to reach out in a support network to the children and families of the National Guard and Reserve. The conference includes two continental breakfasts, two lunches, two breaks with refreshments, and conference materials (no registration, meal, or resource material cost to participants). The curriculum, content, process, and delivery are correlated with the National Staff Development Council’s standards, and the National Standards for School Counseling Programs. Because the Institute is very interactive, and participation is required to fully benefit from this training, participants must commit to attend both days. This event is funded by U.S. FMWRC-CYS.

How to Register: Register online at http://www.militarychild.org/Institutes.asp.

Deadline for Registration: August 22, 2008.

Date: September 11-12, 2008 (training is a two-day session)
Time:  8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (both days)
Location:  Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites (5151 E. Grant Road Tucson, AZ 85712)
Cost: None
Participants are responsible for travel and overnight accommodations.

Explore your options in unemployment insurance: limit your liability and hold down costs - Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits webinar
Sept. 18 or 19, 2008 (Online)

How your organization manages its unemployment will have a major effect on your operating budget. Are you maximizing your efforts to control your state unemployment insurance costs? Join the Alliance and First Nonprofit Insurance Companies to: learn preventative measures within your organization which can eliminate or reduce your potential liability; discuss the eligibility requirements that determine when claimants meet the qualifications for unemployment benefits and the progression of unemployment claims; learn what unemployment insurance plans are available for your organization due to your 501(c)(3) status; discuss the pros and cons of covering your unemployment through the state unemployment tax pool, a third party, or self-insuring; identify how these coverage alternatives will improve your bottom line.

Date/Time: Thursday or Friday, Sept. 18 or 19, 10 - 11 a.m. (11 a.m. - 12 p.m. on the Navajo Nation)
Location: Online
Cost: Free
For more information: http://www.arizonanonprofits.org/get-involved/UI2008.aspx.

Grant Writing 101 For DummiesŪ and everyone else! - The Grant Writing Training Foundation
September 19, 2008 (Mesa)

The Grant Writing Training Foundation is sponsoring a Grant Writing Boot Camp featuring Dr. Bev Browning, author of Grant Writing for Dummies and other grant writing guides. This session is designed to give volunteers, board members, program staff, and others a detailed overview of how to research and write winning corporate and foundation grant proposals. Supportive instruction includes: how to find grant funding opportunities; how to write multiple types of grant request formats; how to craft a winning proposal narrative; what funders want to fund; in-kind and direct costs in your budget—what do they mean?; why grant proposals are rejected; follow-up expectations from funders; and 40 tips to winning a phenomenal grant award.

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how to locate information on Arizona corporate and foundation grant makers.
  • Understand how to match funders’ priorities to your specific community project needs.
  • Understand how to write a corporate letter request.
  • Understand how to write a Common Grant Application award winning narrative.
  • Understand the type of follow-up accountability practices expected of all grantees.

Date: September 19, 2008.
Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: University of Phoenix – Mesa Learning Center 1620 S. Stapley, Mesa, AZ
Cost: $99 per person.

To download flyer and registration form, visit http://www.grantwritingbootcamp.us/mesaazsept08.html, or call 480-768-7400 for more information.

Grantsmanship Training Program - The Grantsmanship Center
Sept. 22 - 26, 2008 (Mesa)

The Grantsmanship Training Program covers all aspects of researching grants, writing grant proposals, and negotiating with funding sources. During the workshop, participants learn The Grantsmanship Center proposal writing format. Upon completion of the training, participants receive free follow-up, including professional proposal review, access to The Grantsmanship Center online funding databases, and an array of other benefits.

Date: Sept. 22 - 26
Location: City of Mesa Library, 64 East 1st Street
Cost: Tuition for the Grantsmanship Training Program is $895 ($845 for each additional registrant from the same organization).
Registration: To ensure personalized attention, class size is limited to 30 participants. To register online, to learn about scholarship opportunities for qualifying organizations, or for more information, visit http://www.tgci.com . Or, call The Grantsmanship Center Registrar at 800-421-9512.

Evidence-Based Child & Teen Mental Health: The First National Institute for Primary Care Providers - ASU College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, and the ASU School of Social Work
Oct. 8 - 10 (Scottsdale)

The ASU College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation and the ASU School of Social Work have teamed up to sponsor the "Evidence-Based Child & Teen Mental Health: The First National Institute for Primary Care Providers" three-day Workshop and Conference, held at The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona, from October 8 through 10. This seminar will focus on mental health issues affecting teens in society today.

Who should attend: Nurse practitioners, clinical specialists, staff and office nurses, educators and administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, school nurses and psychiatrists, and physicians.

Accommodations: The seminar is being hosted by the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, located at 6902 E. Greenway Parkway, Scottsdale, AZ 85254. Web-site: www.kierlandresort.com. To receive the conference room rate, call 480-624-1343 before Sept. 12, 2008, and identify yourself as an ASU College of Nursing Conference attendee. For more information about the hotel and transportation, please visit http://nursing.asu.edu/ace.

For Registration Information: Please call 480-965-7431, e-mail ACE@asu.edu, or visit http://nursing.asu.edu/ace/courses/ebpctmh/index.htm.

Business On Board - Arts & Business Council of Greater Phoenix
Oct. 10, 17, & 24 (Phoenix)

Overview: Session topics include: Board Roles and Responsibilities, Marketing and PR, Legal and Ethical Responsibilities, Diversity, Fundraising, Financial Responsibilities, Succession Planning, Strategic Planning, Advocacy and Politics. For more information: Click Here.

Register at: http://www.artsbusinessphoenix.org/; or contact Dan Cortez, Director of Marketing for the Arts & Business Council of Greater Phoenix, at 602-234-4711; or e-mail dcortez@artsbusinessphoenix.org.

Date: October 10, 17 & 24, 2008
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fee: $995

Autism 2 Amazing Alliance – Breaking UP Walls
Oct. 18 (Phoenix)

Breaking UP Walls is hosting a day for autism in Arizona,
October 18, 2008, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The free, day-long event will be hands-on, and is open to everyone in the state who wishes to dialogue and network with others. Learning centers, vendors, speakers, and presenters will be available. Breaking UP Walls, along with other artists, will be creating an abstract mural on the Sierra Vista School grounds with autistic participants. Monthly meeting schedules are planned and everyone is invited to attend. Call for schedule times. Vendors, educators, and interested companies wishing to showcase ideas are encouraged.

For years, Breaking UP Walls Founder/CEO Colette Eckard has been on the cutting edge of using art to educate Special Needs youth. Breaking UP Walls' success at using art as a mentoring tool, healing/therapy model, and creative outlet, has lead her to offer the community an opportunity to collaborate through paper and paint. Attendees will travel to learning centers, gaining skills and hands-on experiences from parents, teachers, mentors, and professionals involved with autism. Everyone will have the chance to visit, and share their experiences and stories, heartaches and disappointments, as well as reinforce each other, facilitate, gain wisdom and knowledge, and leave inspired and challenged.

For more information, call Breaking UP Walls at 602-368-8885.

Smart Generosity, 2nd Annual Art of Giving Luncheon - Arizona Grantmakers Forum
Oct. 22 (Phoenix)

Arizona Grantmakers Forum is proud to host a conversation with noted author Renata J. Rafferty, the nation’s leading advocate for informed philanthropy. Her presentation is guaranteed to help you dramatically improve the quality of life in your community, and experience a deeper personal satisfaction in your charitable giving.

Attendees will also receive a copy of Rafferty’s newly released book, Smart Generosity: How to Make the Most of Your Charitable Giving, which provides
a comprehensive guide to defining your personal, family, or corporate philanthropic focus.

Date/Time: Oct. 22, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Arizona Biltmore

Register now. Visit http://www.azgrantmakers.org/ for more information. For more information, contact Lauren Bashaw, Manager of Member Services & Communications 602-977-2756 ext. 109, or e-mail lbashaw@azgrantmakers.org.

Living in the New Normal Institute - The Military Child Education Coalition, and Arizona Operation: Military Kids
November 6 - 7, 2008 (Phoenix)

The Military Child Education Coalition’s Living In the New Normal (LINN) Institute is a professional development program that prepares school guidance professionals, administrators, other educators, and community members to recognize and address issues and concerns of children experiencing trauma, grief, and loss. The LINN curriculum, content, process, and delivery are correlated with the National Staff Development Council’s standards, and the National Standards for School Counseling Programs. In addition, LINN is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education Training (IACET), the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC), and several state education agencies. This event is funded by U.S. FMWRC-CYS.

How to Register: Register online at http://www.militarychild.org/Institutes.asp.
Deadline for Registration: October 24, 2008.
Date: November 6 - 7, 2008 (training is a two-day session)
Time:  8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (both days)
Location: Embassy Suites Phoenix Airport at 24th St. (2333 E. Thomas Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85016)
Cost: None
Participants are responsible for travel and overnight accommodations.


Job Opportunities

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Executive / CEO
Executive - Every Voice in Action Foundation (Tucson)

Description: Every Voice in Action Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit private foundation headquartered in Tucson, Ariz., and serving the greater Tucson area, seeks an experienced executive who has demonstrated commitment to youth voice and innovation, and is a dynamic, motivated, and visionary leader with strong administrative, organizational, communication, community networking, advocacy, and team-building skills. This position features a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Complete position description can be viewed at http://www.everyvoicefoundation.org.

How to Apply: To apply, submit (e-mail only) a cover letter addressing the position description and major qualifications, and a current resume including the names and contact information for three references (references will be contacted for finalists only), by August 1, 2008, to: searchcommittee@everyvoicefoundation.org.

Executive/CEO - Unity of Phoenix

Description: The executive director, as administrative leader of the ministry, will be directly responsible to the board of trustees for the overall allocation, and management, of the organization's assets - including human capital and financial resources. This position's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: lead and manage the administrative responsibilities of the organization at a CEO level; coordinate with the lead minister to ensure the overall leadership of the organization, and, in particular, the support needed for the ministerial functions. This position also collaborates with, and learns from, the surrounding team. Experience in environments demanding high levels of customer and/or volunteer service is desired. Candidate must have the ability to energize teams to perform to the top of their ability, as well as possess strong financial management and strategic planning skills.

Qualifications: Must have a strong, personal, faith-based foundation. Must have a bachelor's degree, with 10 years of experience in a similar, or related position.

How to apply: For a full job description, more information, or to apply, please contact Georgia McGraw at: 602-615-7811; fax, 602-942-8555; e-mail, ballmcgraw@att.net with subject line "UOP-ED".

Administrative Assistant - Herberger Theater Center (Phoenix)

Description: The Herberger Theater Center seeks an administrative assistant to provide support to the president, vice president, director of development, and marketing director. In addition to general office management, this position provides clerical and special event support for the development department, schedules coordination for administrative staff, and provides organizational and clerical support for the president, vice president, and board of directors. Salary is commensurate with experience. This position offers a comprehensive benefits package. The Herberger Theater Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Qualifications: Must have working knowledge of Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. Experience with Raiser's Edge development software is a plus. Must be detail oriented, with excellent written and verbal communication skills.

How to Apply: Send cover letter and resume to laustin@herbergertheater.org. No calls, please.

Administrative/Project Coordinator - Arizona Geriatrics Society (Phoenix)

Description: The Arizona Geriatrics Society is seeking a motivated individual for a part-time (20 hours per week) project coordinator position. AZGS is a nonprofit professional organization of physicians and allied healthcare professionals that provide care to older adults. This key position supports the executive director, assists with daily operations, coordinates registration logistics for events, and maintains membership databases. This position will process memberships (new and renewals/invoices, etc.); maintain membership databases; reconcile membership reports; process receipt/deposit of checks, and post into QuickBooks; collect credit card fees; develop and maintain various databases; generate documents and materials; maintain master mailing lists; help maintain Web site and PC applications; coordinate registrations and logistics for events; and perform office duties, such as answering phone calls/e-mails/faxes, order supplies, filing, etc.

Qualifications: High school diploma, plus two+ years administrative experience providing support required; associate's degree in business, office administration, healthcare or equivalent combination of education/experience preferred. Must have excellent written, verbal communication, and interpersonal skills, excellent phone skills, and a highly developed customer orientation. Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) is required; experience with QuickBooks, Publisher and MemberClicks is preferred. Must be a team player, quick learner, and problem solver; must be able to multi-task and prioritize projects. Ideal candidate is reliable, personable, detail oriented, organized, and accurate. Reliable transportation is required.

How To Apply: Interested applicants should e-mail cover letter and resume to trudykies@arizonageriatrics.org. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Client Relations Manager - Fresh Start Women's Foundation (Phoenix)

Description: The Client Relations Manager is responsible for overseeing day-to-day functioning of a busy front desk and reception area. Responsibilities include management and training of all front desk staff and volunteers, coordination between all agency departments, leading all new client orientations, participation and input as a member of the management team, and general facilitation of client and guest traffic through the Women's Resource Center. While operating in the management position, the client relations manager is also responsible for the duties required of all front desk staff (client relations specialists). Client relations specialists are the first point of contact for welcoming all clients, guests, and volunteers to the center. This position is intensely focused on providing a high level of customer service with a level of empathy and understanding of the diverse situations which bring clients into the center. Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment, answering a high volume of calls while directing and assisting incoming clients, is essential to success in this position. Attention to detail is required in completion of various administrative tasks. Education or experience in a human services setting is strongly preferred.

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree with 2+ years of related customer and/or client service experience; associate's degree with 5+ years' office/clerical experience, management experience preferred. Bilingual preferred. Proven interpersonal skills, including experience with customer service related conflict management, is desired. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, and strong computer skills (M.S. Office: Word, Excel, Outlook etc.) are necessary. Must have proven organizational skills and attention to detail.

How to Apply: Please submit resume with cover letter to kmckinney@fswf.org. No phone calls please.

Administrative Assistant - Pat Tillman Foundation (Tempe)

Description: Professional, polished administrative assistant sought to provide general administrative support, including phone, mail, donor correspondence, proofing and editing of documents and communications, Web site maintenance, office supply procurement, calendaring and meeting coordination, travel arrangements, and filing. This position also processes donation checks, performs data entry into Salesforce.com, prepares bank deposits, and performs invoice validation and payment in Quick Books Pro. This position works with Kintera web-based fundraising tools, manages the data integrity of mailing and e-mailing databases, creates a quarterly e-newsletter, and prepares annual state registration forms. This position reports to the operations manager, and provides support for all foundation staff, as requested.

Qualifications: Must be a high school graduate; have 3+ years prior experience; MS Office and Outlook proficiency; Quick Books Pro experience; prior nonprofit and executive director support experience preferred. The ideal candidate will also have some bookkeeping experience. Salary range: $30,000-$38,000 DOE. Benefits: paid vacation, group health & dental insurance. Location and hours: Downtown Tempe; 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

How to Apply: Please send an e-mail to application@pattillmanfoundation.org to apply. Deadline for applications: July 18, 2008.
Development Assistant - The Phoenix Symphony (Phoenix)

Description: This position provides key administrative support to a dynamic professional development team for the leading symphonic orchestra in the Southwest, The Phoenix Symphony. This position performs the following functions: maintain member and donor records & files; prepare donor recognition letters; produce development reports; assist with gift processing; assist with events; maintain Web site; prepare general correspondence; arrange travel; purchase supplies; and maintain schedules where needed. Work requires some evenings during concert season. The position reports to the director of development, and has frequent interaction with a development team of six, and with other symphony staff, board members, volunteers, and donors. Benefits : paid vacation, personal days, health, dental, and life insurance, parking and tickets to symphony concerts.

Qualifications: Associate's degree, or equivalent nonprofit related experience. Must have demonstrated experience in MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, and Outlook. Must have the ability to use the Tessitura computer software system for development purposes. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail required, along with good communication skills, and the ability to function as a team member in an exciting and fast-paced environment.

How to Apply: Please send resume and cover letter by July 30, 2008 to: Dalen Holmes, The Phoenix Symphony, One N. First Street, Suite 200, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. Or, call 602-495-1117 ext. 431 for more information.

Director of Internal Support - New Global Citizens (Phoenix)

Description: New Global Citizens is seeking to hire a dynamic, innovative, creative leader to fill a new position as director of internal support.  Working with an entrepreneurial team of staff, the director of internal support will have the opportunity to manage the support systems to help build a national movement of young people who are aware of, and equipped, to tackle the greatest challenges faced by communities around the world. New Global Citizens operates in an entrepreneurial environment in which individual staff members own, manage, and lead certain functions within the organization to keep the movement growing in an innovative and efficient manner. To that end, the director of internal support is responsible for the following functions: budgeting process, human resources, facility management and technology, legal activities, audit, and overall organizational evaluation. Some travel will be required. Competitive compensation package based upon experience. 

How to Apply: Cover letter, resume and salary requirements may be submitted by e-mail to joinstaff@newglobalcitizens.org, or by fax to 602-263-0510.  Resumes accepted until position is filled.

Office Manager - New Global Citizens (Phoenix)

Description: New Global Citizens is seeking to hire a dynamic, innovative, creative leader to fill a new position as Office Manager.  Working with an entrepreneurial team of staff, the Office Manager will have the opportunity to administratively support the staff helping to build a national movement of young people who are aware of, and equipped, to tackle the greatest challenges faced by communities around the world. The Office Manager position is the glue that holds the office together.  Projects will span a breadth of the organization and the position will be responsible for working in a fast paced environment to help develop, implement and maintain sound practices related to daily operational issues.  Some travel will be required. Competitive compensation package based upon experience. 

How to Apply: Cover letter, resume and salary requirements may be submitted by e-mail to joinstaff@newglobalcitizens.org, or by fax to 602-263-0510. Resumes accepted until position is filled.

Fundraising / Financial
Chief Financial Officer - Advocates for the Disabled, Inc. (Phoenix)

Description: This position supports the Executive Director by handling activities related to business functions and office administration: assumes responsibility for overall financial and accounting work of the agency, including agency billings, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll reporting, and troubleshooting accounting financial systems; assists in the preparation of the agency budget; maintains files of all agency contracts, subcontracts, and leases; provides financial information when requested and maintains integrity of accounting and data base systems and internal control systems; ensures the timely and accurate reporting of all financial activity in compliance with agency policies and procedures; maintains positive working relationship with agency staff, funding sources, and clients; assists executive director with development needs, grant writing, and representing the agency in community.

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in accounting with heavy emphasis in business preferred. Associate's degree in accounting, computer science, or other business subject, with considerable experience, may substitute. Requires a minimum of five years full-time, paid employment as either a business manager or financial manager, which must include two years of experience in accounting/bookkeeping, accounts receivable, plus supervisory experience. Experience in not-for-profit human services environment is preferred. Skills required include the ability to speak and write clearly; strong computer skills, including networking; ability to work with people under stress; strong attention to detail; ability to coordinate a great number of activities at once; ability to work with figures accurately; and ability to supervise staff. This person must be able to step in and oversee operation of agency as needed, and work well as a team player.

How to Apply: For more information about this position, or to apply, please contact Sherry Whitener at 602-212-2600, or e-mail afdagency@advocatesforthedisabled.org.

Assistant Director, Central Development/Foundation Development/GIFT Center - University of Arizona Foundation (Tucson)

Description: The assistant director helps direct the foundation development program and the Grant Information, Facilitation, and Training (GIFT) Center, which supports the charitable grantseeking efforts of University of Arizona faculty and staff. The assistant director will join a vibrant team in identifying, cultivating, and stewarding foundation prospects and donors; assisting campus development professionals, faculty, and staff with the grant proposal and award process; coordinating the activities of the GIFT Center. This position reports to the director of foundation development/GIFT Center. Outstanding University of Arizona Foundation benefits include health, dental, and life insurance; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; defined and supplemental retirement plans; and more.

How to Apply: Please find detailed information at http://www.uafoundation.org/resources/jobopenings.html, reference job number CD0802. Contact Laurie Carlin, UA Foundation Human Resources Manager, at hrdept@al.arizona.edu with any questions about this position.

Part-time accounting assistant - Scottsdale Public Art Department (Scottsdale)

Description: The Scottsdale Public Art Department has an immediate opening for a part-time accounting assistant. This position will work closely with the public art department in computing, classifying, maintaining records, and verifying numerical data for use in maintaining public art invoicing and records. This position verifies and posts details of business transactions, such as funds received and disbursed, and totals accounts to ledgers or computer spreadsheets and databases. It also reconciles report discrepancies and problems in coordination with Scottsdale Community College and City of Scottsdale. He/she will conduct basic research, develop basic reports, run accounting reports, track year-end projections, and analyze basic data. EOE.

Qualifications: Associate's degree, or equivalent, from two-year college or technical school; or six months to one year related experience and/or training; or, equivalent of education and experience.

How to Apply: Submit your resume with cover letter to resumes@sccarts.org.

Volunteer and Board liaison - ASU Foundation (Tempe)

Description: The volunteer and board liaison staffs the volunteer and board committees of ASUF, on behalf of the foundation president, to optimize their engagement with ASU. They will plan and implement programs and activities that ensure the ASU Foundation board and volunteers are fully connected to, involved with, and informed about Arizona State University and the ASU Foundation. The liaison will work with foundation leadership to develop and execute engagement plans for each board member, based on their interests in, and commitments to, ASU. The liaison will have regular interaction will the board and volunteers, the president and CEO of the foundation, the executive team of the foundation, and chair of the board. The volunteer and board liaison will provide a critical service and central point of contact for responding to volunteer and board inquiries, anticipating their needs for regular contact, leveraging their networks, and connecting them to leaders within the university and the foundation. The ASU Foundation offers a competitive compensation and benefits package, including medical, dental, and vision insurance; a 401(k) plan, and reduced tuition at ASU. For more information on the ASU Foundation, visit their Web site at http://www.asufoundation.org.

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree, plus five years of senior management level experience, or nonprofit management experience working with volunteers, or equivalent. The successful candidate will be able to facilitate relationships and interests between board members and the ASU Foundation; able to identify and implement actions that achieve/support goals and priorities; able to organize and coordinate efforts of multiple individuals/departments while ensuring details are addressed; able to analyze and interpret detailed information; able to function independently in a multi-task environment; strong planning and organizational skills; able to identify, address, and assist needs as a part of the foundation team; excellent written and spoken language, including command of grammar and usage; proficient computer skills, including Word, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, and Outlook; able to work in a fast paced environment with a high level of accuracy, and with the utmost confidentiality.

How to Apply: If interested in the volunteer and board liaison position, please send your resume, salary requirements, and cover letter to asufhr@asu.edu indicating the job title in the subject line.

Prospect Researcher - Make-A-Wish Foundation of America (Phoenix)

Description: This position conducts research necessary to the foundation's fundraising efforts. The individual maintains assigned prospect portfolios, analyzes financial data, and identifies major gift prospects, utilizing electronic searching methodologies and creative research techniques. In addition, the candidate works closely with the manager of prospect management and research to create a proactive prospect pipeline for major gift fundraising.

Qualifications: The position requires a bachelor's degree, or a relevant combination of education and experience. The ideal candidate will possess experience using Raiser's Edge, Crystal Reports, fundraising databases, research tools, and Microsoft Office Suite. Strong analytical and project management skills, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills, are required.

How to Apply: Submit resume and cover letter, stating the position being applied for, to: Human Resources, Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, Fax: 602-279-0855; E-mail: hr@wish.org. For further information, please visit www.wish.org.

Donor Care Manager - Make-A-Wish Foundation of America (Phoenix)

Description: This management position directs all gift, pledge, and receipt processing activities for the national office and is responsible for overseeing customer service and fulfillment operations. In addition, the individual will serve as the Raisers Edge donor database manager and will coordinate and produce reports necessary to plan and execute major gift and corporate development activities.

Qualifications: This position requires a bachelor's degree or a combination of relevant experience and education that contribute directly to the position. The ideal candidate will possess experience and education that contribute directly to the position. The ideal candidate will possess experience using Blackbauds Raisers Edge and Crystal Reports and proficiency with the role of stewardship and recognition in donor development. Exceptional verbal & written communication and organizational skills, attention to detail, and ability to manage a high volume of data processing are necessary. Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint, and ability to travel for job-related duties are required.

How to Apply: Submit resume and cover letter via e-mail to Human Resources, Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, at hr@wish.org.

Manager of Annual Giving - The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix (Phoenix)

Description: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix has an exciting opportunity for a manager of annual giving. In this newly created position, you will help them develop a culture of philanthropy as they advance their development efforts in their commitment to Kids Come First! This position will be responsible for managing the activities related to cultivation and solicitation of annual gifts. It will also develop and recommend strategies that utilize direct mail campaigns, mass solicitation, telemarketing, and board volunteers, to identify and solicit specific donations from individuals and corporate donor prospects. It will also create supporting print materials, and maintain records of activities. Must be able to work flexible hours.

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree, and familiarity with Raiser's Edge is preferred. Must be mission driven. Requires direct, relevant experience with managing annual campaigns. Knowledge of fundraising principles, direct mail, and telemarketing solicitations, budgeting and volunteer management is needed. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing, and establish cooperative working relationships is a must.

How to Apply: Please send resume with salary requirements to: Carol Sterling, HR Manager, Boys & Girls Clubs, Metropolitan Phoenix, via e-mail at csterling@bgcmp.org (preferred), or via mail at 2645 N. 24th St., Phoenix, AZ 85008.

Development and Grant Associate - Central Arizona Shelter Services (Phoenix)

Description: Essential duties for the position include:

  • Establishing a system to collect, organize, maintain, and report on agency data relating to public and private sector grants.
  • Generating financial and program/outcome reports as needed to fulfill grant requirements.
  • Completing general contract management tasks.
  • DonorPerfect input, including in-kind donations, contacts, and contact reporting.
  • Preparing agency thank you letters to donors and supporters.
  • Provide administrative support for board of directors, including preparing board meeting agenda/materials, creating and editing minutes, and maintaining compliance documentation.
  • Providing support for annual board campaign.
  • Providing general support to the development team.

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; nonprofit experience preferred. Skills/ Abilities/ Competencies required:

  • Excellent organizational skills to manage large volume and competing priorities.
  • Ability to prioritize and work under the pressure of deadlines.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • High degree of analytic ability to manage financial responsibilities.
  • Highly responsible, with excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills.
  • Excellent customer service skills and professional attitude.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office, database management and web-based software.

Skills/ Abilities/ Competencies preferred:

  • Experience with, and proven ability in, grants management activities.
  • Budget reporting for large federal grants; community development block grants; state/local contracts.
  • General knowledge of nonprofit environment/human services agency.
  • General knowledge of working with volunteer board members.
  • General knowledge of fundraising and development.

How to Apply: Resumes can be sent to Shenita Battle, CASS HR Manager, at sbattle@cass-az.org.

Account Manager - MDS Communications (Mesa)

Description: MDS Communications is one of the nation's largest telephone fundraising companies specializing in raising funds for Christian ministries, domestic & international relief agencies, and conservative public policy organizations. MDS has an immediate opening for an account manager (AM).  An AM is a non-sales, fundraising/development position in charge of managing client relationships, and is responsible for developing and overseeing every aspect of the telephone fundraising campaigns. S/he is responsible for understanding the client's development goals, writing telephone scripts, developing the gift fulfillment letter package, and analyzing performance of data. They interface with other departments to implement campaigns  and conduct caller trainings. This position also works to develop new and creative telephone fundraising strategies. 

Qualifications: Experience in the nonprofit development field is preferred. College degree is preferred. Candidates must have a passion for the type of issues our clients address. They should have strong skills in oral and written communication, problem solving, project management, and creative abilities. They must be able to multi-task and have a strong attention to detail.  Salary: D.O.E. 

How to Apply: Application Instructions: 1) Carefully review their Web site (http://www.mdscom.com) to learn more about MDS Communications; who they are and what they are about. 2) Send a resume with a cover letter detailing why you believe you would be a good fit at MDS and how you would feel about working for a company committed to the ideals of our conservative clients. Please include salary requirement range. Send your resume and cover letter to:
Julia MacDonald
VP of Client Services
jmacdonald@mdscom.com Fax, 480-752-8144

Public Relations / Marketing / Communications

There are currently no positions for this job category.

Information Technology / Technical Support

There are currently no positions for this job category.

Part-time Intake Coordinator - The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Arizona (Phoenix)

Description: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Arizona is seeking a part-time intake coordinator to help the organization in reviewing requests for ACLU legal assistance. The intake coordinator will be responsible for overseeing the process by which the ACLU of Arizona reviews and screens requests for assistance for potential civil liberties violations. The position additionally involves clerical assistance to the other members of the staff of the ACLU of Arizona. Compensation: $12 per hour.

Qualifications: The Intake Coordinator should be motivated and interested in learning about civil liberties and the organization and the mission of the American Civil Liberties Union. The applicant should possess good personal communication skills, as the position requires supervision of students, interns, volunteers, and is in frequent contact with people who are seeking assistance from the ACLU. The applicant must be organized and have excellent record keeping skills. Word processing, database management, (specifically Access) and bilingual Spanish language skills are desirable.

How to Apply: Applicants should send a cover letter, resume, references, and a writing sample to: Daniel Pochoda, Legal Director, ACLU Foundation of Arizona, Re: Intake Coordinator Position, P.O. Box 17148, Phoenix, Arizona 85011. No e-mails please.

Maintenance, Facilities, and Food Service
Food Services Manager - Native American Connections (Phoenix)

Description: responsible for the daily operation of the kitchens (three), purchasing of food supplies, meal preparation, and maintaining compliance with all state of Arizona Health Department sanitation requirements.

How to Apply: Qualified interested applicants may send a letter and resume or complete and application in one of the following manners: Send directly to NAC, at 4520 N. Central, Suite 600, Phoenix, AZ 85012. Fax to 602-256-7356, Attn: Madeleine Stilwell, Director of Human Resources. Or apply online, at http://www.nativeconnections.org.

General Program / Coordinator
Vice President Community Impact - Valley of the Sun United Way (Phoenix)

Description: Valley of the Sun United Way (VSUW) has an open position for a vice president of community impact. This position provides leadership and management to position the organization as a community impact leader. It is responsible to develop products that advance VSUW's vision, mission, and impact in the community. It oversees community-impact-related, both internal and external, operations to insure production efficiency, quality, service, and cost effective management of resources. VSWU offers excellent benefits, and a great working environment, and is an E.O.E. Interested candidates should provide their information to them by Friday, July 25th, 2008.

How to Apply: For complete details on position profile, skills and requirements, how best to get your resume/cover letter to them and to learn more about their organization, please visit http://www.vsuw.org. Once there, click on About Us, then Career Opportunities.

Program Associate - The National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts (New York, New York)

Description: The National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, a $1.4 million arts service organization with more than 400 member organizations nationwide, seeks a program associate with 3-5 years of experience to coordinate their national conference, regional trainings & events, publication development, information services, and re-granting programs. Reporting to the associate director, the program associate contributes to the development, implementation, management, and evaluation of guild programs and services. The position offers a salary commensurate with experience and includes paid health and vacation benefits.

For a detailed position description, go to: http://www.nationalguild.org/employment_admin/ProgramAssociate_Jul08.htm.

Qualifications: The successful candidate will possess excellent written and oral communications skills, organizational skills, and the ability to synthesize information from diverse sources; the ability to prioritize multiple responsibilities and meet deadlines; proven abilities in analytical, database and reporting skills; excellent judgment; the ability to be diplomatic, respect confidentiality, and relate to diverse audiences; self-motivation; and the ability to be a good team player. Experience at an arts service organization, familiarity with arts education and nonprofit management issues; advanced computer and office skills including in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Outlook; and familiarity with Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign) is a plus.

How to Apply: E-mail a cover letter, resume, and salary history to:

Kenneth T. Cole
Associate Director
National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts
520 8th Avenue, Suite 302
New York, NY 10018
(212) 268-3337 ext. 18

Manager - Chrysalis Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, Inc. (Phoenix)

Description: Chrysalis is a nonprofit, Phoenix Metropolitan Area, provider of outpatient counseling for women, children, and men who are victims of domestic abuse; transitional housing; crisis shelter for women and children; and psycho-educational group counseling for men and women who are self-referred, referred by another agency, or through the justice system. Chrysalis also operates a donation center/thrift shop and seeks a motivated, proactive individual to manage this facility. Chrysalis offers a generous medical, dental, and life insurance benefits package including paid vacation, sick and holiday time off.

Qualifications: The successful candidate has an associate's degree in business management, or related field, or equivalent education and experience. She/he must pass a criminal background check, and obtain a fingerprint clearance card. She/he must have one year experience in a retail/thrift store/boutique environment; one year experience as a supervisor; experience and/or knowledge of domestic violence and women's issues; and experience and/or knowledge of retail sales, management, and customer service. The successful candidate is a creative, independent, customer service oriented individual. She/he must possess outstanding written and oral communication skills, and be familiar with MS Office programs (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint). She/he must be able to work a flexible schedule: Saturdays are required.

How to Apply: Please send a cover letter and resume to: chrysalis@noabuse.org.

Director of Delivery & Support - New Global Citizens (Phoenix)

Description: New Global Citizens is seeking to hire a dynamic, innovative, creative leader to fill a new position as director of delivery & support.  Working with an entrepreneurial team of staff, the director of delivery & support will be primarily responsible for youth contact and support in helping to build a national movement of young people who are aware of and equipped to tackle the greatest challenges faced by communities around the world. The director of delivery & support will be responsible for the delivery and implementation of the New Global Citizens program including: recruitment, training, support, and evaluation, to ensure the youth are amply oriented, trained, and supported. Supervision of volunteers and employees will be required. The Director Delivery & Support will also track and report team project success in formats functional for internal and external use. Some travel will be required. Competitive compensation package based upon experience. 

How to Apply: Cover letter, resume and salary requirements may be submitted by e-mail to joinstaff@newglobalcitizens.org, or by fax to 602-263-0510. Resumes accepted until position is filled.

Director of Resource Generation - New Global Citizens (Phoenix)

Description: The director of resource generation is responsible for strategically positioning New Global Citizens with a network of donors adequate to achieve the financial growth necessary to properly support programs on a national level. The process for strategic positioning includes researching, prospecting, securing, formalizing, and maintaining the donor base while driving overall development strategy for NGC. The director of resource generation will help develop a diverse and sustainable funding and resource base. The director of resource generation manages relationships with all donors, and ensures continuity of communication, internally and externally, to support the teams' external constituency needs, and the overall mission of NGC. Some travel will be required. Competitive compensation package based upon experience. 

How to Apply: Cover letter, resume and salary requirements may be submitted by e-mail to joinstaff@newglobalcitizens.org, or by fax to 602-263-0510. Resumes accepted until position is filled.

Director of Partners & Networks - New Global Citizens (Phoenix)

Description: New Global Citizens is seeking to hire a dynamic, innovative, creative leader to fill a new position as director of partners & networks. Working with an entrepreneurial team of staff, the director of partners & networks will be responsible for strategically positioning New Global Citizens among a network of third party intermediary, grassroots, recruitment, and university partners, to help build a national movement of young people who are aware of, and equipped, to tackle the greatest challenges faced by communities around the world. The director of partners & networks will be responsible for defining the criteria and strategy for developing partnerships to support programmatic growth and impact. The process for strategic positioning includes researching, recruiting, vetting, securing, formalizing, and maintaining partnerships. The director of partners & networks will serve as the external representative for New Global Citizens at conferences and convenings where potential partners may be present. The director of partners & networks manages the relationships with all partners and ensures continuity of communication internally and externally to support the teams' external constituency needs, and the overall mission of NGC.  Some travel will be required. International experience required. Competitive compensation package based upon experience. 

How to Apply: Cover letter, resume and salary requirements may be submitted by e-mail to joinstaff@newglobalcitizens.org, or by fax to 602-263-0510. Resumes accepted until position is filled.

Program Associates (VISTA members only) - New Global Citizens (Phoenix)

Description: New Global Citizens is hiring four VISTA members to serve as program associates to work with 80 NGC Teams of high school youth around the U.S.  Program associates act as the face of New Global Citizens to their high school teams, providing support, management, and training as youth are educated about the world's greatest challenges, and design and implement plans to support sustainable change in communities around the world. The role is fun, dynamic, and action-oriented. 

How to Apply: Please click on this link to apply.

Medical / Health / Direct Service
Recovery Coach OP - Native American Connections (Phoenix)

Description: This position provides assistance in effectively utilizing the behavioral health system service delivery resources through coaching, role modeling, mentoring and understanding the stressors of the individual.

How to Apply: Qualified interested applicants may send a letter and resume or complete application in one of the following manners: apply in person at NAC, 4520 N. Central, Suite 600, Phoenix, AZ 85012. Fax to 602-256-7356, or apply online at http://www.nativeconnections.org.

Behavioral Health Clinician - IOP - Native American Connections (Phoenix)

Description: Responsible for the management and delivery of direct client counseling services to assigned individuals and groups participating in Native American Connections programs.

Qualifications: Prefer master's degree and Arizona Board of Behavioral Health licensed individual.

How to Apply: Qualified, interested applicants may send a letter and resume or complete and application in one of the following manners: Send directly to NAC, at 4520 N. Central, Suite 600, Phoenix, AZ 85012. Fax to 602-256-7356, Attn: Madeleine Stilwell, Director of Human Resources. Or apply online, at http://www.nativeconnections.org.

Clinical Supervisor - IOP - Native American Connections (Phoenix)

Description: This position participates as an integral member of the management staff of Native American Connections. It is a dynamic opportunity to blend best practices with traditional Native healing. This position supervises teams of clinicians, peers, and case management, to support innovative substance abuse services within a structured intensive outpatient program. Under the direct supervision of the clinical director, this position develops, implements, and supervises a comprehensive system of outpatient clinic services that respond to the targeted community's needs and support the organization's overall mission, philosophy, and goals.

Qualifications: This position requires a master's degree, as well as a Board of Behavioral Health license in counseling, social work and/or substance abuse.

How to Apply: Qualified, interested applicants may send a letter and resume or complete and application in one of the following manners:

Send directly to NAC, at 4520 N. Central, Suite 600, Phoenix, AZ 85012. Fax to 602-256-7356, Attn: Madeleine Stilwell, Director of Human Resources. Or apply online, at http://www.nativeconnections.org.

Prevention Specialists - Scottsdale Prevention Institute (Scottsdale)

Description: Scottsdale Prevention Institute (SPI) is pleased to offer employment opportunities for school-based prevention specialists. They are actively seeking well-trained prevention specialists to work with children and families in school and community-based settings. SPI has provided school-based prevention programs to Scottsdale residents for the last 21 years. Their mission is to advocate, and provide prevention services that will improve the quality of life and well-being for children and families in our communities and schools. They serve children who are: having difficulty fitting in or socializing, dealing with bullying, disrupting the classroom, experimenting with drugs and alcohol, feeling isolated at school, and/or are dealing with family difficulties. In the schools, the prevention specialists provide classroom presentations, as well as coping, social, and life-skills programs for children and families. They also provide substance abuse education. Learn more about SPI at http://spi-az.org. SPI offers flexible, part-time opportunities for individuals wanting to make a difference in the lives of children and families in Scottsdale communities. It is a wonderful opportunity for parents who want to have a meaningful, rewarding, flexible, part-time job while their kids are in school. Please call Dr. Sherman: 480-205-3499 for further information. No recruiters please.

Qualifications: Candidates must have a master's degree in counseling, social work, psychology, education, or a related field. The SPI is seeking candidates who have experience working with kids in a school or professional setting. The position is guaranteed 6 hours per week, with more hours potentially available. Candidates must be able to work 6+ hours per week during regular school hours.

How to Apply: Please send resume to the SPI Office via fax at 480-443-3272, or e-mail dana.sherman@cox.net. Applicants may also submit resumes through the mail to: Scottsdale Prevention Institute, 8102 E. Jackrabbit Rd., Suite B, Scottsdale, AZ 85250.

Housing Services
Mortgage Loan Manager - Navajo Partnership for Housing (Gallup, New Mexico)

NPH seeks an experienced mortgage loan manager familiar with the challenges of crafting homeownership among families living on/near Native American reservations (alternative low and moderate income populations). This position requires strong leadership and underwriting experience, and the ability to obtain a mortgage brokers license in AZ and NM. Salary D.O.E. to 55k, plus strong benefits including health, HSA, 401k match. E.O.E.

Qualifications: The successful candidate will have a heart for this mission; be a tenacious problem-solver who is sensitive to timeliness of service delivery and close-out; and must possess the necessary interpersonal communication skills to cultivate an effective working partnership with NPH staff, client families, lenders and public funding partners. Familiarity with HUD/FHA required. Navajo language skills considered a plus.

How to Apply: Forward resume as Word attachment today to Susan Maini, Search Consultant, Enterprise Inc. at 508-545-1734, or e-mail susanm@nonprofitjobs.org.

Training and Education
Instruction Specialist - Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education (Phoenix)

Description: This position facilitates statewide Law Related Education (LRE), civic education training, and technical assistance for various programs. It also recruits teachers and other volunteers to serve as program participants; develops training program curricula, training agendas, and appropriate techniques for follow-up (i.e., surveys, phone calls, working groups, etc.). It also provides ongoing technical assistance to educators across the state. Exempt position. Salary approximately $40k/year.

Qualifications: Undergraduate degree, or 2 or more years professional teaching experience with youth. A general knowledge of adult learning and Arizona state standards; ability to work effectively with volunteers, staff, and diverse groups. The successful candidate will possess excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills, and have the ability to travel in and out of state, if necessary.

How to Apply: For more information on this position, or to apply, please contact Lara Slifko at 602-340-7235, or e-mail Lara.slifko@azflse.org.

Community Sexuality Educator/Speakers Bureau Coordinator - Planned Parenthood Arizona (Phoenix)

Description: Planned Parenthood Arizona currently has a job opening for a community sexuality educator/speakers bureau coordinator in their Phoenix administration offices. This position establishes and maintains contacts with community/health agencies and schools in a designated geographic area in order to facilitate the provision of effective sexuality education programs. It also provides presentations about PPAZ services, human sexuality, birth control, STDs, parent/teen relations, and other related topics. The community sexuality educator will cultivate contacts with community leaders to build support for, and understanding of, PPAZ's total program, especially community education, counseling, and medical services. This position trains and manages the volunteers of the speakers bureau. Sexuality educators will work in conjunction with other departments as outlined in the affiliate's strategic plan to meet affiliate goals. He/she plans, organizes, and directs health education programs for group and community needs. Planned Parenthood offers a comprehensive benefits package. E.O.E.

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Education, Social Service, or health related field, public speaking experience, and two years relevant work experience. Training in the area of reproductive health and human sexuality, and knowledge of community social services and resources are strongly preferred. A demonstrated ability to keep records, maintain an active schedule without difficulty, and write clearly and coherently in English are required. The candidate must have computer skills in word processing; experience teaching or presenting to a variety of age groups; work or volunteer experience in programs working directly with people; a demonstrated ability to provide services in a culturally sensitive, and culturally competent, manner to people from a variety of ethnic, religious, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, and other diverse backgrounds. This person must have the ability to organize his/her own time, schedule, and work, with minimal supervision. Willingness to work some weekends and evenings and provide own reliable transportation is necessary. Bilingual (Spanish) preferred.

How to Apply: Please submit your resume in Word format to uroesler@ppaz.org.


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The Lodestar Center Nonprofit News is a free e-mailed newsletter from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, part of the ASU College of Public Programs. You may forward this newsletter to anyone you believe would benefit from the content contained herein. Your comments are welcomed at nonprofitnews@asu.edu. Due to the high amount of submissions received for each issue, the Lodestar Center Nonprofit News reserves the right to edit or decline submissions for length, timeliness and/or relevance. The LCNN is not responsible for typographical errors. For detailed submission guidelines, please visit http://www.asu.edu/copp/nonprofit/asst/asst_azncr_submission.htm.

The purpose of the Lodestar Center Nonprofit News is to share information relevant and beneficial to those who lead, manage and support nonprofits. All items meeting these submission guidelines will be published. LCNN does not endorse any submission nor certify the quality of any product or service listed herein. The editors of LCNN strongly encourage readers to engage in good consumer research practices before making any investment of resources.

Subscribe or submit items to this newsletter by visiting http://www.asu.edu/copp/nonprofit/. Submissions for the next edition must be received by Friday, July 25 in order to be considered for publication. To unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to nonprofitnews@asu.edu with the word "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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