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Improving the quality of life in communities by providing knowledge
and tools that enhance nonprofit effectiveness |
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What's New |
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New Submission Deadlines and Publish Dates for the Arizona Nonprofit Community Report The Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management is announcing new submission deadlines and publish dates for the Arizona Nonprofit Community Report (ANCR). The ANCR will now be sent out biweekly on Wednesdays. For more information on submission deadlines and publish dates, please visit: http://www.asu.edu/copp/nonprofit/asst/asst_azncr.htm |
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2007 Nonprofit Compensation and Benefits Study - Get a Complimentary copy of the 2007 Report! Your organization is invited to participate in the 2007 Nonprofit Compensation and Benefits Study, sponsored and published by the Arizona State University Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management. This report is an update of the 2004 Nonprofit Compensation & Benefits Report and will contain salary and benefits information for executive directors and over 60 other nonprofit job positions in Maricopa and Pima counties. Your participation in the survey will entitle your organization to a complimentary copy of the 2007 report, which will be published in the spring. The cost of the publication for nonprofit organizations that do not complete the survey will be $100 (the price for other organizations and individuals will be $250). The time you invest in completing this survey now will pay dividends in providing pertinent information to help your organization in its future decision-making. This year, the survey is online and includes a function that allows for saving and returning to the survey at a later time. If your organization is a 501(c)3, has at least one full-time paid staff person, and is NOT a foundation, institution of higher education or a hospital, you are eligible to participate. To access the online survey, go to http://salarysurvey.asu.edu and register as a new user. |
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14th Annual Nonprofit Conference, Sustainability Strategies: Healthy Communities, will now also have Paul Luna as a featured speaker! Check our updated Program Agenda for more information on the presentation that will be given by Paul Luna, incoming President, Helios Education Foundation and current President, Valley of the Sun United Way. |
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Announcements |
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Arizona Society of Association Executives Announces 2006 Awards Programs Executive of the Year & Association Awards of Excellence |
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Summer Youth Program Fund: Call for Organizations The Summer Youth Program Fund (SYPF) is pleased to announce its inaugural year and a new funding opportunity for 2007! The SYPF is a collaborative effort of local funders supporting summer programming primarily for Maricopa County youth. Qualified organizations interested in applying should plan to attend the morning orientation session on November 3, 2006. The SYPF will award in the spring of 2007 up to $500,000 in grants ranging from $2,500 to $25,000. The funding partners include, Arizona Community Foundation, BHHS Legacy Foundation, J.W. Kieckhefer Foundation, Margaret T. Morris Foundation, Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, Peoria Diamond Club, Phoenix Suns Charities, The Steele Foundation, Thunderbirds Charities, and The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust. Organizational support for the SYPF comes from the Lodestar Foundation and the Maricopa Council on Youth Sports and Physical Activity. Please review the SYPF Guidelines at www.azcf.org prior to registering and/or attending the November orientation or applying for funding. Contact Chris Bell at cbell@nmpct.org to register. Seating is limited, and RSVP’s are required. |
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2006-2007 Community Assistance Fund: Applications Now Being Accepted Applications are now being accepted from organizations looking to receive funding from the Junior League of Phoenix Community Assistance Fund. This year the maximum amount per allocation is $5,000. Please be aware that each year requests for funding far exceed the funds available. Careful consideration will be given to: innovative programs which are responsive to an unmet, identified community need; the possible use of funds as seed money for matching funds from other sources; the extent of local volunteer involvement and support for the project; the degree to which the applicant collaborates with or compliments the services of other community organizations; the potential impact of the project and the number of people who will benefit; the applicants fiscal responsibility and management qualifications. The CAF Committee must be able to ascertain exactly how Junior League funds will be used. Only one application will be accepted from each organization. ALL applications must be postmarked or delivered to the Junior League headquarters by Friday, December 15, 2006. The distribution of funds will take place in May 2007. Applications will also be available on the Junior League website at www.jlp.org. Please call (602) 234-3388 for more information. |
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NPower Arizona State of Technology Needs Assessment |
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Girls on the Run of Maricopa County is Calling on Female Athletes Girls on the Run is now seeking volunteer females to serve as Running Buddies. The job of a Running Buddy is to accompany and encourage one or two girls through her 5k experience at the RYKA Iron Girl Tempe 5k on December 2, 2006. That means running or walking at her pace and encouraging her to do her best, but also recognizing and respecting her limits. This is a one-time commitment, but each Running Buddy is welcome and encouraged to visit her girl's program as well, particularly as a participant in the mid-season “Practice 5k.” Running buddies should be enthusiastic, fun-loving, patient & supportive females who enjoy spending time with youth, ability to run, jog or power walk a 5K. Visit our website http://www.gotrmc.org/runningbuddy.php to download our application. Applications received by October 31 will ensure that buddies get their desired T-shirt size and FREE entry into the Iron Girl 5k. The final deadline to apply to participate as a Running Buddy this season is November 17. For more information on becoming a Running Buddy, please visit our website at www.gotrmc.org or contact our Running Buddy Director, Meagan at meagan@gotrmc.org or 480-650-4471. |
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The Phoenix Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - 2007 RFP The Phoenix Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc is currently offering grants for innovative projects in the areas of breast health and/or breast cancer education/outreach, screening, or treatment support projects targeting services not otherwise available to the medically underserved or underinsured populations of Central and Northern Arizona Regions, which include: Apache, Coconino, Gila, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal and Yavapai counties. Grant funding is available for up to one (1) year. This year's grant amounts will be up to the following amounts: $50,000 for grant programs related to education $75,000 for grant programs related to screening projects and $100,000 for grant programs related to treatment of breast cancer. Submission Deadline is postmarked or hand delivered (by noon) December 15, 2006. For more information or to request a RFP Packet, please contact Charles P. Thompson, Grants Director, 2040 W Bethany Home Rd, Ste 103, Phoenix, AZ 85015. Phone: 602-544-2873. Please visit the website, www.komenphx.org for more information. |
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Stepping Stones of Hope Announces New Board of Directors Stepping Stones of Hope, a nonprofit providing advocacy and support programs for children and families grieving the death loss of a loved one, welcomes five new board members:
For more information about Stepping Stones of Hope programs, visit www.steppingstonesofhope.org or call 602.264.7520. |
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Valley Teen Leadership Applications Now Available Valley high school sophomores and juniors looking for a chance to hone their leadership skills, educate themselves about the community and explore solutions to critical local issues impacting their lives are invited to apply for the Valley Teen Leadership program. Copies of the application are available by calling (602) 952-6760, ext. 2 or by going to www.valleyleadership.org. Completed applications must be turned in to the Valley Leadership office by no later than November 10, 2006. |
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Nominate a Nonprofit Director for a ONE Award Each year the Organization for Nonprofit Executives (ONE) recognizes nonprofit directors who are examples in the community and are dedicated to excellence in the management and leadership of their organizations. Nominate a nonprofit director who you admire today! Follow this link for detailed information to access the online Award Nomination Form: http://www.oneaz.org/default.asp?PageID=10001175 |
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Nominations Sought for AzSAE Executive of the Year & Association Awards of Excellence The Arizona Society of Association Executives (AzSAE) is pleased to coordinate this program and invites Members and Non-members to submit an entry or make a nomination. There are 2 programs: Executive of the Year and the Awards of Excellence in Association Management. The deadlines are listed below and additional information about these programs may be found online at www.azsae.com (under Awards). For more information, please contact the AzSAE Office at (602) 266-0133. |
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IOLTA Grant Applications Now Being Accepted IOLTA Legal Services Grant applications now being accepted by the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education. IOLTA grants are given by the Foundation to non-profit organizations who provide legal aid to Arizonans. Applications for 2007 grants may be found at the Foundations website http://www.azflse.org/AZFLSE/legalservices/ioltagrants.cfm and are due November 8th. For questions please contact Lara Slifko at Lara.Slifko@azflse.org. |
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2006 Valley Leadership Man or Woman of the Year Nominations Accepted
Entering its 58th year, Valley Leadership continues the legacy of celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of one exceptional man and one exceptional woman at the annual Man & Woman of the Year luncheon. Nominations are solicited from the public in its search for qualified candidates, seeking those who have demonstrated significant visionary leadership and community service in the Valley. The 58th Man & Woman of the Year award recipients will be honored at a presentation luncheon on March 28, 2007. The nomination deadline is December 1, 2006. The nomination form and more information is on www.valleyleadership.org. |
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Applications Now Being Accepted for AFP 2007 Professional Mentoring Program The Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Arizona Chapter is proud to announce the availability of applications for the 2007 Professional Mentoring Program for mid- and advanced-level fundraisers, or for those who are making a career transition into the fundraising profession. This nationally recognized program offers a complete overview of fundraising, an experienced mentor and a group of similarly minded colleagues--exactly what any fundraiser needs! Program applicants must be AFP members or applicants for membership, have fundraising as their primary job responsibility, have the support of their organizations CEO, and be willing to make a substantial time commitment to the program. The cost is $150. Scholarships for new membership are available. Class size is limited. The deadline for submission of the application and tuition fee is December 15, 2006. To download an application, click here. For more information or to have an application emailed to you, contact Lisa Olivas-Cook at (602) 703-1660 or lisao-c@cox.net. |
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Phoenix Grants Forum Connects Nonprofits and Funders in the Community The Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits is proud to partner with the City of Phoenix, Arizona Grantmakers Forum, JUST GRANTS! Arizona and the Arizona Association of Grantmaking Professionals to connect you to funding partners in our community. The Phoenix Grants Forum is held four times each year: twice in the fall and twice in the spring. For 11 years, this session has been one of the premier opportunities for nonprofits and funders to learn from one another. This forum is for grant seekers from nonprofit organizations to learn about opportunities for partnership with funders for community projects. Presenters will discuss funding opportunities to address local needs. Location: Phoenix - Burton Barr Central Library - Pulliam Auditorium; 1221 N. Central Ave. Dates and Presenters:
To register, visit http://www.arizonanonprofits.org/events/eventregistration.aspx?eid=37. |
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Principles of Effectiveness for Nonprofit Organizations The ASU Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management's Principles of Effectiveness for Nonprofit Organizations program is a tool that helps nonprofits assess their organization's strengths and weaknesses, create a plan to address what training they need, and undergo a peer review process that affirms the organization's advanced level of capacity. This process essentially affords nonprofits the opportunity to find what weaknesses exist in a reassuring environment, and a roadmap that leads to a more effective nonprofit organization. It's simply building the capacity of organizations through self-examination. To learn more about this program, please click here. |
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Events |
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Arizona Humanities Council Lorraine W. Frank Lecture by Dr. Richard Rodriguez Date & Time: Sunday, October 29 at 4:00pm Each October, in conjunction with National Humanities Month, the Arizona Humanities Council hosts the Lorraine W. Frank Lecture in the Humanities, a free public humanities program featuring nationally renowned authors and scholars. During the evening's program, the AHC Board of Directors honors individuals and organizations that have furthered the mission of AHC over a period of time. Awards categories include Distinguished Organization, Friend of the Humanities, and the Dan Shilling Public Scholar Award. All award recipients receive a glass sculpture. The Dan Shilling Public Scholar and Distinguished Organization also receive $500 each. Reservations may be made by calling 602/257-0335 or emailing jmiller@azhumanities.org. |
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Churches and Other NPO’s: What are the differences? – ASCPA The Internal Revenue Code provides many special provisions for Churches that are very different from those for other nonprofit organizations. Learn about those differences, as well as differences in Arizona law. We will also discuss some of the challenges in working with Churches from an audit and accounting standpoint that are different from other non-profit organizations. Registration: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
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Maximize Your Mission – Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits As contributions and other financial resources become tougher to find, nonprofits must find new ways to support their missions. By identifying and addressing hidden employee-related costs, nonprofit leaders are able to keep staff and have more operating funds without raising a single additional dollar. This half-day interactive workshop offers tools to find and eliminate unnecessary hidden expenses in your organization. The session provides tricks of the trade to help each participant discover his or her nonprofit's own cost savings potential. Maximize Your Mission is presented by Karen Ramsey of Compliance Partners, a human resource coach and consultant with extensive experience improving processes for nonprofit organizations. Ramsey, a published author and national speaker, has a proven track record of improving productivity for nonprofit organizations. Presented with support from the Arizona Community Foundation. Location: Prescott Valley - Step One Center; Phoenix – Flinn Foundation – 1802 N Central Ave Register online! |
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AFP After 5 Event – Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP After 5 Event at Johnny's Uptown (NE corner of Central and Camelback) Please come mix and mingle on Nov. 7th at 5:30pm to see our very own Karen Ramsey of Compliance Partners speak on "How to Negotiate a Raise." Karen is a human resource consultant and coach with extensive experience with nonprofit organizations and AFP. Numerous connections were made at our last meeting so please join us to meet some fellow AFP members and get the most out of your membership. If you have any questions please call Michelle at 480.203.3880. |
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Conversation Café – Make A Difference Date and Time for all locations: November 15, 6:30 pm – 8 pm |
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Free Community Film Screening Event – Make A Difference |
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Job Opportunities |
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*New Listing* Program Coordinator - Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management (Phoenix) ASU's Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management seeks to hire a program coordinator to support its the capacity building and technical assistance activities. The position implements a portfolio of programs for nonprofit organizational capacity building and coordinates projects and programs to improve nonprofit organizational effectiveness. Duties and responsibilities include: Desired qualifications include: Minimum qualifications and general information: |
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*New Listing* Executive Director - Arizona Students Association (Phoenix) |
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*New Listing* Executive Director – Scottsdale Leadership (Scottsdale) Executive Director wanted for Scottsdale Leadership. Director wanted for leadership organization. Experience in staff and volunteer management, community relations/public relations, development/fundraising, event planning and leadership training. College degree and applicable experience a must. Salary range: $55 - $65K. Please submit resume and references to execdir@scottsdaleleadership.org by November 3, 2006 at 5pm. Please include a cover letter. Full job description is available at www.scottsdaleleadership.org. |
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*New Listing* Development Director – United Cerebral Palsy (Phoenix) United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Central Arizona is currently looking for a Development Director to plan, develop and maintain a comprehensive fundraising program on behalf of the agency, and to enhance the mission and vision established by the President and Board of Directors. Requirements: Minimum: BS/BA from an accredited college or university in business, public relations, public administration, or related field, and five years of fundraising experience. Preferred: Masters degree with five years of fundraising experience in a not-for-profit organization. Membership in a professional association, such as NSFRE. CFRE certification a plus. Fax resume and cover letter to 602-943-4936, or email resume and cover letter to hr@ucpofaz.org. Please reference this position. |
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*New Listing* Director of Development – Adult Care Services (Prescott) The Director of Development will work with the Executive Director and the Board of Directors to develop fundraising strategies; establish, maintain, and cultivate relationships with current and prospective supporters; educate, motivate, and support board members in their fundraising role; research and write grant proposals; plan fundraising events; and write and produce solicitation and acknowledgement materials. A flexible 32-hour a week schedule is possible for the right candidate. Minimum requirements are a Bachelor’s degree and three years successful fundraising experience. The successful candidate will have excellent oral and written communications skills, knowledge of fundraising database and research systems, and strong computer skills. Submit cover letter & resume to Human Resources Manager, Adult Care Services 844 Sunset Ave, Prescott, AZ 86305. Lynn Carey: Dir. of Dev. (928) 771-2335. For more information visit http://www.AdultCareServices.org. |
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*New Listing* Development Manager – Make A Difference (Phoenix) Reporting to the Director of Development & Communications, the Development Manager position is a full-time salaried (FLSA exempt) staff position that will be responsible for fund development of the organization to include: grant writing, research, special events, individual giving and corporate relations and development. This position will support fundraising efforts for an annual budget of more than $1M, work collaboratively with other department directors and managers to maximize the dollars raised to support the organization. To be successful in this position, candidates should possess exceptional written communication skills with an eye for detail; strong public speaking skills; strong organizational skills; the ability to produce high quality results in a fast-paced environment; and the ability to monitor budgets. This full-time position offers a competitive salary, based on experience, and an excellent benefits package that includes, medical, dental, vacation, holiday pay and more. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree; 1-2 years fund development experience preferred; Availability to work on evenings and weekends as needed; High level of computer proficiency with Word, Excel and Power Point; Valid drivers license and proof of insurance. Please mail, e-mail or fax a cover letter and resume to: Make A Difference at 5151 North 19th Avenue, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85015. Attention: Director of Operations. Fax: (602) 973-9233. E-mail: Lisa@makeadifference.org. Please reference this position. |
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*New Listing* Gift Planning Officer – ASU Foundation (Tempe) In partnership with other members of the Gift Planning team, the Gift Planning Officer is responsible for marketing planned gifts to the university’s alumni and friends; identifying, cultivating and soliciting prospects and their financial advisors; increasing the awareness and understanding of planned giving opportunities among staff, volunteers, potential donors, and estate planning professionals; advising and working with development staff on securing planned gifts; and assisting with the acceptance and administration of planned gifts. The Gift Planning Officer is expected to be out of the office cultivating and soliciting prospective donors approximately 50% of the time. Qualifications: bachelor’s degree, a JD degree or an advanced degree related to financial planning is strongly preferred. Ability to travel up to 50% of the time. Proven ability to work effectively and tactfully with a diverse group of both internal and external constituents. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Strong organizational skills with attention to detail. Development and/or sales experience. Knowledge of tax laws and estate planning techniques with particular emphasis on charitable estate planning or planned giving is strongly preferred. A record of achievement. For more information on the ASU Foundation, visit our web site at www.asufoundation.org. If interested in the Gift Planning Officer position, please send your resume and cover letter to asufhr@asu.edu indicating the job title in the subject line. |
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*New Listing* Assistant Director, Annual Giving - Xavier College Preparatory (Phoenix) The Assistant Director is responsible for the development, execution and growth of the annual giving program. Develops case statement, direct mail and communications strategy and marketing and mailing materials, including print, web, email and interactive tools. Recruits, trains and manages adult and student volunteers. Supervises and assesses all aspects of a 6 night volunteer telephone contact program. Analyzes campaign results. Helps identify and solicit annual leadership donors. Working with Assistant of Marketing and Communications, oversees and develops web content and art direction for Alumnae and Development web pages and provides appropriate donor recognition through print and web publication. The position also supports the Director of Development with all Board functions including Board communications, meeting minutes, meeting preparation, membership training and special events; endowed scholarship donors and awards program, serves as liaison to student recipients and faculty beneficiaries; and provides staff support to the Director of Development and for special events. Undergraduate degree required. Ideal candidate will have at least one year experience in education or nonprofit marketing or development. Willingness to travel locally and to work some evenings and weekends. Raiser’s Edge experience preferred. Sensitivity to Xavier’s Catholic mission is essential. To apply, please email letter of interest and resume to Director of Development at crockett@xcp.org. No phone calls please. |
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*New Listing* Development Associate – Wingspan (Tucson) Wingspan, Southern Arizona's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center, is seeking a full-time Development Associate to work as a part of our dynamic and exciting Development Team. An ideal candidate will possess skills and experience in fundraising and development work, as well as a knowledge and understanding of LGBT and allied progressive work. View a full job description at http://www.wingspan.org/content/com_jobs.php. Please send a cover letter, resume, and three references to Wingspan@wingspan.org, or mail to Wingspan, Attn: Office Manager, 425 E 7th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705. No phone calls, please! |
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*New Listing* Project Manager Fundraising/University Development – ASU Foundation (Tempe) The Project Manager for University Development performs work of considerable difficulty, to support the achievement of foundation fundraising goals, under administrative direction of the Senior Vice President and Assistant Vice President for University Development, concurrently managing multiple, moderately-complex fundraising projects, from inception through project close-out. Attends meetings, monitors and ensures project compliance with objectives set by leadership and performs administrative functions. Skills: Intermediate skills in Microsoft Office applications, specifically Word, Excel and PowerPoint Conduct in-depth quantitative research using web-based data sources and local, state and national publications regarding fundraising Excellent written and oral communication, interpersonal and organizational skills Maintain accurate and detailed records Maintain a high degree of confidentiality, responsibility and legal ethics Multi-task and work consistently under pressure of tight deadlines Work with persons of various backgrounds Intermediate skills in Visio, Access and fundraising/prospect management systems, specifically. Qualifications: Bachelors degree in business administration or related field; OR 4 years of project management or /and administrative experience similar to project management. If interested in the Project Manager/University Development position, please send your resume and cover letter to asufhr@asu.edu indicating the job title in the subject line. For more information on the ASU Foundation, visit our web site at www.asufoundation.org. |
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*New Listing* Government Affairs Director - Arizona Students Association (Phoenix) |
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*New Listing* Vice President, Marketing and Communications - Arizona Community Foundation (Phoenix) The Vice President will support the statewide organization by elevating and enhancing the Community Foundation's visibility and image among internal and external customers, clients, and key stakeholders, including the news media, business, and target audiences. The Vice President will also educate the public about the Community Foundation's role in addressing key community needs. This position has responsibility for informing and educating the internal and external customers, clients, and key stakeholders regarding the status of the Community Foundation's involvement in convening, initiatives, grantmaking, fundraising, donor services, and community programs. Education/Skills: Candidate must have B.A. degree; M.A. or equivalent combination of education and experience in communications, journalism or a related field preferred. Must have proficient writing and editing skills with the ability to gather and organize information effectively; excellent communication (written and oral), presentation, and listening skills; advanced organizational and management skills; strong interpersonal and customer service skills; have the ability to work under pressure meeting multiple deadlines; provide leadership with strong initiative and self-directing skills; and finally posses a high level of personal and professional integrity and ethics with an affinity for philanthropy and the nonprofit community. This is a full time position with medical, dental and life insurance benefits, along with a 403(b). The salary range is $57,000 to $88,000. Please submit resume with cover letter to Sharon Ellis, HR Officer, by email (sellis@azfoundation.org) or by fax (602-381-1575) no later than Monday, November 13, 2006. |
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*New Listing* Director of Web Communications - Center for the Future of Arizona (Phoenix) Provide leadership and management for the overall strategic and creative development of the Center’s website and its corollary Beat the Odds website, including design, content, functionality, marketing effectiveness and overall utility. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience. Demonstrated proficiency with web-related technologies such as Java, HTML, Perl, CGI scripting; familiarity with UNIX. Extensive experience with desktop publishing/imaging applications. Five years experience managing website content. Demonstrated technical project management skills. Demonstrated ability to work in a collaborative team environment. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Higher education experience helpful. For more information on this position or to apply, please contact Cindi Farmer at Cindi.Farmer@asu.edu. |
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*New Listing* Communications Manager – Make A Difference (Phoenix) Reporting to the Director of Development & Communications, the Communications Manager position is a full-time salaried (FLSA exempt) staff position that is responsible for managing the organizations communications and outreach initiatives. This includes managing the external messages for the organization through multiple mediums and serving as the lead staff on media and collateral development. To be successful in this position, candidates should possess excellent written communication skills; ability to write creative promotional pieces, excellent command of grammar and ability to proofread, eye for detail; excellent verbal communications skills; the ability to multitask many different projects simultaneously and prioritize as needed; the ability to work in small office environment and handle own administrative tasks. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree; 1-2 years nonprofit experience with an emphasis in marketing/public relations Experience with collateral development; copy and page layout; High level of computer proficiency with Word, Power Point, HTML, and some type of publishing software (Quark, In Design, Illustrator) working knowledge of Photoshop and Front Page a plus; Availability to work on evenings and weekends as needed; Valid drivers license and proof of insurance. Please mail, e-mail or fax a cover letter and resume to: Make A Difference at 5151 North 19th Avenue, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85015. Attention: Director of Operations. Fax: (602) 973-9233. E-mail: Lisa@makeadifference.org. Please reference this position. |
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*New Listing* Communications Coordinator – DMB Marley Park (Surprise) Effectively communicate with Marley Park Stakeholders regarding community events and issues using the Community Web Portal, the newsletter, Community Channel 22 and other communications tools. Additional responsibilities include serving as the first line of support for Community Channel 22. Responsible for assisting the Communications Manager, Community Manager and the Marley Park Team with the enhancement of Marley Park’s sense of community, consistency of message, image, visibility and reputation. Requirements: The Marley Park Communications Coordinator will have more than two years of progressively responsible, professional communication experience. Bachelor’s Degree in related field preferred. The Communications Coordinator’s primary skill set will focus on oral, written and design skills, closely coupled with the proven ability to utilize Web and e-mail tools for the advanced utilization of these skills, and working knowledge or expertise in the following software: Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, InDesign, and Illustrator. Submit cover letter and resume to Lori Maxwell, lmaxwell@dmbinc.com or via fax 622-466-8828. Visit www.marleypark.com for more information on the community. |
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*New Listing* Development/Marketing Coordinator – Arizona Kidney Foundation (Phoenix) |
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*New Listing* Marketing and Communications Assistant-- Xavier College Preparatory (Phoenix) The Marketing and Communications Assistant will function primarily in a project manager capacity for all Alumnae and Development office print and web publications, communications, direct mail campaigns and presentations, design through delivery. The position will help implement communications strategies that enhance the school's ability to make a successful case to donors and grant-makers and increase its effectiveness in carrying out its mission.The position offers an exciting challenge to enhance and create educational and leadership opportunities for young women and the opportunity for growth and professional development. Salary is directly related to experience and demonstrated abilities; includes full benefits package and generous school holidays. Undergraduate degree required. Ideal candidate will have at least one year experience in education or nonprofit marketing or development. To apply, please email letter of interest and resume to Director of Development at crockett@xcp.org. No phone calls please. |
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*New Listing* Program Manager for Anti-trafficking Initiatives – International Rescue Committee (Phoenix) Under the supervision of the Regional Director and coordination with the National Director, provide daily supervision of the ALERT program activities. The position is responsible for contract compliance, fulfillment of stated outcomes and fiscal management of approved budget under requirements of the Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime and other donors TBD. Requirements: Bachelors Degree required, a Master Degree preferred. 2-4 years minimum program management (including administration and budget) experience Supervisory experience required. Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. Fluency in written and spoken English and Spanish preferred, additional languages an advantage. Proven public relations skills. Strong organizational skills and detail-oriented. Excellent writing and analytical skills. Case management and/or victims assistance experience. Ability to work independently and be a flexible team player. Ability to communicate and work effectively with collaborative partners, the community, and clients in a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary environment. Commitment to preserve client confidentiality. Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel and ACCESS Database. For more information or to apply, please email Amila Glisic at amilag@theIRC.org. |
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*New Listing* Community Programs Manger – Make A Difference (Phoenix) Reporting to the Director of Community Programs, this position works on a team of three Community Program Managers and collaboratively is responsible for supporting the development and management of community service partner relationships, hands-on service and civic education programs. Each Manager is assigned a specific region in the Valley and is charged with cultivating relationships and volunteer programs that capitalize on existing community assets, building overall community capacity within nonprofits, schools and neighborhoods and educating and engaging volunteers as active, informed individuals. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree; Minimum 1-2 years professional experience in program management/development, volunteer management, and/or special events. Restaurant/other fast-paced customer service, AmeriCorps/Peace Corps experiences helpful; Minimum 1 year supervisory experience; Availability to work some evenings and weekends on an as needed basis; Must have own vehicle, valid Drivers License and proof of insurance Must be able to perform physically challenging work: driving, lifting, bending, squatting and lifting a minimum of 50 lbs. Please mail, e-mail or fax cover letter and resumes to: Make A Difference, 5151 North 19th Avenue, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85015. Attention: Director of Operations. Fax: (602) 973-9233. E-mail: Lisa@makeadifference.org. Please be sure to reference this position. |
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*New Listing* Community Coordinator— DMB Marley Park (Surprise) Support Marley Park ’s community values, vision and philosophies, while demonstrating a style of organization that allows residents needs to be met with a high level of satisfaction. Provide a warm and professional welcome to all Marley Park stakeholders and callers and ensure that everyone is greeted in a courteous, professional, enthusiastic and timely manner that is commensurate with a professional office environment. Assist with office and clerical activities that support the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the team, as well as coordinate the Marley Park Community Club Card program, database and volunteers. This position requires a cooperative and positive attitude, and the ability to handle multiple activities with exceptional follow through. Proficiency in Microsoft, database management and volunteer management. Candidates should have a minimum of two years of community relations and administrative experience. Submit resume and cover letter to kvescova@dmbinc.com. Visit www.marleypark.com for more information on the community. |
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*New Listing* Home Manager – Catholic Charities Northern Arizona (Flagstaff) Duties: Oversee clients in group home for transitioning boys. Assist in problem solving, structuring daily activities and interacting with clients throughout shift. Maintain a clean, safe environment. Perform housekeeping tasks. Manage aggressive/hostile/inappropriate behavior to insure safety/well being of residents. Record observations of physical and/or psychological functioning of residents in client log during shift. Communicate significant events to other staff members and participate in meetings with both co-workers and residents as scheduled. Insure positive interaction with neighbors and other visitors. Maintain confidentiality of residents. Perform other job related duties as deemed necessary. Requirements: Must be knowledgeable of the physical and emotional aspects of homeless youth. Must be able to function well and respond quickly in a crisis. Must be able to provide care and supervision in a residential program. Must be able to recognize unusual behavior due to drugs/alcohol/psychological disturbances. Must be able to work evenings and weekends. Minimum of high school graduate or equivalent. Must have valid Arizona Driver License, AZ registration, insurance, and reliable transportation. Must be able to obtain fingerprint clearance. Salary: $9.00 per hour, plus $0.50 per hour increase after six months. Mail or Fax Resume to ATTN: Aspen House at (928) 226-8603. Closed when filled. |
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*New Listing* Behavioral Health Specialist – Native American Connections (Phoenix) The BHS is responsible for the safety of all clients and the facility, monitor daily house keeping and report required maintenance of the facility. The BHS must secure the facility, lock the gates and staff offices at designated curfew each night, and log the presence/absence of each client at this time. The BHS must prepare a written report of client’s activities each night, checking for attendance at mandatory meetings. The BHS assigns house duties to each client on a weekly rotation basis. The BHS observes clients self-administration of medications and documents that action. The BHS must notify their supervisor of any incidents that require an incident report. The BHS is responsible for securing the property and assisting in all inventory control. Native American Preference: Preference is given to qualified Native American Applicants in accordance with the Indian Preference Act. If claiming a preference, a copy of valid documentation must accompany the employment application. Send resume or complete application: NAC, 650 N. 2nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003; fax to 602-256-7356 or email to m.stilwell@nativeconnections.org. |
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*New Listing* Peer Support Specialist – Native American Connections (Phoenix) Peer Support services are provided by persons or family members who are or have been consumers of the behavioral health system. The intent is provide assistance in more effectively utilizing the behavioral health system service delivery resources through coaching, role modeling, mentoring and understanding the stressors of the individual. Qualifications: One to two years experience in behavioral health field and understanding of the recovery process of the chemically dependent individual. If a recovering individual, be chemically free for one year for BHS and 3 months for Peer Support. Oral skill to effectively communicate with clients. Written skill for documentation. Work independently and make responsible decisions in crisis situations. Understanding of the Native American individual--Indian preference. Valid Arizona driver's license preferred. High School Diploma or GED required. Native American Preference: Preference is given to qualified Native American Applicants in accordance with the Indian Preference Act. If claiming a preference, a copy of valid documentation must accompany the employment application. Send resume or complete application: NAC, 650 N. 2nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003; fax to 602-256-7356 or email to m.stilwell@nativeconnections.org |
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*New Listing* Path Behavior Support Specialist – Catholic Charities Coconino County (Flagstaff) Implement outreach services by frequenting places where homeless individuals and families may congregate. Distribute literature about the PATH program, available community services and benefits of the program. Complete initial Behavioral Health Assessments by the third contact with the individual or family in order to identify clients with qualifying serious mental illness or substance abuse issues. Refer qualified PATH clients to mental health providers, assisting with intake process and transportation as needed. Make referrals to other community resources and advocate for clients as needed. Prepare and maintain an accurate and up to date listing of all known community resources, events and general information within county for dissemination. Maintain a daily activity log and complete Catholic Charities files on each enrolled PATH client as required by contract. Inform supervisor and makes arrangements for coverage as needed to insure that service will be provided when personally absent from the office during normal working hours. Perform any other job related tasks deemed necessary or as assigned by supervisor. Requirements: Must have knowledge of good interviewing skills. Must be knowledgeable of local and state resources available to meet client problems. Must have knowledge of appropriate contact guidelines and requirements. Bachelor’s Degree, preferably in social work or related field. Experience working with the homeless preferred. Must have four years case work experience and experience with multi-challenged clients. Knowledge of community resources is important. Driving is required; therefore must have reliable transportation and valid AZ Driver’s License, registration, and liability insurance. Fingerprint clearance, or eligibility for fingerprint clearance required. Mail/Fax resume to Business Manager at (928) 774-0697. Position closed when filled. |
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*New Listing* Expressive Arts Therapist – PSA Art Awakenings (Phoenix) Provide direct services and participate in the coordination of behavioral health rehabilitation services for clients enrolled in the agency's Art Awakenings program. Incumbent must be able to exercise discretion and independent judgment. Artistic/creative background is a must. This job will be split 2 days a week at our Tempe studio and 3 days a week at the downtown studio. Qualifications: Creative arts or recreation experience a must. Associates degree in Social Work, Counseling, Psychology or a related human service field. Two years' supervised counseling experience with the client population in a mental health center setting or any equivalent combination of education and experience. Supervision must be documented and provided in advance of hire. Relevant experience requirements may be decreased if the incumbent holds a Bachelor's degree in Social Work, Counseling, Psychology or a related human service field. Bilingual preferred but not required. Current and valid certification in first aid and CPR and valid driver's license. Five-year MVD Report that meets the agency's auto insurance carrier’s coverage requirements. Please email your resume to Cynthia.baysdorfer@azpsa.org. For more information about PSA Art Awakenings please visit www.azpsa.org. |
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*New Listing* Outreach Coordinator, Anti-Trafficking Program – International Rescue Committee (Phoenix) Under the supervision of the Arizona League to End Regional Trafficking Program Manager, conduct a comprehensive outreach campaign targeted at the Latino population specifically in industries where forced labor may be found. The campaign aims to provide direct person-to-person counseling and information and increased community understanding and awareness.Requirements: Bachelors Degree or equivalent work experience; Fluency in written and spoken English and Spanish. Strong organizational skills and detail-oriented. Familiar with the Latino culture and knowledgeable of the Phoenix area; Excellent writing and analytical skills. Ability to work independently and be a flexible team player. Ability to communicate and work effectively with collaborative partners, the community, and clients in a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary environment. Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel and ACCESS Database. For more information or to apply, please email Amila Glisic at amilag@theIRC.org. |
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*New Listing* Research Analyst – ASU Foundation (Tempe) The Arizona State University Foundation (ASUF) is seeking an outstanding Research Analyst, focusing on the areas of corporations and foundations, to join its Research and Prospect Management team. Partnering with fundraising staff members, the Research Analyst will identify new donor investors through innovative, systematic, prospect identification processes and will assist in the development of strategies for engaging and cultivating corporate and foundation investors. With a comprehensive capital campaign in the planning stages, the Research Analyst will be joining an exciting moment in the history of the University and in the Research and Prospect Management department. We enjoy a highly supportive work environment, great partnership with other University fundraising staff, and fantastic cutting-edge research resources. Skills: Demonstrated proficiency with MS Office and various development research resources is fundamental. Ability to work in a collaborative team environment and commitment to confidentiality, ethical standards, and professionalism to handle confidential information with discretion is necessary. Excellent analytical, strong communications skills and ability to manage multiple projects are essential. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree. Corporation and foundation relations prospect research experience, development, fundraising, financial analysis, and/or relevant experience in an academic setting is preferred. Equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. Strongly prefer candidates with understanding of and competency with the Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA) Basic and/or Advanced Skill Sets. If interested in the Research Analyst position, please send your resume and cover letter to asufhr@asu.edu indicating the job title in the subject line. For more information on the ASU Foundation, visit our web site at www.asufoundation.org. |
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*New Listing* Part-Time Coordinator – notMYkid (Phoenix) |
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*New Listing* Paralegal – Save the Family (Mesa) This position is responsible for assisting the Legal Advocacy Director, conducting all client legal need assessment intakes, conducting client workshops, and assisting clients in preparing legal documents to be filed with the courts. 1+ years of experience in domestic relations/poverty law required. EOE. Send resumes to teresag@savethefamily.org. |
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*New Listing**Multiple Positions* Arizona Kidney Foundation (Phoenix) Staff Accountant Requires minimum 5 years general nonprofit accounting experience, database applications, detail oriented. Fax resume to 602-840-2360. Requires BA and two years experience in fundraising, special events, community interaction and multimedia presentation. Must have excellent verbal/written communication skills and proficience in MS Office, Excel, Access, graphic programs. Fax resume to 602-840-2360. Requires MSW and proficiency with MS Office, Access and Excel. Fax resume to 602-840-2360. |
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Executive Director – Social Venture Partners Greater The Community Foundation
for Please submit cover
letter (2 pages maximum), resume and three references to Steve Alley,
President/CEO, Community Foundation for |
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Executive Director – Community The Community Alliance
Against Family Abuse (CAAFA) is hiring an Executive Director. CAAFA
serves |
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Vice President - Children’s Action CAA is seeking an
experienced leader with a background in public policy issues and the policy
process. The Vice President will report directly to the President/CEO and
provide leadership in all aspects of the organization, with particular
attention to resource development and communications. The successful
candidate will be an action-oriented, strategic thinker who can manage
projects and nurture relationships to improve the well-being of Qualifications: high
level of energy and enthusiasm, and a track record of professionalism,
innovation, and integrity. Commitment to and knowledge of the human services
needs of Arizonans. Commitment to the mission of CAA. Demonstrated ability in
resource development for nonprofit organizations. Exceptional writing skills.
Demonstrated ability to collaborate with colleagues, funders and partners.
Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills, with a
history of superior results. Advanced degree in nonprofit or public
administration or other relevant field. 5+ years of high level experience
with an organization(s) or business(es) that demonstrates exceptionally high
level of strategic thinking, project management, and leadership. |
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Director, Go Red for Women - The American Heart Association ( The American Heart
Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is to reduce
disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. We are
currently seeking an experienced fundraising professional to help save lives
by fund raising for our Go Red for Women Luncheon in The ideal candidate
needs to be an organized, enthusiastic, self-motivated person to work as part
of a team to plan and execute a major fundraising event, manage and reach
fundraising goals, and work with volunteers. Daily travel is required
throughout the Tempe/Phoenix area. Primary responsibilities include,
raise funds for the annual Go Red for Women Luncheon and other assigned
events, prospect and obtain sponsorships, conduct sales calls to generate new
business and manage existing companies, develop effective working
relationships with volunteers, sponsors and donors, manage assigned
logistics, account database and budgets, perform other duties as
assigned. Qualifications include a
BA degree or equivalent experience in sales, fundraising and/or marketing and
2-4 year’s relevant sales experience. This is a full-time position
with excellent benefits; salary range is $35,000-$42,000. Please send a cover
letter and resume which must include salary history to pma.recruiting@heart.org. EOE |
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Corporate and Foundation/Institutional Relations Officer ( JOB RESPONSIBILITIES
INCLUDE: Work with Planned
Parenthood staff to coordinate grant funding opportunities for the expansion
of existing or development of new programs. Ensure that all institutional
donors receive regular, timely, and informative reports regarding the
achievement enabled by their giving; ensure that donor-required reporting is
executed on a timely basis in conformance with donor requirements.
Design and maintain a recognition program for corporate/foundation donors, to
include, but not limited to, preparation of materials such as pamphlets,
plaques or insertion of specific acknowledgements in agency communication
materials and stewardship and recognition events. In consultation with the
Director of Development, prepare clear, specific financial goals for
corporate and foundation support for each year and for the Capital Campaign.
Meet projected financial and programmatic goals. Oversee cooperative
activities with agency financial management to ensure that the use of
corporate and foundation donations reflects donor intentions. Work within
data management software (Raiser's Edge) in managing grant tracking and
reporting. Devise and maintain an annual schedule to ensure that all
foundation application deadlines are met well in advance. Plan and
manage a consistent reporting and assessment process to determine the
effectiveness and outcomes of corporate and foundation relations programs and
to maintain accountable donor relations Identify and research new
institutional donors to determine appropriate matches for Planned Parenthood.
Manage the In conjunction with the
Annual Fund Direct Marketing Manager, develop and manage a matching gift
program. Define roles for volunteers and utilize them whenever possible.
Maintain confidentiality of records and personal donor and prospect
information. QUALIFICATIONS Please submit your
resume online to uroesler@ppcna.org or fax to (602) 277.5243 Attn: Human
Resources. EOE |
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Fund Development Professional ( The Trust for A newly created position
for TPL, the Northern Rockies Senior Development Manager is responsible for
the creation, implementation, and management of fundraising activities in the
The Northern Rockies
Senior Development Manager will bring a high level of enthusiasm needed to
build his/her own development program and ideally have expertise shepherding
a fundraising program from infancy to maturity. A passion for TPL's
conservation mission is essential. The successful candidate will be
self-directed and have a strong fundraising and development background, and
possess the ability to demonstrate to the organization the benefits of a
successful fund development program. A minimum of 3 to 5
years of experience in nonprofit fundraising or substantial equivalent
experience, including individual donor cultivation and stewardship, and work
with advisory boards and volunteers is desired for this position. The Trust for |
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Director of Development - Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Director of
Development will assist with the identification, cultivation, retention and
development of Leadership Givers. Responsibilities: manage
and execute programs for annual donors of $1000 and above.; work closely with
key donors and volunteers in the acquisition and retention of members; work
closely with President and Development staff in the identification and
cultivation of potential members; identify industries, demographics or
geographic areas with high potential for member recruitment and create
strategies to access these potential members; coordinate with Development and
Marketing Departments; plan and orchestrate fundraising and special events
for leadership prospects and donors. Ability to work hours outside the
standard 8-5 timeframe and to travel if necessary. Qualifications:
Bachelor's degree, three years successful professional non-profit fund
development and/or fund raising experience or any equivalent combination of
education and or experience from which comparable knowledge, skills and
abilities have been achieved. Knowledge of principles and techniques of
development/fundraising preferably for a social service organization.
Requires exceptional research skills as well as verbal and written
communication skills. Candidates should be well organized, people-oriented,
able to multitask, and able to maintain effective working relationships. Please send resume and
salary requirements to: Hiring Manager, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central
Arizona, 1010 E McDowell Rd., Suite 400, Phoenix, AZ 85006 / Email: hiringmanager@bbbsaz.org.
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Director of Planned Giving - Valley of the Sun United Way Foundation
( Valley of the Sun United
Way (VSUW) is seeking a highly skilled development professional to lead,
market and grow the planned giving program for the re-envisioned Foundation,
and to actively participate in the Foundation’s major gifts program.
Reporting to the head of the Foundation and Senior Vice President of VSUW,
this new position will have accountability for all aspects of the planned
giving program’s strategic direction, execution and results, and for
engaging in the personal cultivation, solicitation and stewardship of
individual planned giving and major gift prospects. The ideal candidate will
have at least five years of progressively significant and relevant
development experience and a proven track record in managing and marketing
planned giving programs. S/he must have the skills and know-how to build and
manage a comprehensive planned giving program while also contributing to
overall major gifts efforts; technical expertise and knowledge of planned
giving vehicles, tax law and estate planning; a natural ability to cultivate
and sustain relationships; a track record in securing major and planned
gifts; and a style that is down-to-earth, enthusiastic, credible and
confident. Bachelor’s degree or combination of relevant experience and
education required. Compensation includes a competitive salary, outstanding
benefits and relocation assistance if required. Email resume to palmercom@cox.net or fax to 602-604-9045.
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Gift Planning Officer – The Gift Planning Officer
will serve as the principal gift planning fundraiser with current donors,
individual prospects and professional advisors. The Gift Planning Officer
will work closely with members of the Development Staff on the
identification, cultivation and solicitation of prospects for gift planning
and will provide stewardship of such donors and gifts. Duties include: Work
with members of the Development Staff to create and update a written plan
with goals and a budget, which outlines strategies for identifying, cultivating
and soliciting prospects capable of making planned gifts. Manage the
implementation of those strategies. Plan, implement and evaluate gift
planning marketing strategies, including printed materials, seminars and
workshops, web site, newsletters and other methods of outreach. Respond to
inquiries from donors regarding planned gifts; provide gift illustrations
when appropriate. Plan, implement and execute events aimed at building the
program, strengthening the existing program and establishing new gift
planning initiatives. Manage the Garden Sonoran Circle Program; contact,
visit and develop relationships with members. Maintain record keeping system
and reporting. Contact, visit and develop relationships with prospective
donors with the intended goal of encouraging donors to make a planned gift.
Prospect newly targeted audiences. Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree required. Additional education or accreditation
preferred in areas of estate planning principles and all forms of outright
and deferred charitable giving options. Minimum five years experience in the
area of fundraising, marketing and /or trust and estates. Conversant in
appropriate tax laws, gift administration, planned giving instruments and
knowledge of financial institutions. Ability to operate a personal computer
and expertise with software programs such as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel
and PowerPoint) and planned giving software such as Crescendo. Excellent
communication skills, both oral and written, and ability to deliver
presentations to various audiences. High level of self-direction,
self-motivation and ability to set priorities, reach goals, evaluate and
report results. Strong interpersonal skills, ability to establish effective
relationships with prospects, donors, board members and professional advisors
and other staff members. Experience in working with volunteers on
fundraising. Must have reliable transportation for off-site functions and
visits. Mileage will be reimbursed. Occasional evening, early morning or
weekend work required. Knowledge of Raisers Edge a plus. Please forward resumes
to jmelter@dbg.org or J. Melter,
Development Office, |
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Assistant Director of Annual Giving – ASU Foundation ( The Assistant Director
of Annual Giving manages the day to day operations of a high performance,
state of the art call center, the Sun Devil TeleConnection (SDTC). The
Assistant Director works with the Director of Annual Giving and other staff
within the Office of Annual Giving (OAG) to achieve increased levels of
annual support from alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and friends of
ASU. The Assistant Director is responsible for setting, planning and
achieving their annual fund goals. They must possess and demonstrate
exceptional interpersonal and communications skills, be able to articulate
and identify the skills, knowledge and abilities that suggest a student has
potential to excel as a telemarketer, possess the ability to teach/coach
college students, have strong organizational and planning skills, prepare
scripts and other support material, coordinate solicitation of area business
for incentives for student callers, enforce call center policies and
procedures, and develop and implement a plan to utilize SmartCall as
effectively and efficiently as possible. The position requires strong
software application skills in the areas of Microsoft office, automated
telemarketing software and data management systems to assist in the
development of various reports and solicitation calendars. Strong
organizational and planning skills are a must for balancing multiple
campaigns and tasks, and require an ardent attention to detail. There may be
work required on some nights and weekends. Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of three years experience working in a
higher education, automated telemarketing environment. The Assistant Director
will coordinate the activities of two full time staff and 80 part-time
student workers. For a complete job
description and list of requirements, please visit our web site at www.asufoundation.org. The ASU
Foundation offers a competitive compensation and benefits package, including
medical, dental and vision insurance; a 401(k) plan and reduced tuition at
ASU. |
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Development Associate, Major Gift & Planned Giving Development
– Sun Health ( In this rewarding role
you will collaborate with the development team to identify prospects,
cultivate relationships, ask for and close gifts, and steward the
relationships. You will also have the opportunity to work with lapsed donors
for gift renewals and gifting upgrades. When appropriate and where
necessary, you will work with donors and their families and/or financial
advisory teams to finalize major gifts, including outright, deferred and
combination gifts. You will prepare donor and prospective donor
correspondence as well as gift plan proposals. This position involves assisting
with Allied Professional events. To qualify, you will
need a related Bachelor's degree and at least three years of progressively
responsible experience related to major gifts and planned giving
(development, banking, estate planning). Success in this position
requires exceptional analytical, interpersonal, writing, editing and
facilitation skills. You must be organized and highly detail-oriented. Sun Health offers
competitive compensation, excellent benefits and of course, a professional
work environment with outstanding opportunities for you to grow in your
career. We invite to come grow with a dynamic healthcare organization! Phone: 800-486-5576 |
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i-Learn Program Director – YMCA ( Candidate needed to work
alongside i-Learn staff members to instruct and assist teen and young adult
students participating in the Southwest Valley YMCA i-Learn program. Program
students will be taking classes via a computer-based system and will need assistance
answering general study questions and resolving minor technical issues that
may arise. Ideal candidate will
have 2 years of classroom experience with high school students. Duties
include: facilitating online high school courses, tutoring students, tracking
student attendance and progress, and following up with parents and
counselors. Current Arizona Secondary Teacher Certification, A DPS
fingerprint clearance card, and a valid driver’s license are required.
$33,034-41,292 annually DOE. Resume deadline is |
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Program Managers – Grants to You (Multiple Locations) Grants To You, a
nationwide nonprofit that provides free grant research and writing training
to primarily seniors and students who, on completion of training, assist
their favorite, local agency in their fund raising efforts, is seeking
Program Managers to establish and operate local chapters throughout Arizona.
Currently, there are three chapters in Chapters are supported
by funds from local clubs like the Lions, Rotary or Kiwanis and from these
funds ($1,500 annually) pay the Program Manager a stipend of $100 for 10
hours of class service and a teacher a stipend of $200 for 9 hours of
teaching. To date, Grants To You chapters have trained over 250 volunteers
and these volunteers have raised more than $200,000 for local non-profits
throughout the For more information,
visit www.grantstoyou.org or call
Paul or Shirley at 928-776-7976. |
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Program Officer – LISC ( Requirements: Strength
in real estate finance blending private/ public sources; organizational and
underwriting analysis, project oversight. EOE Review details at http://www.nonprofitjobs.org.
Forward letter, resume, salary requirement by |
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Program Officer – The Arizona Community
Foundation seeks Program Officer to work in collaboration with other Program
staff to oversee their competitive grant cycles and initiative programs. This
position is part of a larger team, working with the Community Foundation's financial
and marketing professionals, as well as with ACF affiliate staff who manage
local community foundations under the Foundation's statewide umbrella. This
position is designed to work extensively with Responsibilities:
implement competitive, special initiative and donor advised grantmaking;
provide leadership on select special initiatives of the Foundation, including
Hispanics in Partnership, Individual Development Accounts and other programs
of family support, and community development; and provide regular input
regarding the full range of Program Department ideas and activities.
Candidate must have a Bachelors degree or higher as well as several years'
experience working with the nonprofit sector, and knowledge of a range of
social issues pertinent to the Foundation's work across Please submit resume
with cover letter to Sharon Ellis, HR Officer, by email (sellis@azfoundation.org) or by fax
(602-381-1575) no later that |
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Program Supervisor - Seeking a Health Program
Supervisor who will organize and conduct monthly community health fairs;
provide nutrition classes to community members; supervise the Promotora
neighborhood revitalization program; work as a member of the health and
fitness team at Qualifications:
Bachelors degree in a related field, Masters degree preferred; 3 years
related experience in the health field; Must be bilingual Spanish and
English; Knowledge of health information and resources for minority
populations; Supervisory experience preferred. For more information or
to apply, please contact or send your resume to: Lilia Corona at LCorona@arizonaschildren.org,
or fax 602-532-9408. |
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Advancement Specialist – American Red Cross ( This position is
responsible for assisting with the creation, coordination, execution and
evaluation of all Office of Advancement donor relations, special events,
middle donor fundraising programs and activities. Qualifications: three
years fund raising experience, with an emphasis on donor cultivation and
stewardship activities. Demonstrated ability and success in organizing
volunteer and paid work teams to achieve project outcomes; managing multiple
tasks and projects simultaneously; building and maintaining effective
customer relationships; time management; donor cultivation. Knowledge of
Microsoft Office programs and data base fund development software such as
Raisers Edge. Clear, concise, effective written and verbal communication
skills. Quick thinking, creative, possess a sense of humor, highly energetic
and outgoing. Bachelors degree or equivalent work experience. Please submit a resume
with cover letter by one of the following two methods. Resumes will not be
accepted without a cover letter: By Mail: American Red
Cross, 6135 N. Black Canyon Hwy., Phoenix, AZ 85015-1892, Attention: Human
Resources. By E-mail: hr@arizonaredcross.org
(attach Microsoft Word files) Salary: $31,800 -
$40,000 DOE, Equal Opportunity Employer |
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Director of Homeowner Services – Habitat for Humanity ( One of Habitat for
Humanity’s largest and most innovative nonprofit affiliates in western E-mail letter, resume,
salary requirement to susanm@nonprofitjobs.org.
Search job detail at http://www.nonprofitjobs.org.
Learn more at http://www.habitataz.org.
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Health and Fitness Director – South Mountain YMCA ( Seeking a motivated
individual with 3-5 years experience in health and fitness
programming. Ability to manage fitness staff, develop and implement
wellness and fitness programs for all ages, and create a positive environment
for all members. Responsibilities include
staff development, program development, overseeing personal training,
conducting and coordinating educational lectures for members and
corporations, developing and managing budget. Candidate will work
closely with Membership department on program partnerships and member
retention. Branch currently serves 1,500+ membership units, with an
annual budget of over a $ million. $28,725 - $35,907 annually. Deadline for resumes is |
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Health and Wellness Director – Chris-Town YMCA ( Welcome to your new
home. Take a moment and discover all that the YMCA has to offer! The
Chris-town YMCA is looking for a Health & Wellness Director. Exciting
opportunity for energetic, motivated individual to join a team of committed
branch staff to manage the Health & Wellness Department. Under the guidance of
the Senior Program Director, the Health & Wellness Director will be
responsible for all aspects of Group Exercise, Personal Training, and the Responsibilities
include: supervision of personal trainers and fitness center staff along with
35 volunteer group exercise instructors, fiscal development and management,
promotion of YMCA programs, participation in association management teams,
special events, and annual support campaign. YMCA experience preferred. 28,725 - 35,907 annually
DOE. Full benefits package with 12% retirement. Resumes accepted until |
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Corporate Wish Manager – Make-A-Wish Foundation of Corporate Wish Manager,
Make-A-Wish Foundation of The position requires a
degree, or a relevant combination of education and experience, in nonprofit
program delivery or corporate fundraising. A minimum of two years experience
in fund raising, sales, marketing or advertising preferred. The ideal
candidate will possess excellent communication, presentation, and customer
service skills, as well as strong computer skills. The position also requires
the ability to deal with sensitive and confidential information. Submit resume and cover
letter stating the position you're applying for to: Human Resources,
Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, 3550 N. Central Avenue, Suite 300,
Phoenix, AZ 85012; Fax: 602-279-0855; Email: hr@wish.org.
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Grantsmanship Developer – Valley of the Sun United Way ( The Grantsmanship
Developer works under the direction of the Research & Evaluation Director
of the Community Impact Department of Valley of the For complete details on
skills and requirements, how best to get your resume/cover letter to us and to
learn more about our organization, please visit www.vsuw.org.
Once there, click on About Us, then Career Opportunities. VSWU offers
excellent benefits and a great working environment and is an E.O.E. |
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Grant Manager – Homebase Youth Services ( Responsibilities
include, but are not limited to the following: Achieve a grant revenue goal
of $437,600 in Government Grants. Ensure grant reporting compliance by
submitting reports according to contract deadline and frequency or prior to
next grant application or no later than 6 months after grant funds are
completely expended. Submit monthly government reports to VOCA, HUD, and CDBG
and quarterly and annual reports as dictated by contracts. Ensure that grant
revenue goals are attained by June of each year through the support of each
Development Team member and the attainment of their individual goals.
Research, write, and prepare all grant proposals for foundation, corporate
and government sources to support the full continuum of care. Work with
program staff to develop program evaluation and success measure tools that
comply with grant contracts and reporting requirements. Coordinate contract
audits with program and finance staff. Assist Finance Department as
appropriate with Development-related projects such as agency budget, cash
flow projections, and restricted fund accounting. Prepare accounting
guidelines for grant funds received according to restrictions outlined in
grant agreements. Identify and implement networking strategies to develop
stronger community ties and build the organization's reputation throughout
the Valley with grant making institutions. Qualifications: Three
plus years of experience with grant writing, must have government grant
writing experience. Bachelor’s degree or five (5) years of equivalent
experience. Must be at least 21 years of age. The ability to embrace the HBYS
mission – teaching at risk and homeless youth how to live healthy and
independent lives and perform the principal functions in accordance with the
HBYS cornerstone values of Accountability, Integrity, Quality and Respect.
The ability to support the HBYS philosophical mandates. The ability to
maintain confidentiality compliant to Federal mandate. The ability to work a
flexible schedule as the position necessitates in order to complete the
principal functions. 42,000 - $50,000 salary
(Year-End Bonus if goal is met). Full-Time Position. Benefits Available
– Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, LTD, STD, AD&D, |
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Grant Writer – ASU Foundation ( The ASU
Foundation’s rapidly-growing communications and marketing team is
currently searching for a Grant Writer. The Grant Writer will be responsible
to develop effective grant materials, proposals, case statements, conceptual
plans, letters of inquiry, acknowledgement letters, progress and stewardship
reports, and other corporate and foundation communications, research and
analyze information and data for proposal development, prepare attachments
and other collateral material for proposals, prepare customized proposals
according to each corporation’s and foundation’s guidelines,
maintain an active, current body of knowledge relative to ASU, oversee the
development of a library of commonly required data for grant writing skills,
perform other editorial assignments and projects as assigned. Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree, preferably in communications, marketing, journalism,
English or related field, AND four years of business and/or marketing writing
experience. For a complete job
description and list of requirements, please visit our web site at www.asufoundation.org. The ASU
Foundation offers a competitive compensation and benefits package, including
medical, dental and vision insurance; a 401(k) plan and reduced tuition at
ASU. |
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Writer/Editor – ASU Foundation ( The ASU
Foundation’s rapidly-growing communications and marketing team is
currently searching for a Writer/Editor.
The Writer/Editor will be responsible to research, write and
edit a variety of materials such as leadership memos, e-newsletters,
presentations, proposals, case statements, web content, visual
communications, news releases and brochures targeted at internal-,
community-, and investor (donor) audiences, contribute to ASU Foundation
branding and marketing messages across all aspects of the enterprise to
ensure consistency of brand identity and messaging through advertising,
campaign messaging, presentations, web and collateral materials, coordinates, updates and produces web content including news, organization and
individual profiles, calendar items and other information, among ASU
Foundation and other ASU departments ensuring effective and consistent
presentation and dissemination of information, drafts correspondence related
to events, special projects, speeches and/or gift acknowledgements for the
ASU President and ASU Foundation President/CEO, maintains thorough files and
project records and track client communications so as to find important
information and project histories and perform other editorial assignments and
projects as assigned. Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree, preferably in communications, marketing, journalism,
English or related field AND at least four years of business and/or marketing
writing experience. For a complete job
description and list of requirements, please visit our web site at www.asufoundation.org. The ASU Foundation
offers a competitive compensation and benefits package, including medical,
dental and vision insurance; a 401(k) plan and reduced tuition at ASU. |
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Event Sales Coordinator – Qualifications: College
Degree and minimum 3-5 years hospitality, events and/or sales experience.
Demonstrated high energy, strong work ethic and sense of urgency. Proactive
with strong negotiation skills. Highly organized and able to coordinate a
high volume of accounts/events, multiple tasks, priorities and time
requirements; Excellent presentation, organization, and
communication/listening skills; ability to communicate effectively with
clients, Museum visitors, volunteers and staff. Strong team player who can
balance needs of clients while achieving business goals. Strong computer
skills able to work with Microsoft Office and internet. Event software
experience a plus. Flexible work schedule; able to work on weekends or
evenings if required. Benefits: Health and
dental insurance; life insurance; LTD coverage; a Museum-funded pension plan;
vacation, holiday and sick pay; Museum membership; and great discounts at
Museum Store, Café and other cultural organizations in the Valley. Please submit cover
letter and resume to Human Resources and note JOB CODE AZCOM-EVENT in your
submission. Email: HR@phxart.org. Fax: 602-257-2127.
Address: Human Resources Manager, |
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Outreach Specialist – Teen Lifeline ( Teen Lifeline seeks an
experienced, energetic Outreach Specialist to provide outreach and prevention
services to youth and schools, coordinate outreach efforts, supervise teen
crisis hotline two nights a week, train and supervise volunteers. Provides
crisis intervention, debriefings, and counseling to school personnel and
student body as required. Serves as a liaison between outside agencies and
the hotline to provide information about community and youth issues, hotline
developments, teacher trainings, volunteer trainings, and agency referrals. The candidate must
demonstrate strong public speaking skills and have the ability to tailor
speaking and topic information to various populations such as adult, student,
and general population audiences. Must be knowledgeable in the area of
adolescent behavior, crisis intervention and suicide prevention. Knowledge of
counseling practices and skills are essential. Excellent writing skills and
time management are important. Effective performance of duties requires a
Masters degree in Social Behavioral Sciences or equivalent, plus one year
related experience in crisis telephone work or working with adolescents in
crisis. Public speaking experience preferred. Starting salary $31K. Fax
resume to 602-266-1958 or email to info@teenlifeline.org.
E.O.E. |
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Big Brothers Big Sisters
of Central This position requires
an enthusiastic self-starter who will recruit volunteers from the faith
community to be mentors for children of prisoners. Bachelors degree or
minimum five years of relevant experience can be substituted. Recruiters
receive $800 monthly living allowance as well as health benefits and life
insurance. Please send resume and
cover letter to: Hiring Manager, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona,
1010 E McDowell Rd., Suite 400, Phoenix, AZ 85006 / Email: hiringmanager@bbbsaz.org.
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Technical Director – |
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Building & Maintenance Director – Southwest Valley Regional
YMCA ( |
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Administrative Assistant – Lutheran Campus Ministry Duties: create a
welcoming environment for students and visitors; answer telephone by
providing information to callers, taking messages as needed and collect
messages from voice mail. Update and maintain LCM database; Update and
maintain LCM student database, including online calendar; Maintain, moderate
and make use of LCM listservs when necessary; Work with students and pastor
to plan, organize and edit quarterly newsletter; Prepare and transport
mailings to the post office; Assist with seasonal mailings, such as
Advent/Lent devotionals; Help with general filing; Pick up and sort the mail;
Make copies for upcoming program events as needed; Check LCM email account(s)
and maintain appropriate communications and responses as needed; Communicate
with bookkeeper on weekly basis for donors, pledges, gifts, invoices, etc.
Includes keeping accurate spreadsheets in Excel with all checks received,
annual drive pledges made, sponsorships received, etc. Attend staff meetings;
work with student associate to assist with events, programs, and other
elements needed by the student team leaders. Qualifications: Strong
organizational and planning skills; College degree or equivalent
life-experience; Team player; Self-motivated; Competency with database entry
and reports; MS Office Suite and other computer skills. Writing and general
communication skills; Competency using Microsoft Office Suite XP, MS
Publisher; Marketing and PR skills; Interpersonal and Communication skills,
both written and oral; Multi-tasking and detail oriented skills; Willingness
to be self-critical and receive/provide feedback. Specifications:
15 hours per week / $15 per hour. Flexible hours, but prefer Please email resume and
cover letter to: Pastor David Hahn at nau_lcm@yahoo.com.
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Data Entry Clerk – Scottsdale Cultural
Council a non-profit arts management agency has an immediate opening in its
development offices for an experienced data entry clerk. This position
supports the development department by performing data entry of deposits and
contributions; mailings; generating reports; and coordinating development
recognition efforts. Provides clerical assistance to the Development
Department including composing, typing and mailing of correspondence,
proposals, donor fulfillment materials, committee communications and other
items. High school diploma or equivalent. Two years of related experience.
Intermediate proficiency in use of personal computer, word processing, and
spreadsheet and advanced proficiency in data base management. Must possess
excellent interpersonal skills and be familiar with office equipment. Must
keyboard minimum 50 wpm. Must possess excellent verbal and written
communication skills. Employee may be asked to work an occasional flexible
schedule at times of special events which may include evenings and weekends.
This position is full-time with benefits. $9-12/hr DOE. EOE To apply, please send a
resume to Resumes@sccarts.org. |
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Receptionist – |
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Full-time and Part-time Youth Care Workers – Tumbleweed
(Phoenix) |
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Interns – The Our interns perform
research and engage in writing projects with various staff members.
Successful candidates will demonstrate strong academic credentials, excellent
research and writing skills, a commitment to school choice, and a good sense
of humor. One internship is compensated at $12/hr.; one internship may be
available for academic credit, pending departmental approval. The Application materials
include: cover letter, resume and a short essay (up to 500 words) on why
school choice is an important issue. Send application materials to Dr. Rhonda
Meyer, Director of Research, |
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Telerecruiters - Leukemia and Lymphoma Society ( Duties: Create
relationships with schools via telephone that will exist past the initial
recruitment. Persuade schools to enroll in the program. Find key decision
makers at the school, i.e. Student Council Advisors, Counselors, and other
advisors of student groups that might participate in community service
projects. Meet a quota of calls per hour and a quota of enrollments per week.
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*Multiple Positions* Native American Connections ( Office Manager Qualifications: HS or
GED and 2 yrs Receptionist or clerical wk exp; or any combination of
education and experience indicative of success in position; Effective
organizational written and oral communication skills; Excellent customer
service skills; Must be confidential to handle highly sensitive and
confidential information; Outstanding telephone etiquette and work ethics;
Good pc skills required. Valid Behavioral
Health Specialist – On Call (2 Positions Available) Qualifications: High
School Diploma or GED. One to two years experience in behavioral health field
and understanding of the recovery process of the chemically dependent
individual. If a recovering individual, be chemically free for a minimum of
one year of sobriety. Oral skill to effectively communicate the rules and
guidelines of the agency in an assertive manner. Written skill to document
night activities, incident reports and bed logs. Work independently and make
responsible decisions in crisis situations. Understanding of the Native
American individual--Indian preference. Valid Peer Support
Specialist Qualifications: HS or
GED required; Valid drivers license; Good oral and written communication
skills; Ability to establish goals and monitor progress. Preference is given to
qualified Native American Applicants in accordance with the Indian Preference
Act. If claiming a preference, a copy of valid documentation must accompany
the employment application. Send resume or complete
application: NAC, 650 N. 2nd Ave, |
*Multiple Positions* AWEE staff enjoys great
employee benefits including, medical and dental benefits, 401k opportunities,
and vacation, sick and personal time. Openings are for immediate hire, to
work at the Central Office. Full job descriptions
can be found on AWEE’s website in the “What’s New”
Section: http://www.awee.org/whatsnew.html.
Please email resume & cover letter to Kathie Rudolphkathierudolph@awee.org. Executive
The Executive Assistant provides administrative support to the President
& CEO and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) with daily operations and
special projects; and supports the AWEE Board of Directors Project
Assistant: The
Project Assistant will support AWEE’s Path to Living Free and Women
Living Free programs. The assistant will support the Project Director and
other program activities. |
Multiple Positions - Foothills Caring Corps (Carefree) The Foothills Caring
Corps, a Program of the Foothills Community Foundation, has two part-time
staff positions available as follows: Volunteer
Coordinator Administrative
Assistant More information on
these positions is available from the Foothills Caring Corps office by
calling (480) 488-1105. Resumes should be submitted to: Debbra Determan,
Director, Foothills Caring Corps, |
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Welcome to Our New Subscribers! The Arizona Nonprofit Community Report is a free email newsletter from the ASU Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management, a program of the ASU College of Public Programs. We are not responsible for typographical errors. Some items have been edited. We welcome your comments at nonprofitnews@asu.edu. You may subscribe or submit items to this newsletter by visiting our website at http://www.asu.edu/copp/nonprofit/. Deadlines for the next edition must be received by November 3, 2006 in order to be considered for publication. To unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to nonprofitnews@asu.edu with the word "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. You have our permission to forward this newsletter to anyone you believe would benefit from the content contained herein. |
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