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Improving the quality of life in communities by providing knowledge
and tools that enhance nonprofit effectiveness |
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What's New |
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The Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management Has Moved! The ASU Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management is proud to announce our move as we join ASU's new downtown Phoenix campus. Please note our new contact information. Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management |
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The Fall 2006/Winter 2007 Schedule for Nonprofit Management Institute is Now Available
Please visit the updated professional development section of our website at: |
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Principles of Effectiveness for Nonprofit Organizations The Principles of Effectiveness for Nonprofit Organizations program is a tool that helps nonprofits assess their organization's strengths and weaknesses, create a plan to address what training they need, and undergo a peer review process that affirms the organization's advanced level of capacity. This process essentially affords nonprofits the opportunity to find what weaknesses exist in a reassuring environment, and a roadmap that leads to a more effective nonprofit organization. It's simply building the capacity of organizations through self-examination. To learn more about this program, please click here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Announcements |
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*Developing the Next Generation of Nonprofit Leaders* - Public Allies Arizona Public Allies Arizona is an intense 10-month Apprenticeship Program designed to develop the next generation of civic leaders. We are seeking twenty-five dedicated, service minded Allies to begin their ten-month apprenticeship in nonprofit organizations in the Phoenix area the Fall of 2006. Throughout the course of the apprenticeship, Allies provide direct service in Phoenix based nonprofits, plan and lead team service projects and participate in a rigorous program of leadership training and professional development. As AmeriCorps Members, Allies also receive a living allowance, individual health insurance, child care assistance (if eligible), $4,725 Education Award upon graduation, and a life changing experience in service. Ally applications are due August 16th. For more information or to apply, visit our website at http://publicallies.asu.edu or contact Michelle Lyons-Mayer at (602) 496-0425 or publicallies@asu.edu. |
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Nominate an Extraordinary Woman for a 2007 YWCA Tribute to Women Award YWCA of Maricopa County is pleased to announce nominations for the 14th Annual YWCA Tribute to Women Awards are being accepted. Nominate an extraordinary woman for one of the 2007 YWCA Tribute to Women awards. Over 1,000 friends, family, and community members will gather at the Arizona Biltmore on March 8, 2007 to honor the women of achievement selected to receive the awards. The 14th Annual YWCA Tribute to Women Luncheon recognizes distinguished women who have worked to eliminate racism and empower women and while achieving success in their career field. A nomination form must be completed for each woman nominated. Award categories are: Business Leader, Creative Arts Leader, Education Leader, Emerging Leader (30 years and under), Health & Science Leader, Philanthropy Leader, Public Service Leader, Racial Justice Leader, Sports Leader, Dorothy Willey Award (YWCA Volunteer). Please visit our website at www.ywca.org/maricopacounty to download a nomination application, or contact Dahlia Anderson at 602-258-0990 ext. 11 or by e-mail at ywca.d.anderson@fastq.com to request nomination forms. The deadline for submitting nominations is 5:00 P.M. on September 15, 2006. |
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Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation Awards $50K to Valley Dental Clinics and Community Organizations The Board of Trustees for the Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation announced awards of $50,000 to local organizations committed to improving oral health. The grants will support the efforts of charity dental clinics who provide dental treatment to more than 12,000 persons annually – more than half are uninsured children. The following five community dental clinics will use their awarded funds to purchase supplies and equipment necessary to continue treating uninsured individuals who have no other means of getting dental care: John C. Lincoln Children’s Dental Clinic – Last year the dental clinic provided dental care to 654 children without dental insurance and who did not qualify for AHCCCS. The Virginia G. Piper Dental Clinic at St. Vincent De Paul – The Dental Clinic provides preventive dental service and basic oral health care through 6,000 dental visits a year – more than half of that treatment for children Dave Pratt Dental Clinic - Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix - Last year, more than 810 children received dental care, which accounted for 1700 visits. St. Joseph’s Mercy Care Dental Clinic – Volunteer dentists provide dental services to low-income individuals who do not qualify for AHCCCS or have any insurance; of the 4,000 patients treated this past year, 65% were children. St. Elizabeth’s of Hungary Dental Clinic (Tucson) - They are the major provider of dental services for the uninsured in Southern Arizona – 7000 dental visits last year. In addition to funding five dental clinics, the Foundation funded the Catholic Charities Head Start Program to help provide oral hygiene supplies and transportation to get children to and from the dentist. For additional information go to www.deltadentalaz.com/foundation. |
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Social Venture Partners Arizona Teen Program Announces New Grant Recipients Social Venture Partners Teens, a youth philanthropic project of Social Venture Partners Arizona (SVPAZ), announced today the selection of two new nonprofit grant recipients in Arizona. With this new funding, SVP Teens total investment within its first four years of operation will reach more than $43,000 for the community, focusing on children and education. The two nonprofits are:
The Social Venture Partners Teens program was created by SVPAZ in 2002 to give youth the same opportunity for philanthropic education and grant making that adult SVPAZ partners have. Teens meet during the school year and learn how to raise funds, write grant guidelines, evaluate proposals, conduct site visits and read financials in a process that mirrors the SVPAZ strategic investment process. Together, the teens decide what issues to focus on and what nonprofit agencies they want to award grant money from their pool of funds. For further information, please contact Social Venture Partners Arizona at (602) 224-0041 or twogan@svpaz.org. |
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AzGATES Provides Funding Opportunities to Community Nonprofits The Arizona Grants Access Tool and Experts Source (AzGATES) is Arizona’s premier resource for obtaining funding for priority projects in the Arizona-Mexico border region. AzGATES offers free membership that includes a comprehensive and growing database of over 550 sponsors in the private, corporate and government sectors that offer funding for various projects within Arizona and/or Mexico. The sponsor search allows members to choose from a variety of areas of interest including social & economic, international & border, education, health and environment. In addition to the sponsor database, AzGATES offers its members funding alerts, a grant writer directory, a collaboration area where members can work together, and links to other resources to aid in the grant application process. Visit AzGATES at www.azgates.org and see how it can help you with your funding goals today! |
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ESCOM Volunteer Consultants Available Executive Service Corps of Maricopa (ESCOM), a program of the Volunteer Center of Maricopa County, has consultants available to help nonprofit agencies build their capacity to accomplish their mission. ESCOM is an organization of experienced executives and professionals who volunteer their time to serve as consultants in the areas of strategic and business planning, board development, financial management, community relations & marketing, and human resource management. Recent completion of projects has made some consultants available for assignment now. We are available to meet at your facility to discuss your needs and how we might be of assistance to you. To learn more about ESCOM and find forms to apply to become a client or a volunteer, visit our website at www.volunteerphoenix.org/escom. You may also send an e-mail request for information to escom@volunteerphoenix.org or call 602-263-9736 ext. 506 at the Volunteer Center. |
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Arizona’s Children Association Seeks Volunteers Get valuable experience with Arizona’s Children Association. We are currently seeking long term volunteers who will commit to a consistent time and number of hours each week or month for a specific position, i.e., receptionist, clerk, data entry, filing, accountant, etc. Positions are available statewide. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and in some cases, 21 years old. All volunteers must attend a volunteer orientation and placement training. Some volunteers must provide proof of driver’s license and auto insurance, fingerprint clearance and negative TB results. For information about volunteer positions in your area, contact Lee Hartmann at 602.234.3733, 302 or e-mail lhartmann@arizonaschildren.org or visit our website at www.arizonaschildren.org and click on volunteers. |
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Arizona Court Appointed Special Advocate Program Upgrades Website The Arizona Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program is pleased to present its new look. As a part of a vigorous community outreach effort, the Arizona CASA Program has re-designed its website, www.azcasa.org, and revealed its Call to Action in mid July 2006. CASA ~ Positive Action. Powerful Results. Take Action! Help a Child...Be a Court Appointed Special Advocate. For more information, visit www.azcasa.org. |
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Events |
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Town Hall on the Nonprofit Sector – Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits Are you interested in giving voice to the issues affecting nonprofits in your community? Articulating your vision for the future of the nonprofit sector? Building your network of nonprofit professionals? Contributing to the formation of a national nonprofit vision? If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, please join the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits’ series of Town Hall Meetings on the Nonprofit Sector. In October 2006, nonprofits from across the country will come together in Washington D.C. to participate in the National Nonprofit Congress designed to provide a space where nonprofits can recognize their common aspirations and challenges, look collectively at the future and support the development of a nonprofit vision. As part of the Nonprofit Congress movement, communities across the nation are hosting forums to engage nonprofit leadership and their supporters in a dialogue about the nonprofit sector. Arizona is contributing to this conversation through 6 Town Halls held across the state. All town hall meetings are free and open to the public! August 3 (West Valley) Where: ASU at the West Campus – 47th Ave. & Thunderbird Register online at http://www.arizonanonprofits.org/events/eventdetail.aspx?id=16 for the August 3 Town Hall. August 17 ( Prescott) Where: Prescott College -- 220 Grove St. - Crossroads Center Community Room (Park at main Prescott College building (Manzanita) and next to the Crossroads building. To enter the Crossroads Center enter through alley behind 220 Grove. You can enter alley off Western. It is the first street on the right.) Please register online at http://www.arizonanonprofits.org/events/eventdetail.aspx?id=17 for the August 17 Town Hall. September 6 (Yuma) Where: Yuma Community Food Bank - 2325 S. Engler Ave. Please register online at http://www.arizonanonprofits.org/events/eventdetail.aspx?id=18 for the September 6 Town Hall. |
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*Summer Workshops* – Just Grants! Arizona Summer Two-Pack Special: The Ultimate Grants Toolkit Workshop (August 3) For beginners and veterans alike, this full-day workshop in the JUST GRANTS! "Essentials" series offers an intensive, hands-on, skill-building approach to corporate, foundation and government grantsmanship. You'll learn how to build a solid, fundable proposal from the inside out and the bottom up. You'll work with planning tools and worksheets to make your proposals clear, concise, complete, coherent and compelling. And you'll learn how to organize the details of your work in a way guaranteed to take you to the next level of grantseeking success -- no matter where you're starting out. Date/Time: Thurs., Aug. 3 -- 9am-4pm Building A Winning Proposal…On The Spot (August 10) Your "Grantsmanship Essentials" program gave you the power tools for constructing a grant proposal that's clear, compelling, cohesive and complete -- in other words, a winner. Now with this new workshop offering, you can put your power tools to work right now, on the spot, with individual coaching from the JUST GRANTS! experts...and go home with a first draft of a winning proposal. Date/Time: Thurs., Aug. 10 -- 9am-4pm Prerequisite: This workshop is exclusively reserved for those who have taken a "Grantsmanship Essentials" programs within the past 18 months, including: The Ultimate Grants Toolkit Workshop (1 day); The Grantsmanship Game: Playing to Win (2 days); Grantsmanship Essentials: Introduction and Overview (1/2 day); Principles and Practice: Six Week Certificate Course; Grant$ Magic (1/2 day). Questions? Contact Sally Clifford, JUST GRANTS! Arizona Training Coordinator, at sally.clifford@grantsusa.net or toll-free (866) 472-6878, ext. 11. |
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Fundraising Chemistry: Putting Together Your Dream Team - Nonprofit Resource Center of Northern Arizona Don’t go it alone! Fundraising calls are more fun—and more effective—when done in teams. Learn how to put together the ideal fundraising team for each prospective donor. This interactive presentation will give you opportunities to identify your own strengths and see how you can best use your personality and skills to raise funds for your organization. This is a great follow-up for those who attend the July 20 workshop “Building Blocks of an Effective Fundraising Team. Objectives: identify the roles for each member of the team and examine the strengths you can bring to each role; identify needs of the donor; learn how to prep for a joint call; start to develop cueing mechanisms and presentation rhythms. Presenters: Alice L. Ferris, MBA, CFRE and James Anderson are the founders of GoalBusters, a consulting firm providing fundraising, sales and marketing training, evaluation and program development. Both are also part of the development team of KNAU Arizona Public Radio, leading the first million dollar year in KNAU history. Date & Time: Thursday, August 10th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm To RSVP call us at 928-527-7926 or visit http://www.nonprofitnaz.org/RSVP.html |
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The Grantsmanship Game: Playing to Win - A Two-Day Grantwriting Workshop This is Arizona's leading two-day workshop on becoming a successful grantseeking organization! For beginners and veterans alike, this workshop offers an intensive, hands-on, skill-building approach to corporate and foundation grantsmanship. You'll learn how to build a solid, fundable grant proposal from the inside out and from the bottom up. You'll work with planning tools and worksheets to make your proposals clear, concise, complete, coherent and compelling. And you'll learn how to organize the details of your work in a way guaranteed to take you to the next level of grantseeking success -- no matter where you're starting out. Participants Will Learn:
Date: Wednesday/Thursday, August 16 and 17, 2006 Presenter: Maryn Boess of JustGrants! Arizona To register, go to: http://www.nonprofitnaz.org/WorkshopRegister.html or call Michelle (Program Assistant) @ 928-527-7926. |
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Nonprofit Management Institute (NMI) Information Session Interested in advancing your career? Enhancing your management expertise? Increasing your leadership potential? The ASU Center for Nonprofit Leadership & Management offers a full spectrum of professional development programs through the Nonprofit Management Institute. You are invited to attend a free Information Session to learn more about each of our programs and the opportunities for professional growth. Date: Thursday, August 17, 2006 Registration is required. For more information or to RSVP, please contact us at 602.496.0500 or at nmi@asu.edu. |
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Public Relations Seminar for Nonprofit Organizations Small to mid-sized nonprofit organizations are invited to attend an introduction to public relations seminar, hosted by the Phoenix Chapter of PRSA. Supported by the Volunteer Center of Maricopa County, Valley of the Sun United Way and Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Date: Thursday, August 17, 2006 Professionals from the Phoenix public relations community will present the basics of creating a public relations strategy for your organizations. Topics include: creating a media plan, event management, ideas for articles, and crisis communications. Seminar will conclude with a luncheon and panel discussion from members of the local print, radio and television media. Space is limited. Early registration is encouraged. For more information, please call 602-274-1988. To register online go to www.phoenixprsa.org. Deadline to register is August 14, 2006. |
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Workshop: What Baby Boomers Can Do for You – The Piper Academy The baby boomers are coming – in fact, 650,000 Arizonans will turn 60 in the next 10 years – and they are interested in paid and unpaid opportunities in the nonprofit community. But this new talent pool will require organizations to think creatively and understand baby boomers’ goals if they want to successfully attract them. With this challenge in mind, the Trust will offer a Piper Academy on August 18 entitled “What Baby Boomers Can Do for You.” Maureen Curley, a nationally recognized organizational development consultant, will present a workshop that will answer the following questions:
Whether you are a nonprofit executive, a human resource specialist or director of volunteers, this free half-day workshop will provide valuable tools for attracting and retaining this highly skilled, motivated workforce. Presenter: Maureen Curley recently founded Workforce Strategies, an executive coaching, staff development and volunteer resource management firm. She has more than 25 years of nonprofit experience in community service and volunteerism, public policy and aging services. Date/Time: Friday, August 18, 2006, Workshop: 7:30 am to noon, Breakfast: 8 am |
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Advising Tax-Exempt, Charitable Organizations in Arizona - State Bar of Arizona Laura A. Lo Bianco, Esq. and Kendis K. Muscheid, Esq. both of Fennemore Craig P.C. will provide guidance for attorneys and others who work with tax-exempt, charitable organizations. Some topics which will be addressed are: An overview of tax-exempt organizations; Advising the 501(c)3; Private foundations versus public charities; Working with Boards; Private Inurement and Excess Benefit Transactions; and Limitations of Lobbying and Political Activities Date: September 7, 2006 Attend in person in the State Bar of Arizona Boardroom, 4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 200, Phoenix, Arizona To see a complete agenda and register to attend in person, visit our website: http://www.legalspan.com/azbar/catalog.asp?ItemID=20060602-314499-132812. Or attend via LIVE WEBCAST from your home, office or wherever you have an Internet connection. (You will have three months to view or review this program online.) To see a complete agenda and register for the Live Webcast, please visit our website: http://www.legalspan.com/azbar/catalog.asp?ItemID=20060602-314499-130135 Registration fee: $100 (Discounts may be available) For more information or to register please visit our website at www.myazbar.org/cle or call 602-340-7322. |
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Grants 101: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop – Grant Institute The Grant Institute’s Grants 101 Course is an intensive and detailed introduction to the process, structure, and skill of professional proposal writing. This course is characterized by its ability to act as a thorough overview, introduction, and refresher at the same time. In this course, participants will learn the entire proposal writing process and complete the course with a solid understanding of not only the ideal proposal structure, but a holistic understanding of the essential factors, which determine whether or not a program gets funded. Through the completion of interactive exercises and activities, participants will complement expert lectures by putting proven techniques into practice. This course is designed for both the beginner looking for a thorough introduction and the intermediate looking for a refresher course that will strengthen their grant acquisition skills. This workshop will be held at Arizona State University Downtown Center, September 13-15, 2006. Interested development professionals, researchers, faculty, and graduate students should register as soon as possible, as seats fill up quickly. All participants will receive certification in professional grant writing from the Institute. For more information call 888-824-4424 or visit The Grant Institute website at http://www.thegrantinstitute.com. |
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Auction Fundraising Workshop with Gary Corbett and Michael Wood Increase revenue, simplify your procedures and add excitement to your next benefit gala by attending the next Auction Fundraising Workshop, Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. including lunch and a live auction at the Phoenix Country Club. Register by August 11th and save money! Additional participants from the same agency receive a significant savings. For details please visit www.auctionworkshops.org or call 1-866-360-2020. Who should attend? Professional development staff, executive directors, board members, volunteers, event planners, auctioneers, sound and lighting companies, venue representatives. Auction Fundraising Workshops provides entertaining do’s and don'ts with Gary Corbett, one of the nation's best fundraising auctioneers and Michael Wood, one of the country's leading event-night organizers. Experience a real live auction with the proceeds to benefit one of the participating non-profit agencies. The workshop includes lunch with a question & answer session and the opportunity to identify and meet local Arizona fundraising resources. |
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The Community Forum – Make A Difference YOU are concerned about the graffiti that has popped up in your neighborhood. YOU want to ensure that your children can safely walk home from school. YOU want to start your community clean-up project. YOU want to be more connected to your neighbors and learn how to be a positive force in your community. YOU are a concerned citizen. Join Make A Difference, Valley Leadership, local and national speakers and fellow participants at The Community Forum to learn how YOU can move beyond the conversation and into action. The Community Forum is a diverse, interactive day of workshops, discussions and planning activities designed for YOU. Date/time: Friday, September 29, 2006 – 8:30am to 3pm Register today at www.makeadifference.org. Cost is $85 which includes continental breakfast, light lunch and Forum resources. Call 602-973-2212 or email info@makeadifference.org with any questions. |
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Job Opportunities |
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*New Listing* Executive Director - Arizona Council on Economic Education (Scottsdale) ACEE is seeking a dynamic and dedicated Executive Director with excellent oral and written communication skills to assume responsibility for overall development and delivery of its economics and personal finance programs to Arizona’s school teachers, as well as oversight and assistance for the Council's development and administration functions. ACEE is affiliated with the National Council on Economic Education, maintains Offices of Economic Education at the University of Arizona and Arizona State University and provides low- or no-cost conferences, workshops and in-service training programs, study guides and graduate courses for Arizona's schoolteachers to enable them to teach basic economic concepts to Arizona's schoolchildren. ACEE also manages the Arizona Stock Market Stimulation in which teams of students compete to manage a hypothetical $100,000 investment portfolio each semester and is actively involved in the development of the state standards for economics. The Executive Director will manage a staff of four, reporting to the Executive Committee and, in turn, to the Board of Directors and will serve as the liaison to the National Council. Qualifications include: Bachelors degree from accredited institution (emphasis in economics preferred, Masters degree or Ph.D. desirable), demonstrated experience in education and management, reliable, creative and motivated, strong program and presentation skills. Position available immediately. Salary is commensurate with qualifications. Health-care coverage and other benefits are provided. Please provide cover letter and resume in confidence to Ashley Hall at Arizona Council on Economic Education, Suite B-297, 6991 E. Camelback Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 or ahall@azecon.org. |
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*New Listing* Executive Director, Alumni Relations – Boise State University Alumni Association (Boise, Idaho) The Executive Director provides leadership for an alumni relations program that complements and supports the mission of Boise State University; is responsible for overall administration of the Alumni Relations Office, including strategic planning, fiscal management, staffing, and program development; serves as the Executive Director of the Boise State University Alumni Association; assists the association’s board of directors in strengthening the university’s ties with its alumni; and is a key team member in the university advancement effort. Qualifications: Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and written; to work independently as well as part of a team; to manage employees for maximum performance; and to inspire and motivate alumni and volunteer leadership. Must be willing to travel. Must be organized and demonstrate the ability to work under pressure. Ability to maintain sensitive and confidential information. Ability to articulate goals/objectives and meet those goals/objectives. 5 years professional experience. Bachelor’s Degree. Preferred: Experience in higher education and/or alumni relations. Proven track record of success in major-gift development work or comparable professional experience. Ability to engage and motivate prospects and volunteers. Basic understanding of fundraising software and Microsoft Office. 5 years experience in higher education. Masters Degree. Please email resume, letter of application, and contact information for three (3) professional references to (email submissions preferred): Jennifer Neil, Executive Director of Planned Giving and Director of Board Relations, Boise State University Foundation, Search # UA-0006-56, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725-1030. Email: jenniferneil1@boisestate.edu. |
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*New Listing* Executive Director - Lincoln Family Phoenix Downtown YMCA (Phoenix) This is an exciting opportunity to provide Leadership to the re-launch and community positioning of the Lincoln Family YMCA in Downtown Phoenix. This original branch of the Valley of the Sun Association recently completed a $6 million renovation and is uniquely positioned in the heart of the revitalization of Downtown Phoenix, the 5th largest city in the country. The Executive Director position will focus on Board Development, Financial Development, Staff Development and Collaborative Partnerships. The Lincoln Family YMCA has a $2.5 million budget, membership, residence, day camp, aquatics, adult and teen programs. Significant opportunity for membership growth and family programs to ensure that the branch reaches its post renovation potential. Full benefit package and 12% retirement. Please submit resumes to: Donnette Hermes, Vice President Operations, 350 N. 1st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85003, or dmhermes@vosymca.org. |
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*New Listing* Director of Philanthropy - The Nature Conservancy in Arizona (Phoenix) The Nature Conservancy in Arizona, one of the largest and most dynamic chapters in the US, is seeking a senior resource development professional to lead the continuing evolution and growth of statewide fund development efforts in support of the chapter's multi-year conservation goals. Reporting to the state director, s/he will build on an established and successful major gifts fundraising model; provide capital campaign leadership; guide and support the efforts of a seasoned and talented philanthropy staff; work with a committed and engaged board of trustees and high level donors; partner with the state director to provide general business counsel and assistance; and, collaborate with the senior leadership team to help save the last great places on Earth. The ideal candidate will have broad nonprofit fund development expertise, excellent team management and leadership skills, and a style and ability to work effectively with the state director and staff. S/he will have at least seven to 10 years of senior experience and successful track record in creating and executing integrated philanthropy programs based on a moves management system with primary emphasis on major and principal gifts from high net worth donors, cultivating high level board and volunteer relationships, managing and motivating skilled teams, and contributing to the efforts of a senior team; bachelor’s degree required, CFRE preferred. The compensation will be responsive to the successful candidate’s background as it relates to position requirements, and includes excellent benefits and relocation assistance to the Phoenix area if needed. Email resume to palmercom@cox.net or fax to 602-604-9045. The Nature Conservancy is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. |
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*New Listing* Director of Development - Boyce Thompson Arboretum (Superior, AZ) Duties: Works closely with the Boyce Thompson Arboretum (BTA) Director and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Senior Director of Development and Alumni Affairs to establish priorities for fund raising projects and to develop objectives, strategies and specific plans for such projects. Cultivates, solicits and provides stewardship to selected donors and prospects. Plans, coordinates and schedules visits. Prepares background information for visits. Serves as a spokesperson and liaison for development activities. Develops new funding opportunities for projects and programs. Coordinates responses to donors following receipt of gifts. Combines candidate’s knowledge of program/facility needs with knowledge of the donor’s interests and motivations to find a funding opportunity that will most effectively engage the prospective donor. This position will be located at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum. It will be expected that the Director of Development will travel extensively in the greater Phoenix Metropolitan area and other parts of Arizona. |
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*New Listing* Development Operations Manager – Desert Botanical Garden (Phoenix) The beautiful Desert Botanical Garden seeks a Development Operations Manager to lead a team responsible for all aspects of gift processing, member/donor database entry and maintenance, customer service, member/donor acknowledgements and fulfillment. Job requirements include a college degree and at least 5 years professional experience in administration, management, and/or database administration, preferably with a nonprofit organization. Experience with Raiser's Edge software is preferred. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in providing quality data and customer service to internal and external customers, enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, possess outstanding computer skills, have proficiency with Microsoft office and database systems, and possess the ability to work well with volunteers and effectively manage a team. Full-time, exempt position. Supervises 3 staff members. Reports to Director of Development. Excellent benefits are offered. Email, mail or fax resume and cover letter to: Email to hr@dbg.org; Mail to Human Resources Director, Desert Botanical Garden, 1201 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, AZ 85008. Fax to: 480-481-8173. For more information about the organization, visit our web site at www.dbg.org. |
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*New Listing* Finance Director – Fresh Start Women’s Foundation (Phoenix) Dynamic, growing nonprofit seeks finance director to oversee and manage accounting department. Ability to analyze and interpret statistics and financial data for developing long range plans and cash flow projections. Experience payroll and benefits, A/P, A/R, budget process, financial reporting, and auditing process. Position includes interaction with powerful board. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills as well as leadership qualities are necessary. Computer skills must include proficiency in QuickBooks, Outlook, Word and Excel. CPA with 2 years nonprofit experience or Bachelor's degree in accounting (or related field) and four years of related experience in nonprofit accounting is required. At least 4 years management experience. Email resume to djones@fswf.org or fax to 602-257-9692. |
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*New Listing* Program Director - Peer Solutions (Tempe & Phoenix) Are you interested in cultivating positive social change as a means to ending harm towards others and/or self? Are you interested in promoting respect with students of all ages, schools, family and community on local, state and national levels? Have you worked in the prevention or similar field for three or more years? Are you familiar with issues related to sexual, dating and family (child abuse) violence, substance abuse, suicide/depression, homelessness, eating disorders/negative body image, and/or oppression? Do you believe peace is possible? Peer Solutions is looking for a very self motivated, hardworking, caring and committed individual to implement, evaluate and expand STAND & SERVE, a school, family and community-based initiative designed to promote positive social change (primary prevention) as a means to ending harm to others and/or self across Maricopa County and beyond. Program Director Responsibilities will include: 1) Implementing and evaluating weekly and/or monthly STAND & SERVE meetings and peer education projects with two middle schools, two high schools and two elementary schools; 2) Facilitating on-going contact with school staff, family and community members; 3) Participating in a wide variety of on-going training activities; 4) Managing contracts including grantwriting support and attending quarterly meetings across the state; 5) Documenting all activities; and 6) Public Speaking. Starting Salary $30-32K annual depending on experience. Room for career growth. Bilingual Spanish/English Preferred. To apply, please email the following to Jennifer Rauhouse at PeerSolutions1@aol.com: 1) your resume; 2) 3 references including their relationship to you, name and preferred contact method; 3) reasons why you answered yes to the five questions at the beginning of this listing; and 4) why you are interested in this position. We will then contact you for an interview, which will begin July 31, 2006. See also www.peersolutions.org. |
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*New Listing* i-Learn Program Director – Lincoln Family YMCA (Phoenix) Candidate to work alongside i-Learn staff members to instruct and assist teen and young adult students participating in the Lincoln Family YMCA i-Learn program. These students will be taking classes via a computer-based system and will need assistance answering general study questions and resolving minor technical issues that may arise. Ideal candidate will have 2 years of classroom experience and be Arizona Secondary Teacher Certified. Duties include: facilitating online high school courses, tutoring students at YMCA i-learn sites in the metro Phoenix area, tracking student attendance and progress, and following up with parents and counselors. A DPS fingerprint clearance card and a valid driver’s license are required. $33,043 to $42,292 annually. Please submit resumes to Matt Sandoval, i-Learn Director Community Initiatives YMCA Phone/Fax 877-849-8836. Email: msandoval@vosymca.org. |
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*New Listing* Program Manager – International Rescue Committee (Phoenix) The Program Manager for Core Services and Post-Reception services oversees and manages the provision of services to refugees through programs such as mental health, reception and placement, and matching grant. Duties: Provide effective management and oversight for Core Services and Post-Reception programs; Ensure quality services to all clients; Recruit, manage, and support program staff; Prepare and implement a yearly operational plan; Ensure contract compliance; Ensure timely submission of accurate program reports. Oversee the implementation, management, and tracking of Team budgets; Provide oversight of the monthly expenditures. Provide one-on-one services to clients as needed; Monitor provision of services through regular and systematic file reviews and client interviews; Actively strive to resolve all grievances and improve identified deficiencies in service provision. Requirements: Bachelors degree, advanced degree preferred with minimum of 3 years management experience, including program development, monitoring, evaluation experience and advocacy experience; Minimum of 5 years experience in human services; Previous financial management experience: the ability to effectively manage program budgets and financial matters; Excellent interpersonal skill: the ability to work effectively with partners and colleagues in a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary environment; Solid organizational skills with the ability to juggle multiple tasks, set priorities, effectively manage time, and meet deadlines; Solid Computer skills: facility with MS Word, Excel, and email/internet software. For more information on this position or to apply, please contact Amila Glisic at 602-433-2440 ext.208 or email amilag@theIRC.org. |
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*New Listing* Operations Manager - Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra (Flagstaff)
Supervise and maintain effective daily operation of FSO office, knowledgeable of best practices in office management, customer service and professional communications. Purchase supplies and related support activities (maintenance contracts, etc.). Problem-solve on a daily basis. Provide administrative support to Executive Director, Artistic Director, and Board of Directors and related committees. Coordinate with Business Manager to ensure budgetary standards of FSO. Maintain FSO database (MS Access), create reports, and disseminate information as needed, resolve computer software issues as they arise, work with Webmaster to ensure accuracy of web site. Provide donor receipts and donor tax letters as needed. Create and manage all organization mailings. Provide support to FSO Guild and League. Ensure effective communications between all staff members. Interface with public. Assist in special events as needed. Have above average proficiency with Windows 95-2005, XP and specific programs such as Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and MS Access. Please forward resumes to Gene Munger Executive Director, Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, Box 122, Flagstaff, Arizona 86002 or e-mail: gmunger@flagstaffsymphony.org. |
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*New Listing* Director of Homeowner Services - Habitat for Humanity Valley of the Sun (Phoenix) The Director of Homeowner Services is responsible for creating, developing, and managing Habitat for Humanity Valley of the Suns Homeowner programs and services. In addition, the Director of Homeowner Services (DHS) will work with neighborhoods where HFHVOS real estate developments are located and identify assets and needs, based upon research, neighborhood interviews, and analysis of community development issues. The DHS will focus attention on enhancing the resource base of the neighborhoods where our homeowners live so that they are better positioned to address their needs. Qualifications: five or more years of successful experience in housing or nonprofit field; nonprofit management experience; College degree-BA/BS in related field; Demonstrated facilitation, community building and long range planning skills To apply, send cover letter and resume to: Habitat for Humanity PO Box 20186 Phoenix, AZ 85036 Attn: Christine Odom; fax to 602-268-9206 or email to christineo@habitataz.org. |
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*New Listing* Volunteer Resources Manager – American Red Cross (Phoenix) Position ensures the delivery of effective volunteer resources programs throughout the Grand Canyon Chapter. This includes: recruitment, orientation, training, placement, recognition, reporting/metrics, plus the management and interpretation of volunteer policies and practices. The incumbent accomplishes this thru; direction from the Director of Human Resources, collaboration and planning with departments and volunteers within the chapter, supervision and assistance of the Volunteer Resources Specialist. Requirements: previous volunteer management experience (5+ years) with a proven record of motivating and retaining volunteers. Clear, concise written and verbal communication skills. Exceptional public speaking and presentation skills. Experience working with a wide cross section of a community. Conflict management skills and experience. Demonstrated ability to develop effective, collaborative working partnerships with, community organizations, departments, peers, team members, and volunteers. Experience developing and executing strategic and tactical plans related to Volunteer resources. Demonstrated ability to advocate from the volunteer perspective. BA degree in Human Resources, Community Development or related field preferred Working knowledge of Microsoft programs. Bilingual (Spanish) highly desirable. Valid AZ driver’s license and personal transportation. Ability to work nights, weekends and travel overnight as may be needed. Please submit a resume with cover letter by mail to American Red Cross, 6135 N. Black Canyon Hwy., Phoenix, AZ 85015-1892, Attention: Human Resources or email: hr@arizonaredcross.org (attach Microsoft Word files). |
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*New Listing* Fundraising Specialist - United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arizona (Phoenix) Serves as lead new prospect developer for agency. Manages, coordinates, and implements fundraising projects annually to generate unrestricted funds for agency support. Develops new relationships in the community and recruiting new companies to be supporters of UCP and our programs and events. Meets fundraising goals for special events staying within expense budget. Develops and submits plan, time lines, budgets and evaluations for events. Primary staff contact person for annual golf tournament. Works with corporate sponsor to execute the golf tournament. Primary staff contact person for annual go-cart racing event. Recruits and manages volunteer recruitment committee. Recruits new teams for “Casual for a Cause” fundraising event. Creates marketing materials as needed. Assists in writing various agency and event publications. Tracks and records income and donations resulting from the implementation of agency events. Keeps accurate records, and reports income and expenses to the Development Director. Attends meetings as assigned. Ensures that all fundraising events and activities are conducted ethically and in compliance with IRS and other governing regulations. Other duties and special projects as assigned. Minimum qualifications: BS/BA from an accredited college or university in business, public relations, public administration, or related field, or two years of fundraising experience and an AA degree from a community college or technical school with a major in marketing or public relations; one year of work experience using skills required in the job position, such as a verifiable ability to organize special events, the ability to work with the public and to coordinate multiple functions effectively. Preferred: Two to five years experience using marketing skills, and two years in public relations, including three years of experience working in a nonprofit organization. Knowledge of word processing and other related skills on the computer . Membership in a professional association, such as NSFRE/CFRE certification desirable. Competitive salary with full benefits: group medical, dental and life insurance; paid time off (vacation and sick days); holidays; 401(k) plan; and the opportunity to work with a great bunch of people! Fax resume to 602-943-4936 or email to hr@ucpofaz.org. |
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*New Listing* Financial Administrator Job-Share Opportunity – Free Arts of Arizona (Phoenix) Arizona Citizens/Action for the Arts and Free Arts of Arizona are seeking an energetic Financial Administrator to perform a variety of bookkeeping and administrative responsibilities for both organizations. The ideal candidate will have two to four years of practical work experience including knowledge of general office procedures, nonprofit accounting responsibilities, and federal grant reporting. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills and leadership qualities are necessary. Computer proficiency in Windows-based applications including Microsoft Excel and Peachtree Accounting, QuickBooks or comparable software is mandatory. Each organization requires a 20 hour per week commitment for a total of 40 hours. Vacation; Mileage Expenses; Professional Development included. Arizona Citizens/Action for the Arts, the nonprofit statewide arts advocacy membership organization, promotes public dialogue, public policy and legislation favorable to the arts, ensures and increases state funding for the arts, and serves as a resource for expanding other public arts funding sources. Free Arts of Arizona is a nonprofit organization that brings creative arts programs to abused, homeless and at-risk children. Both office environments are creative, colorful and fun! To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume via email to both Lisle Soukup, Executive Director Arizona Citizens/Action for the Arts (lisle@AzActionfortheArts.org) and to Brenda Bernardi, Operations Director Free Arts of Arizona (info@freeartsaz.org). For complete job descriptions, please contact Brenda Bernardi, at 602-258-8100 or at info@freeartsaz.org. |
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*New Listing* Fund Development Manager - Community Information & Referral (Phoenix) Community Information & Referral (CI&R) is nonprofit organization that is a vital link between people who need help and the organizations which provide that help. Our 24-Hour Help Hotline serves the ten central and northern counties of Arizona. The Fund Development Manager is an exciting new position that will elevate and anchor CI&R’s fundraising activities, working with the Executive Director to create an overall strategy and vision for fund development efforts; establishing annual goals for individuals, corporations, foundations and events, and instituting sustainable processes and systems to develop and maintain financial support. We are looking for a charismatic go-getter with a track record of fundraising success. Qualifications: Minimum of five years’ fundraising experience, including event management, public relations and marketing, with proven personal success in fundraising for nonprofit organizations; Demonstrated knowledge of annual giving, capital campaign, foundation/corporate solicitations, deferred giving, special events, and foundation/corporation grant processes and grant writing; Experience with event planning (e.g., auctions, donor events, parties that generate funds, etc.); Excellent communication skills, including excellent writing and presentation skills; and proficiency in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. For consideration, qualified candidates must email their cover letter, resume, and professional references to: Roberto Armijo, Executive Director, Roberto@cirs.org. |
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*New Listing* Development Associate – Childsplay (Phoenix) Childsplay, Arizona’s professional theatre for young audiences and families, seeks a self-motivated, creative, and energetic professional to support the Development Director in managing the theatres annual fund campaign and special events. The successful candidate will possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, proficiency with Microsoft Office and general database knowledge, and two years prior experience in fundraising, special events or related fields. Bachelor's degree in related field preferred. Full-time, exempt position with generous benefits. Salary mid-to-upper $20Ks DOE. Fax resume and cover letter to Development Associate Search at 480-350-8584 or e-mail to development@childsplayaz.org. No calls, please. |
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*New Listing* Development Associate – Verde Valley School (Sedona) Verde Valley School, Sedona, Arizona is hiring a full time Development Associate. Responsibilities include gift processing, database maintenance, word processing, report generation and general office duties. Candidates who are organized with office management experience, excellent communication, writing and computer skills are encouraged to apply. Full Benefits and competitive salary. Please email cover letter and resumes to cliffo@verdevalleyschool.org fax to 928-284-0432. |
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*New Listing* Development Associate – Volunteer Center of Maricopa County (Phoenix) The Development Associate position is part of the Resource Development Team (RDT) and will have responsibilities for some grantwriting, corporate sponsorships, relationship building, planning, and executing pieces of the organization's development plan. The Development Associate works closely with the CEO, the RDT and the board fund development committee to ensure that financial goals are being met. Responsibilities: Focuses on corporate funding, grantwriting, stewardship, and potential funding opportunities. Implements the development plan which includes fundraising initiatives, goals, objectives, dates, and targets. Serves as staff support to the CEO and Board fund development committee to ensure their success. Attracts, cultivates, and trains volunteers to assist in fundraising activities. Provides stewardship to corporate, foundation and new contributors. Maintains and updates relationship database. Researches and identifies possible private foundation and corporate foundation grants and confers with CEO on program initiatives. Supports fellow staff on appropriate projects. Other duties as assigned. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree preferred with two years proven fundraising experience. Minimum comparable years in the field. General understanding of all aspects of fund raising with specific success and expertise in at least one area. Will consider a combination of education and experience. Experience with Matchmaker or other fundraising data base program a plus. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Demonstrated ability to package organizational goals with funder policies and objectives, excellent oral and written communications skills, work with volunteers, Board members, and other community leaders, well-organized and self-motivated. Excellent interpersonal and networking skills. Ability to be a cooperative team player with the staff and Board members. Ability to utilize diplomatic skills and to assist groups in reaching consensus. Computer literacy skills that include word processing, spreadsheet and the capability of learning other software applications. Please fax resumes to Patsy at 602-264-9555. |
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*New Listing* Marketing and Communications Associate – Arizona Opera (Phoenix & Tucson) Provide clerical and administrative support to the Director of Marketing with additional responsibilities to the Director of Communications. Duties: Coordinate and update photos and content on AZO website. Create and organize artistic and production content. Schedule production photo shoots and video documentation. Schedule and confirm media activities: interviews, photo shoots. Coordinate on-line press photo gallery. Manage and update email distribution list. Coordinate bi-weekly email newsletter. Compile pertinent media / press related articles for staff / Board distribution. Organize and maintain Marketing and Communication files, media mailing lists, and related materials. Coordinate printing schedules and deadlines for newsletters, brochures and performance programs. Assist in the proofing for all collateral copy. Manage staff distribution and editing process. Assist and coordinate current advertising calendar. Coordinate expense tallies and reports when needed. Act as Marketing and Communication liaison with Production department. Coordinate and manage Tucson Intermezzo receptions. Attend all Tucson opera performances, as well as ancillary events throughout the season. Attend and assist in all supporting promotional events when required, both Phoenix and Tucson. Coordinate the volunteer staffing of Tucson opera shop. Support Marketing and Communication Departments in the promotion of Arizona Opera as projects are created and executed. For more information on this position or to apply, please contact Colin Columna at 602.266.7464 or colin@azopera.com. |
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*New Listing* Marketing Intern – Volunteer Center of Maricopa County (Phoenix) The Volunteer Center of Maricopa County is offering an opportunity for a marketing internship in the nonprofit sector. In order to explore multiple career paths in marketing, the intern will work closely with the Communications Coordinator to handle a range of marketing functions. The intern will perform various marketing and administrative functions including: writing press releases, compiling data for marketing outreach, researching and providing information on nonprofit agencies to local media, and assisting with other communications projects. Qualifications: Currently pursuing a B.A. within Marketing or a related field. The individual must have excellent copy writing and communication skills with the ability to coordinate multiple responsibilities. Must be creative, self-motivated, and detail-oriented. Excellent computer skills. The ideal individual will be available 5-10 hours a week. This is not a paid position but college credit may be available depending on the requirements of your college or university. Please send your resume and letter of introduction to melinda.wing@volunteerphoenix.org. No phone calls please. |
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*New Listing* Historic Education & Outreach Coordinator – City of Glendale Parks & Recreation (Glendale) Serve as liaison to historical organizations/associations, monitor collections, and oversee development and implementation of education and outreach programs in the community. Curates all incoming collections, including registration and accessioning; establishes and maintains an inventory system for collections management. Develops and coordinates on- and off-site educational programming; presents lectures and workshops in the community; develops and coordinates publicity and marketing strategies for the education programs. Provides technical information and lectures to classes and visitors concerning early Glendale and agricultural history. Recruits, selects, trains, and monitors regular, temporary staff, and volunteers. Oversees the development and coordination of guided tours and administers the guide/docent program. Qualifications: Bachelors degree or equivalent work experience. Preference will be given to candidates with extensive historic education programming, collections management, and museum experience and/or education. Minimum of three years professional experience. Salary: $44,106-$70,570 Annually DOQ Applications are available from the City of Glendale website: www.glendaleaz.com. |
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*New Listing* Sports Coordinator – Glendale/ Peoria & Deer Valley YMCA (Glendale) Assist the program director in the administration, development, and operating functions of sports programs. Knowledge and experience in youth sports including demonstrated ability to work with children of all ages. Ability to communicate effectively with members, staff, peers, volunteers, parents, and supervisor. Ability to effectively communicate information on YMCA Sports Programs. Knowledge of staff/volunteer supervision and program management preferred. Applicant must be at least 21 years of age, have a minimum of documentation of high school or equivalency diploma, 12 months of sports experience and some experience in refereeing. Possess CPR and First Aid certifications. Please submit resumes to: Sam Ganczaruk at stganczaruk@vosymca.org. |
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*New Listing* Membership Coordinator – Tucson Zoological Society (Tucson) Full time position responsible for membership processing, member programs & customer support for Tucson Zoological Society. Experience in customer service exposure, database entry and maintaining accurate records. Excellent computer skills, good communication skills & ability to effectively multitask are a must. Looking for strong database knowledge, compositing mass email distributions, detail oriented and organized. MS Word, Excel & Outlook experience required. Reports to Membership Director. Bilingual preferred. Please email letter of interest, resume & 3 references to kolleen@tucsonzoo.org. No phone calls, please. |
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*New Listing* Community & Economic Development Programs Specialist – International Rescue Committee (Phoenix) Manages the daily activities and personnel of the Community and Economic Development Department including the MicroEnterprise Development, Financial Training, and Individual Development Accounts (IDA) programs. The Programs Manager is responsible for initiating and managing financial and community partnerships, as well as implementing policies and procedures, fundraising, reporting, curriculum development, and program development. The Programs Manager may be involved in direct service provision. This position is located in the Phoenix Regional Office. Requirements: Masters Degree in Economics, Finance, Development, Business or related field. Minimum of two years previous experience in program management. Demonstrated understanding of fiscal management and reporting. Excellent verbal and written communication skills and the ability to communicate with limited-English speakers in a multicultural environment. Experience working in a multicultural environment. Advanced computer skills including word processing, database systems, desktop publishing, and PowerPoint. Bilingual ability desirable, but not required. Salary: $36,000-$40,000/per annum. For more information on this position, or to apply, please contact Amila Glisic at amilag@theIRC.org or call 602-433-2440. |
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*New Listing* Bilingual Match Support Specialist - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona (Phoenix) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona is a leading mentoring organization in the United States. We match adult volunteer mentors to children in need of a positive adult role model. This position is responsible for supporting match relationships through phone calls, emails, and in-person contacts. The ideal candidate must be able to assess and document effectively; be self-motivated; highly organized; adept at time management, and highly skilled at verbal communication in English and Spanish. Requirements include a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work or related degree and at least one year social services professional experience preferred. Excellent communication skills and problem solving skills. Knowledge of relationship dynamics and the ability to provide guidance to match relationships. Ability to prioritize and manage a large caseload. Ability to work a flexible schedule. Send resume with cover letter to Laurie Callan, 1010 E McDowell #400, Phoenix, AZ 85006; email lcallan@bbbsaz.org. EEO/AA |
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*New Listing* Bilingual Social Worker – Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project (Florence, AZ) Seeking Bilingual MSW to Work with Detained Immigrants and Refugees. This position will involve interviewing clients, assessing social, medical and psychological needs and counseling clients accordingly. The client population includes men, women, and children who may have endured trauma in the form of persecution or torture or may have turned to criminal activity often as a result of social and psychological factors. The social worker will work from and continue to develop a manual of social services, substance abuse programs and residential options for clients who hope to be released from ICE detention into Arizona and California communities and assist clients in accessing such services. The social worker will also assess social and psychological needs of those in detention, provide emotional support to clients throughout their immigration court proceedings, consult with staff attorneys on mental health and social issues of clients, work closely with survivors of torture as they prepare testimony in asylum-type hearings. The social worker will also help Project staff recognize and manage their secondary trauma, advocate on behalf of clients to ICE officials, assist clients in understanding and navigating the legal system, and help long-term detainees prepare for and request release. The position requires an MSW degree and Spanish fluency. People with fluency in additional languages are strongly urged to apply. Applicants must be culturally competent and comfortable working in a detention setting with clients who may have criminal histories. To apply, please send a resume, cover letter, three references and a writing sample to: Victoria Lopez, Executive Director, P.O. Box 654, Florence, Arizona 85232, or via email at vlopez@firrp.org. |
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*New Listing* Social Services Supervisor - International Rescue Committee (Phoenix) This Social Services Supervisor is charged with the task of improving the standard of case management services and maintaining quality control for both service provision and contractual compliance. Duties: Ensure the Case Management team provides quality case management services through regular and timely case file reviews; weekly case debriefing discussions; and on-site supervision of services both in the office and in the field. Oversee contract compliance for the case management functions of the Reception and Placement, Matching Grant and Refugee Programs contracts. Manage case file closure or transfer at 180 days after arrival. Develop and ensure appropriate case filing system. Ensure case management forms are appropriate and translated. Supervise case management staff in their daily activities. Provide direct assistance for difficult cases or new arrivals in times of high arrivals. Supervise and coordinate the daily walk-in hour. Attend the quarterly Public Consultation, weekly staff meetings and other meetings as required. Other duties as assigned. Requirements: M.S.W. or equivalent work experience in a multicultural setting. Fluency in written and spoken English, bilingual ability preferred. Computer literacy, data base experience preferred. Ability to effectively communicate and work as a team member in a cross-cultural environment. Ability to prioritize and manage time effectively. Must have a valid drivers license, active insurance policy and access to reliable transportation. Salary: $34,000-$36,000 DOE For more information on this position, or to apply, please contact Amila Glisic at amilag@theIRC.org or call 602-433-2440. |
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*New Listing* Case Worker – International Rescue Committee (Phoenix) Case Workers provide core services as defined in the Cooperative Agreement for Reception and Placement to newly arriving refugees and continued services as defined by the Matching Grant and Refugee Program service methodology for the IRC Phoenix office. The Case Worker will work in conjunction with the Logistic Assistant to ensure pre- arrival preparations as housing, furnishings, culturally appropriate food and household supplies are ready for new arrivals; provide airport reception to direct cases. Provide transportation and translation services for attaining social security cards, medical screening, Department of Economic Security applications, doctors appointments, etc. Provide clients with a continuity of services to the IRC Employment Coordinators for employment referrals, counseling and placement. Maintain case file documentation to conform to contract requirements as well as to reflect individual resettlement activities; ensure case notes are clear and concise. Recognizing special needs refer clients to community service provider programs or social service agencies. Comply with all polices, procedures and protocols of the agency. Participate in all program meetings, staff development activities, and other duties as assigned. Requirements: Bachelors degree and case work experience; Fluency in written and spoken English; Fluency in Spanish; Cultural sensitivity; good cross-cultural communication skills; Ability to prioritize and manage time effectively; Ability to effectively communicate and work as a team member in a cross-cultural environment. Computer literacy, database experience preferred. Must have a valid driver’s license, current insurance policy and access to reliable transportation. For more information on this position or to apply, please contact Amila Glisic at 602-433-2440 ext.208 or email amilag@theIRC.org. |
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*New Listing* Foster Care Licensing Specialist - Arizona Action for Foster Children (Tempe) Foster and adoption agency seeking candidate for licensing specialist position. Will consider full or part time candidates. Bachelor degree in social services or related field required. Bilingual and MSW preferred. Flextime, pleasant work environment. $25K + benefits, EOE. Fax resume to K. Rodgers at 480-345-2678 or e-mail resume to krodgers@aafc-az.org. |
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*New Listing* Education Team Member - Arizona Science Center (Phoenix) Education Team Members work in the exhibit galleries greeting visitors and engaging them in educational activities, conversations, and programs. Team members are the public face of the science center and they are required to be receptive, outgoing, and engaged with the public while they are in uniform in the exhibit galleries. Team members assist visitors as they use the exhibits, encourage visitors to experiment and explore, and provide explanations and answer questions when necessary. Team members will work in all of the centers galleries, present tabletop activities, and perform scheduled demonstrations or workshops. They will also have time during their shifts to participate in self-directed training opportunities and assist with other behind-the-scenes tasks. Team members performance will be evaluated periodically throughout the year. The Education team member position is a one-year appointment. The team member positions are available for Saturday and/or Sunday, weekday mornings or afternoons. Team members are expected to work some holidays (excluding Thanksgiving and Christmas). Team members can work a maximum of 20 hours a week. Team members are not eligible for Full Time benefits. The starting pay rate is $7/hour. Preferred qualifications: experience working with the public; public speaking/theater background; general ability to engage members of the public in conversation; an interest in and enthusiasm for science. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Other qualifications: Excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to communicate in Spanish is helpful. For more information on this position or to apply, please email jendreke@azscience.org or call 602-716-2042. The Arizona Science Center is an equal opportunity employer. |
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*New Listing* Teen Advisory Board Leader – notMYkid (Phoenix) notMYkid is seeking a bold leader who can manage a successful Teen Advisory Board. He/she needs the ability to engage, influence and motivate high school in leadership. Qualifications: experience working with high school students; strong communication, organizational and strategic planning skills; ability to work independently and as a team player; ability to work with schools employees; willingness to impact youth; and passion for making a difference. The position is part-time and flexible with school hours; also would require some Saturdays. Please send cover letter and resume to: Christina Colletta, notMYkid, 333 W Indian School Phoenix, AZ 85013 Fax: 602-266-1958. Email: christina@notmykid.org. Phone: 602-652-0163. Learn more about notMYkid at www.notMYkid.org or www.clearchoices.org. |
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*New Listing* PT Tutoring Site Manager – All-Star Kids Tutoring (Phoenix) All-Star Kids Tutoring is looking for two PT Site Managers to oversee the success of weekly tutoring sessions. These fun, fulfilling positions are largely focused on managing volunteer tutors, working with school staff, and communicating with parents. Good candidates will have strong organizational, leadership and verbal/written communication skills. Experience in volunteer management, education or working with children is desired. Must possess strong sense of integrity, self-motivation, good work ethic and professionalism. Must be able to work with diverse groups of people. Strong computer skills necessary; Bilingual a plus. Must have car and insurance, and be available to work M-Th evenings. Positions will cover either West or Eastside sites; please indicate which you would be able to work. Fax cover letter and resume to 602-861-6838. |
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*New Listing* Jr. Database & Website Developer - Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education (Phoenix) Assists with designs, development, and implementation of software packages for databases and web sites. Troubleshoots, debugs and implements software code. Documented successful completion of education program in related area or at least 2 years of proven experience in related area. Has knowledge of standard concepts, practices, and procedures of web programs: SQL, ColdFusion a must, HTML, CGI and JavaScript. Works under general supervision; reports to Technology Director. Creativity and flexibility required. To apply, submit, a cover letter and resume by mail or to the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education, Attn. Lara Slifko, prior to 5:00 p.m. on August 1, 2006, 4201 N. 24th St, Ste 210, Phoenix, AZ 85016, fax it to: 602-416-7435 or email it to Lara.Slifko@azflse.org. The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. |
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*New Listing* Human Resources Assistant - Scottsdale Cultural Council (Scottsdale) This position administers human resources documents and processes and manages specific areas such as benefits and HRIS assisting the Human Resources Manager. This position also provides the administration department with minor clerical support and assists reception staff as needed. The Human Resources Assistant’s primary responsibility is to provide confidential process coordination and direct assistance to Administration. Qualifications: Intermediate level proficiency with software programs such as word processing, spreadsheets, databases and internet research. Excellent public relations skills, oral and written communications skills and strong organizational skills. High proficiency in operation of general office equipment and keyboard a min. 50 wpm. Minimum high school diploma or equivalent and considerable (2-4 years) experience in human resources or a responsible secretarial/clerical or paraprofessional capacity or combination of appropriate education and experience. An AA degree is desirable. Salary range $24-27K, DOE. Full benefits package: medical, dental, life, ltd, flex spending and more! To apply, please send your resume and letter of interest to resumes@sccarts.org. EOE |
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*New Listing* Accountant – Phoenix Day (Phoenix) Phoenix Day, Arizona’s first early care and education program is recruiting an Accountant. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. Four years' experience in accounting. Excellent verbal, written, communication, interpersonal and computer skills. Nonprofit experience strongly preferred, including experience in federal grants administration funding accounting, and A-133 audits. Experience using CYMA, QuickBooks and other accounting and project management software. For more information, please contact KellyAnn Bonnell at kbonnell@phoenixday.org. |
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*New Listing* Receptionist/Administrative Assistant – International Rescue Committee (Phoenix) Provide support and assistance to the resettlement office by answering telephones, performing clerical duties, and greeting/assisting all visitors to the office. Duties: directing incoming calls to appropriate staff and taking messages. Greeting/directing clients and visitors; informing staff of client/visitors arrival. Maintaining appointment books for staff and set appointments as appropriate. Providing information and answering questions for clients in the reception area. Various clerical functions including but not limited to faxing documents, photocopying, sending and receiving mail. Providing translation services as needed. Collecting clients surveys, compile the results, and submit them to the Regional Director. Posting information on the staff bulletin board, update weekly. Serving as a focal point for all office supplies purchases. Overseeing the cleaning crew and monitor the quality of work. Assisting with meeting preparation as assigned by the Director. Requirements: English fluency, bilingual ability preferred; cultural sensitivity, excellent cross-cultural communication skills; excellent public relations skills; and previous clerical experience. Must have a valid driver’s license, active insurance policy and access to reliable transportation. For more information on this position or to apply, please contact Amila Glisic at amilag@theIRC.org. |
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*New Listing* Administrative Assistant - Scottsdale Prevention Institute (Scottsdale) Scottsdale Prevention Institute seeks an Administrative Assistant for immediate F/T employment with Benefits. Directly reports to the Executive Director. This position requires a self starter with proven leadership who accepts challenges with enthusiasm, creativity, and common sense. Has commitment to excellence in non profit management. Experience/interest in PREVENTION. Personally values the role/function of administrative support services. Understands and upholds confidentiality, boundaries and professional ethics. Has the ability to plan, prioritize work flow to complete/meet deadlines and to maintain the balance of routine agency tasks with special projects/events/fund raising activities. Excellent communication skills (face-to-face, phone, and writing) are essential with Board, employees, community agencies, school systems, families, students and fund sources. Experienced database manager proficient in Microsoft database programs: Excel, Access, Word. Fund accounting experience valuable. Please forward letter of interest, resume and salary requirements to Metinsley@spi-az.org. |
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*New Listing* Youth Volunteer Corps AmeriCorps Member – Volunteer Center of Maricopa County (Phoenix) Impact your community! As a Youth Volunteer Corps AmeriCorps member, you will not only have the opportunity to address critical issues in the community, such as poverty and illiteracy, but you will also lead teams of youth to do the same! There are currently two part-time positions available through the Volunteer Center of Maricopa County: Team Leader for the After School & Weekend Program Looking for a self-motivated, team player committed to community service to implement school year and summer service projects for middle and high school youth. Duties include coordinating project sites, administering and collecting evaluations, recruiting and training Youth Volunteers, assisting with planning of all National Days of Service, maintaining Youth Volunteer Corps materials, and presenting information in the community. Team Leader Reading Buddies Program Looking for a self-motivated, team player committed to community service to implement the Reading Buddies mentoring program through which Youth Volunteers address illiteracy. Duties include coordinating and maintaining project sites, administering and collecting evaluations, recruiting and training Youth Volunteer Reading Buddy teams, and presenting information in the community. Besides impacting the community and positively influencing youth, benefits include a modest living stipend, student loan deferment, and an education award of $2,362. Qualifications include a demonstrated commitment to community service; high school diploma or GED; at least 20 years of age; available to attend out-of-town trainings; clearance through background screening and fingerprinting; available weekends (holidays excluded), after school hours during the school year and throughout the week and weekends during summer months. Both positions require on average 15-20 hours per week. For more information and/or application, contact Rachel Schuelke at rachel.schuelke@volunteerphoenix.org or call 602-263-9746 x 870. |
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*New Listing* *Multiple Positions* Native American Connections (Multiple Locations) To apply for any of the following positions, send resume or complete application: NAC, 650 N. 2nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003; fax to 602-256-7356 or email to m.stilwell@nativeconnections.org For each position, preference is given to qualified Native American Applicants in accordance with the Indian Preference Act. If claiming a preference, a copy of valid documentation must accompany the employment application. Clinical Supervisor (Guiding Star) The Clinical Supervisor is responsible for daily oversight of operations of the Women’s Level II Residential Behavioral Health Facility/Guiding Star. he clinical supervisor develops, directs and supervises the Treatment Center’s clinical processes, programs and staff in delivering a broad range of substance abuse and other behavioral health services designed for and provided to women who are chemically dependent or women who are “co-occurring” chemically dependent with other mental health disorders. The Clinical Supervisor manages the program and its operations in manners that are consistent with: NAC’s Mission and Philosophy, Clinical & Ethical Best Practices and Standards; Private and Public Managed Care reimbursement systems; Local, State and Federal Regulations; Tribal Governance Regulations; and various Independent Contract requirements, which are fiscally viable. Qualifications: Master’s Degree in a behavioral or social science discipline required. Licensed by the Arizona State Board of Behavioral Health Examiners as an Independent Level Counselor, Social Worker, or Substance Abuse Counselor (or possesses the qualifications for licensure within 6-months) required. Two years progressive experience in the delivery and supervision of substance abuse and other behavioral health services. Demonstrates a working knowledge of Local, State and Federal standards and State licensure requirements. Previous experience in working with diverse cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds and with women and their dependent children, preferably Native American and Native American Tribes. Child Care Provider (Guiding Star) Under the direct supervision of the Guiding Star Lodge Child Care Supervisor, the Child Care Worker provides child care and positive role modeling as well as parenting support to chemically dependent parents. Qualifications: High School Diploma or GED preferred. One year work experience in child care. Fingerprint Clearance card, or ability to obtain. CPR and First Aid Certificates. Knowledge of the economic, educational and social problems of Native Americans. Knowledge of parenting skills and methods of behavior modification and discipline of children from dysfunctional family systems. Behavioral Health Clinician (OP) Under the direct supervision of the Outpatient Clinic Supervisor, the Behavioral Health Clinician is responsible for the management and delivery of direct client counseling services to assigned individuals and groups participating in Native American Connections programs at the NAC Assessment/Outpatient Clinic. Qualifications: Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in behavioral health field and one year experience in direct counseling with chemically dependent individuals and families, in both group and individual counseling; OR any combination of education, professional training or work experience which demonstrates the ability to successfully perform the duties of the position. Experience in working with Native Americans desirable. Possess a background in the delivery of individual/group/family counseling services, with a chemical dependency population. Familiarity with community resources for referral purposes. Able to function in a teamwork environment. Licensed by the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners as a Substance Abuse Counselor, Professional Counselor, Marriage & Family therapist, Social Worker or other license as appropriate is preferred. Current TB test and physical examination documenting the ability to perform all job duties. Must possess a valid Arizona driver's license. Demonstrated working knowledge of the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Patient Placement Criteria. Must be credentialed and privileged as a Clinical Liaison with the Maricopa County Regional Behavioral Health Authority, within 90 days of hire. Housing Case Manager (Catherine Arms) Complete initial orientation to facility and to available services within 5 days of move-in. Complete intake forms with clients and evaluate the level of need for workforce case mgt services within 5 days of move-in. Complete and update resident services case management plans and files monthly. Deliver and/or facilitate life-skills development curriculum for individuals and groups. Maintain strong working relationship with NAC outpatient services and refer for behavioral health counseling as appropriate. Provide referrals for emergency stabilization as needed. Provide referrals for and/or deliver Financial Education. Take requests and pick up food boxes. Manage bus pass program. Refer (and follow-up) to DES, applications for food stamps, AHCCCS as needed. Assist with obtaining any required documentation for children and adults. Work closely with on-site Childcare Center for enrollment for childcare during specific job search appointments and employment. Work individually with clients to remove barriers to employability. Connect clients to community resources that offer life skill and employment assistance. Keep timely, accurate written file documentation on participant attendance, services and progress. Generate and submit required reports. Attend departments and agency meetings as required. Work closely with Property Mgmt and other departments to deliver appropriate services. Attend Wrap meetings with Property Mgmt, OP., and in-patient for coordination of services planning. Enroll and terminate participants per agency program requirements. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree that relates to the skills required for employment/work force development and two years experience in service delivery OR any combination of related education, professional training or work experience which demonstrates the ability to successfully perform duties. Knowledge of the economic, educational and social problems of Native Americans and referral services. Experience working with Native Americans desirable. Must be able to work well with others in a team approach. Demonstrate written and oral communication skills. Valid Arizona Driver’s License. Research Assistant (.5 FTE-20 hours/week) Provides a variety of direct research and client contact in seeking data relative to grant objectives. Qualifications: BS degree in Human Services preferred, but not required. Excellent oral and written communication skills required. Strong computer based input skills required. Complete necessary and required training as designated by grant. Research experience preferred. Experience working with Native American populations preferred. Experience with data collection for SAMSA – GIPRA preferred. |
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Executive Director – Prevent Blindness America (Phoenix) Prevent Blindness America is seeking candidates for the position of Executive Director of its Arizona Division. The position/office is headquartered in Phoenix. The Executive Director is responsible for all division activities, including fund development, volunteer recruitment and management, organizational planning and fiscal management. Further, this position will be responsible for building relationships with corporate, government, legislative, health, public information and community leadership to establish the Arizona Division of Prevent Blindness America as a leader in the vision preservation field. The ideal candidate will be a forward-thinking executive with strong planning and management skills as well as a successful development background. The position is for a professional who possesses diversified skills to build on the financial and organizational strengths of the organization. Success in this position requires dedication to the team approach in working with volunteers and staff. A background and/or interest in public health is preferred. A Bachelor's degree with a minimum of five years related experience is required. Qualified candidates should send cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to (no phone calls please): Human Resources - Prevent Blindness America - 211 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1700 - Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email - snorton@preventblindness.org fax: 312-363-6051 |
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Director – New Adventures Child Development Center (Prescott) New Adventures Child Development Center in Prescott, AZ is seeking a Director. The center is a learning place for youngsters ages three to five with before grade school morning sessions and after grade school attendance in a homework club servicing children up to age nine. The center is twenty years old and enjoys a positive reputation in the community. The center provides morning classes, field trips, nap and rest periods, snacks and lunch time for 25-40 youngsters daily. The ideal candidate will have extensive background in the management of a child care facility and will have experience running a nonprofit organization. The director may be called upon to teach classes from time-to-time. The director will manage the day-to-day running of the center, oversee and support the teaching staff, adhere to the Department of Health licensing requirements. Other duties will include the handling of nonprofit operations such as marketing and public relations, fundraising and grantwriting, budgeting and 501 (c)(3) administration including working with a committed Board of Directors. Positive, cheerful attitude is a must. This is a part-time position of twenty-five hours per week to start with an increase to full time once certain goals are met. There is potential for creative advancement and growth in this position. Interested persons need to apply with letter of interest, resume, references sent to: Director Search, New Adventures Child Development Center, 216 E. Gurley Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 or email: brandtcc@hotmail.com. No phone calls please. |
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Vice President of Program - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona (Phoenix) The Vice President of Program is directly responsible to the President/Chief Executive Officer. This position carries overall responsibility for quality and capacity building of agency services through an ongoing process of program and staff development, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation. Responsible for developing programs aligned with the organizations vision, mission and strategic plan. Qualifications: The minimum educational qualification is a Bachelor's degree in Social Services or related discipline. Candidates with a Masters Degree are preferred. An adequate knowledge of social worker philosophy, principles and methods, and an ability to use this knowledge effectively in social worker practice. An ability to establish positive staff and professional relationships. Administrative, organizational and leadership ability. The Vice President of Program should have completed a successful working experience in the human service field in a social service agency under adequate supervision and should have a minimum of five years experience in the program management. Send resume with cover letter to Laurie Callan, 1010 E McDowell #400, Phoenix, AZ 85006; email lcallan@bbbsaz.org. Position is open until filled. EEO/AA |
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Vice President, Chapter Performance - Make-A-Wish Foundation (Phoenix) This corporate officer position is responsible for the management of the Chapter Performance Department, which provides direct support and assistance to the Foundations chapters as well as employing assessments and action plans targeted to foster performance improvement. The individual will provide on-site intervention and management of chapter operations in order to protect the Foundations assets. As a Senior Leadership Team member, the individual will be instrumental in the strategic planning and implementation of national Foundation initiatives. The selected candidate will also work closely with the Chapter Performance Committee to monitor and manage the performance of chapters nationwide. The candidate must possess a Bachelor’s degree, with a minimum of ten years experience providing leadership, development and guidance to senior staff, as well as managing complex systems and personnel within the nonprofit environment. Expertise in strategic and operational planning, program development and evaluation, fundraising, volunteer management, financial oversight and systems, conflict management, human resources, quality assurance models, mergers and acquisitions, and training of boards and staff required. Demonstrated ability in clear and effective written and verbal communication and presentation skills are also required, as well as the ability to travel for job-related functions. For immediate consideration, please submit resume and cover letter stating the position you’re applying for to: Human Resources, Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, 3550 N. Central Avenue, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85012; Fax: 602-279-0855; Email: hr@wish.org; http://www.wish.org. |
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Director of Development – Actors Theatre (Phoenix) Our nonprofit professional theatre company in Phoenix is seeking a bold leader who can build a solid, sustainable and successful fund development program. He/she needs the ability to engage and influence people at all levels and the business savvy to manage the infrastructure and operational side of a growing fundraising operation. The ideal candidate will have 5-7 years of progressive development experience (we will consider equivalent skills); prior experience in arts and culture; strong technical, communication, and strategic planning skills; ability to work independently and as a team player; ability to work with diverse constituents; a willingness to roll up his/her sleeves; and a sense of humor. We are offering competitive compensation and generous benefits and incentives. Please send cover letter and resume to: Development Search, Actors Theatre, 3301 E. Glenrosa Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85018, Fax: 602-468-9547. Email: tollefson@phoenixphilanthropy.com. No phone calls please. Learn more about Actors Theatre at www.actorstheatrePHX.org. AA/EOE. |
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Development Coordinator - Devereux Arizona (Phoenix) Devereux Arizona, a quality human services organization, provides tools for children, adults and families with behavioral health and mental health needs to become successful members of the community. As an active team member of the Development Department, the Development Coordinator participates in the effective and efficient implementation of annual development initiatives to meet defined budget goals. This position has primary responsibility and financial accountability for: all Special Gift Campaigns, Maricopa County public relations, special events and Donor Data Base Management activities from input to acknowledgement in a timely manner. Requirements: Bachelor's degree in related field and one year of related experience required, preferably in a nonprofit or healthcare setting. Strong computer literacy required. Must be customer oriented. Raiser's Edge experience an asset! To apply, email your resume to azhr@devereux.org, fax to 480-443-5587, attn: HR or apply online at http://www.devereuxaz.org. |
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Box Office Manager/Program Coordinator – Desert Foothills Theater (Carefree) Process all orders for season tickets and donations, as well as for reserved seating tickets for each production. Keep the outgoing voice mail message on the box office line up-to-date. Process all credit card transactions for reserved ticket orders. Respond to all box office inquiries. Collaborate with the Foothills Community Foundation Coordinator to monitor finances and events. Report weekly to the Foothills Community Foundation Executive Director and Desert Foothills Theater Treasurer the status of current ticket sales. Requirements: Bachelor's degree and 3-5 years of box office and or program coordination experience; theater experience strongly preferred. Strong communication and organizational skills Word processing and database computer skills; preferably with Folio Box Office Software (Martech Systems, Inc.) Ability to work nights and weekends of the major productions in the Carefree, North Scottsdale, North Phoenix area. Status: Part-time/Flexible Hours (work week can vary from 2 hours and not to exceed 40 hours depending upon the activities of the season, not to exceed total compensation of $12,480 for the theater season, no overtime permitted.) Interested applicants should send a letter of interest and resume by email to: dftinfo@azfcf.org or by mail to: Desert Foothills Theater Box Office Search, P.O. Box 2074, Carefree, AZ 85377. |
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Grant Writer – University of Arizona Foundation (Tucson) This position is responsible for producing grant proposals to corporations and foundations and assisting development officers, deans, department heads and faculty at the University of Arizona with writing grant proposals for the purpose of obtaining corporate and foundation grants. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Journalism, Communications, English or related field; AND Two years experience in writing, editing, journalism and publications production; OR Any equivalent combination of experience, training and/or education as approved by Human Resources. Ability to meet deadlines and handle multiple projects simultaneously Ability to prioritize assignments effectively Excellent writing and grammatical skills Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Skill in operating PC-based software such as word-processing (MS Word), internet and spreadsheets (Excel) Ability to work effectively with a wide variety of individuals, including development officers, deans, faculty and staff at corporations and foundations Physical ability to operate basic office machinery To apply, please send a letter of interest and resume to: The University of Arizona Foundation, Attn: Julie Mullings, Human Resources Department, 1111 N. Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721. Fax (520) 621-2975. E-mail: hrdept@al.arizona.edu. |
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Grant Writer - Crisis Nursery Inc. (Phoenix) |
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Teaching Staff Members – New Adventures Child Development Center (Prescott) New Adventures Child Development Center in Prescott, AZ is seeking part and full time teaching staff. The center is a learning place for youngsters ages three to five with before grade school morning sessions and after grade school attendance in a homework club servicing children up to age nine. The center is twenty years old and enjoys a positive reputation in the community. The center provides morning classes, field trips, nap and rest periods, snacks and lunch time for 25 – 40 youngsters daily. The ideal candidates will have background in teaching in a child care facility. Candidates will work with a committed Board of Directors. There potential for creative advancement and growth in these positions. Interested persons need to apply with letter of interest, resume, references sent to: Director Search, New Adventures Child Development Center, 216 E. Gurley Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 or email: brandtcc@hotmail.com. No phone calls please. |
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Prevention Specialist – Friendly House (Phoenix) Friendly House is now seeking a full-time prevention specialist for our preventions program (school-based). Requirements: Bachelor's degree, experience working in prevention programs (or with children's programs), valid AZ driver's license, fingerprint clearance card or be a candidate to obtain it, bilingual preferred. Training will be provided. Submit applications to: Teresa O. Peña, Youth Services Director, P.O. Box 3695, Phoenix, AZ 85030. Phone (602)416-7328. Fax (602)416-7387. Email: teresap@friendlyhouse.org. Additionally, Friendly House Academia del Pueblo Elementary School is hiring teachers for 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades, as well as a special education teacher. For more information on these opportunities, please contact Ximena Doyle at ximenad@friendlyhouse.org or call her at (602) 416-7302. |
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Compliance Officer - Make-A-Wish Foundation (Phoenix) This position evaluates the quality and operational systems for compliance with applicable performance standards and regulatory requirements. Responsibilities include auditing internal systems, reviewing standard operating procedures, validating documentation and recommending appropriate follow-up actions. The compliance officer also serves as a consultant by providing guidance relating to questions of control and security. The candidate must possess a Bachelors degree in Accounting or equivalent experience, knowledge of accounting & information system applications in a nonprofit environment, and familiarity with audit planning processes and procedures. Excellent communication, conflict-management and problem-solving skills are also required. In addition, strong analytical skills and the ability to travel for job-related functions are a necessity. Submit resume and cover letter stating the position you’re applying for to: Human Resources, Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, 3550 N. Central Avenue, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85012; Fax: 602-279-0855; e-mail: hr@wish.org; http://www.wish.org. |
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Loaned Executive(s) - Valley of the Sun United Way (Phoenix) Looking for a rewarding job experience where you will meet a variety of people in the community, all while improving lives? This unique opportunity is for high-energy individuals to work as full-time, temporary fundraisers for Valley of the Sun’s United Way annual campaign. Sales, public speaking and customer service skills a must. Must be detail-orientated, flexible, and have a passion for helping improve our community; bilingual speaking is a plus. Must have own vehicle and a valid AZ drivers license/insurance. Position is full-time from mid-August to end of November; training provided. Stipend of $6,000 plus mileage. Visit our website at www.vsuw.org to see a full job description and learn more about us. Click on About Us, then Career Opportunities. Email resume and cover letter to staffing@vsuw.org or fax to 602-776-3303, ATTN Human Resources or mail to: Valley of the Sun United Way, Human Resources, Attn: FRLE, PO Box 10748, Phoenix 85064-0748. EOE |
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Part-time Campaign Assistant – Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Phoenix) Part time Campaign Assistant to work with our Hike for Discovery Program. 29 hours per week. For more information, please contact Julie Reid at reidj@lls.org. |
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Office Assistant – City of Hope (Phoenix) City of Hope is now seeking a full-time Office Assistant to provide clerical support for our busy Phoenix fundraising office. Responsibilities include word and data processing; answering phones and assisting with all incoming calls and messages; maintain database info. for event registration, meeting participation; prepare mail merges/correspondence; copying, faxing, filing; incoming mail processing and distribution; maintain office supplies, office organization; assist staff with meeting preparation (phone calls, making copies, collating, etc.); assistance with volunteer outreach, communication perform special projects, event support; assist other staff members as assigned. May be required to assist at fundraising events (evenings and weekends on occasion). Qualifications: 3+ years of administrative or clerical experience in a professional environment. Must have excellent verbal/written communication and telephone skills! Requires multitasking abilities and excellent organizational skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Word & Excel. College graduate preferred. Send resumes to: cohresume@coh.org or City of Hope Development Center, Attn: Human Resources, 1055 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017. For more information about this nonprofit organization, visit our website at www.cityofhope.org. |
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Administrative Assistant – Tetra Services (Phoenix) Duties: Answer phones and direct calls providing information regarding services available. Conduct follow-up calls to enrolled consumers. Schedule appointments and keep track of office calendar. Calculate and organize monthly billing. Maintain client files and complete appropriate paperwork as needed to ensure all essential documentation is accounted for in file. Travel is required for marketing, mail and other duties. Development of forms and other marketing materials. Audit files. Skills: Applicants must be able to work with various types of equipment and have excellent computer skills. One year administrative experience is needed. Word and Excel knowledge is a must. Applicant must have a steady work history. Impeccable organizational skills and a willingness to be proactive are a must. Must also be decisive, detail oriented, and have great customer service and analytical skills. Excellent communication and written skills required. Self starter attitude is a must. Experience with nonprofit organization and or disability services helpful, but not requited. Works hours: Monday-Friday 8-4:30pm. Office Location: 2222 N 24th Street. Pay: $9-12/hr. How To Apply: NO CALLS PLEASE. Fax Resume and Cover Letter to: (602) 244-2435. Email: TetraServices@thebeacongroup.org. |
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*Multiple Positions* Devereux Arizona (Multiple Locations) Devereux Arizona currently has the following positions open for Spanish-speaking applicants: For more information on any of these positions or to apply, please call Raegan Hitchcock, Human Resources Recruiter, at 480.889.0565 or fax 480.443.5587. |
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*Multiple Positions* Tumbleweed (Phoenix) Development Associate The Development Associate reports to the Development Director and provides support to the development operations: organizes and maintains donor computer records, processes pledge payments, assist with fundraising efforts, pursues solicitations of in-kind donations for agency special events. Participates in recruiting volunteers and maintains volunteer program. Assists with the collection of information in preparation of grants, proposals and reports to donors and funding sources. Requirements: Two years experience or education in related field. Requires excellent written and verbal communication skills. Candidates should be well organized, people oriented, able to multi-task, must be able to work under pressure and maintain effective working relationships. Position requires work hours outside of the 8-5 timeframe. Licensed Registered Nurse This position is a contract position averaging 12-15 hours monthly. Responsibilities include providing health education training to residential staff and health support for residential clients including health screenings, oversight of medication self-administration program, coordination or medical care and annual staff health screenings. Position offers flexible scheduling and does not provide benefits Requirements: Must have AZ RN License, 3 years nursing experience, must have reliable transportation Full-time Executive Assistant Provides administrative support to the Senior Management Team and the Tumbleweed Board of Directors. Responsibilities include: Assisting in the coordination of the Executive Directors Schedule, compose memos and correspondence. Provide administrative support overseeing front office functions and supervision office interns/staff, organize and maintain contracts and licensing correspondence. Manage Database of contract compliance and renewal dates and issues, coordinate and schedule board orientation and meetings. Recording of Board of Director meeting minutes and maintaining Board Book, Participate in research for RFPs and Grant Opportunities. Attend Pre-proposal meetings and provide summaries, handle other special projects as assigned. Requirements: 3 years experience front office administration experience. Strong verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills; able to work well under pressure and meet deadlines. Candidate must be able to multi-task and must be detail oriented. Must be able to handle confidential information with the highest degree of professionalism. Proficiency with MS Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook. Full-time and Part-time Youth Care Workers Provides direct care and supervision; functions as a team member in planning, developing, coordinating and implementing residential program activities and house management functions geared towards providing independent living and social skills development. Requirements: HS Diploma/GED; prefer some college courses in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences. 2 years experience working with at-risk youth. Must be min. 21 yrs, pass fingerprint background clearance and have clean driving history. Fax resumes to (602) 271-0240 or e-mail: hr@tumbleweed.org. |
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*Multiple Positions* Prehab of Arizona (Multiple Locations)A nonprofit agency whose mission is Helping Families…Changing Lives. Our philosophy is to carry out our work with compassion, sincerity, and clarity of purpose. For more information call (480) 464-7466. Fax resume to (480) 969-2696 or email resume to cgaulden@prehab.org. EOE. EAST VALLEY Behavioral Health Paraprofessional - BA preferred, various positions in youth residential centers, behavioral health experience preferred WEST VALLEY Support Partner - part-time, full-time & Overnight, BA preferred, Experience with domestic violence populations, Bilingual Spanish preferred |
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Welcome to Our New Subscribers! The Arizona Nonprofit Community Report is a free email newsletter from the ASU Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management, a program of the ASU College of Public Programs. We are not responsible for typographical errors. Some items have been edited. We welcome your comments at nonprofitnews@asu.edu. You may subscribe or submit items to this newsletter by visiting our website at http://www.asu.edu/copp/nonprofit/. Deadlines for the next edition must be received by August 9, 2006 in order to be considered for publication. To unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to nonprofitnews@asu.edu. You have our permission to forward this newsletter to anyone you believe would benefit from the content contained herein. |
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