Pogonomyrmex mayri Forel 1899
Pogonomyrmex (Janetia) mayri Forel, 1899: 61 (worker, male, in footnote). Syntypes examined: 2 workers [AMNH],
2 workers, 1 male [NMW], 3 workers [USNM], 3 workers [ZSM], COLUMBIA, Magdalena: Ciénega;
Wheeler & Wheeler, 1953: 112 (larvae); Kugler,
1978: 170 (queen), figs. 1-8 (NMW worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Pogonomyrmex (Forelomyrmex) mayri Forel;
Wheeler, 1913: 80. First combination in Forelomyrmex.
Pogonomyrmex mayri Forel; Lattke, 1991: 305. First combination in Pogonomyrmex.
Diagnosis. The
combination of: (1) anterior margin of clypeus convex with medial tooth, (2)
longitudinal striae on dorsum of first gastral tergum, (3) superior and
inferior propodeal spines long, acuminate, (4) posterior
surface of petiole flattened, (5) strongly rugose
petiole and postpetiole, and (6) small eyes uniquely characterize this species.
- lectotype (n
= 12). HL 2.12 (1.78-2.19); HW 1.90 (1.63-1.94); MOD 0.31 (0.26-0.30);
OMD 0.47 (0.45-0.55); SL 1.63 (1.50-1.74); PNW 1.47 (1.13-1.34); HFL 2.60 (2.03-2.71);
ML 2.55 (2.13-2.49); PW 0.37 (0.34-0.43); PPW 0.69 (0.54-0.70). Indices: SI 85.79 (77.72-104.82); CI 89.62
(87.69-96.63); OI 16.32 (14.51-16.96); HFI 136.84 (121.56-140.41). See also Kugler (1978).
Description. Head subquadrate to slightly elongate (CI = 87.69-96.63), widest
just posterior to eyes, narrowing to vertex; posterior margin strongly concave
medially, broadly V-shaped. Cephalic dorsum, sides, and vertex rugose,
rugae variable in height; in full-face view median rugae not diverging toward posterior corners of head. Cephalic rugae and interrugal spaces strongly granulate, dull. Anterior margin of clypeus
convex with medial triangular tooth, dorsum of clypeus with numerous subparallel, wavy, longitudinal rugae
similar to those on cephalic dorsum.
Mandible with six teeth; mandibular dorsum
coarsely striated. Up to several
moderately long, curved, bristle-like, amber to brownish hairs project from
anterior margin of clypeus and basolateral margin of
mandibles. Eyes small, MOD = 0.13-0.17x
HL. Eyes in profile situated anterior to
middle of head, OMD = 1.52-2.00x MOD; no hairs project from between ommatidia. Antennal scapes long (SI = 77.72-104.82), reaching vertex to surpassing
vertex by less than length of basal funicular segment; entire scape with weak longitudinal striae,
interrugal spaces strongly granulate, dull. Basal flange of scape
well developed with recurved, carinate
margin. Psammophore
poorly developed, consisting of numerous short hairs scattered across ventral
side of head.
Mesosomal profile strongly
convex; all mesosomal surfaces with wavy rugae that vary in height. Transverse rugae on
sides of pronotum curving dorsally anteriorly and posteriorly, transverse
rugae on pronotal collar; dorsum
of propodeum with transverse rugae
that traverse to spiracle, then angle posteriorly
over metapleural lobe. Propodeum with long
acuminate superior spines, bases connected by well defined keel, spines longer
than distance between bases; inferior propodeal
spines well-developed, acuminate, length approximately 0.3-0.5x that of superior
spines; declivitous face of propodeum transversely rugose. Propodeal
spiracles narrowly ovate. Rugae and interrugal spaces on mesosoma strongly granulate, dull. Legs strongly granulate, dull.
Petiolar peduncle about
0.5x as long as petiole, anteroventral
margin varying from broad translucent process to triangular acuminate
spine. In side view, petiolar node asymmetrical with anterior surface
approximately one-half as long as posterior surface, apex of node angulate, posterior surface flattened; all surfaces rugose. In
dorsal view, petiolar node elongate, approximately twice
as long as wide, lateral margins slightly convex posteriorly,
nearly vertical medially, concave anteriorly,
anterior one-third narrowing to acute tip; anterior portion of posterior
surface slightly depressed below margins.
Dorsum of postpetiole convex in profile,
anterior margin narrowing gradually to helcium;
robust in dorsal view, longer than wide; widest near posterior margin, narrowing
to truncate anterior margin; dorsum and sides coarsely rugose;
ventral process strongly granulate, dull.
Rugae and interrugal
spaces on petiole and postpetiole strongly granulate,
dull. First gastral tergum with fine longitudinal
striae, dull.
Short to
long, erect, amber to brownish hairs abundant on head,
longest > MOD; mostly
medium length hairs abundant on mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole, and gastral terga, longest approaching MOD. Scape with abundant medium length suberect
hairs; abundant subdecumbent hairs on funicular
segments. Legs
with moderately abundant, short to medium length, suberect
setae. Body concolorous dark reddish-brown to brown, or with postpetiole, gaster, legs slightly
lighter reddish-brown.
Diagnosis. Ergatoid, with ocelli indistinct or absent; otherwise as in worker
diagnosis, and as illustrated in Figure x.
This caste is diagnosed by: (1) first gastral tergum striate, (2) anterior margin of clypeus with medial
tooth, and (3) postpetiole enlarged (PPW >
1.20 mm), wider than long, with fine, wavy, transverse rugae
that vary in height.
- (n = 2). HL 1.50-1.51; HW 1.44-1.52;
MOD 0.27-0.28; OMD 0.43-0.47; SL 1.03-1.14; PNW 1.14-1.18; HFL 1.64-1.65; ML
1.99-2.02; PW 0.70-0.74; PPW 1.20-1.25.
Indices: SI 71.53-75.00; CI 96.00-100.66; OI 18.42-18.75; HFI 108.55-113.89. See also Kugler (1978).
Diagnosis. This caste
is diagnosed by: (1) CI < 75.0, (2) postpetiole
more than twice as long as wide, (3) petiole and peduncle not differentiated,
forming one broadly rounded segment, and (4) neck very long.
- (n = 10). HL 1.49-1.72; HW
1.06-1.23; MOD 0.30-0.36; OMD 0.15-0.19; SL 0.22-0.37; HFL 1.47-2.03; ML
1.96-2.41; PW 0.28-0.36; PPW 0.50-0.65.
Indices: SI 20.18-34.91; CI 66.25-74.52; OI 27.52-32.08; HFI
134.51-178.30. See also Kugler (1978).
material examined. COLUMBIA: Atlantico: Puerto Columbia, 1970 (USNM). Bolivar:
Santa Marta Mountains, Jul. 7, 1920; 1954 (LACM; MCZ;
USNM). Cesar: Santa Marta Mountains,
Valledupar, Jul. 4, 1920 (LACM). Magdalena: Mamatoco,
Jun. 16, 1976 (LACM; MCZ); Río Frio, Feb. 1924; Mar. 20, 1928 (LACM; MCZ; USNM);
5 km SE Río Frio, 50-200m, Aug. 15, 1985 (LACM); 2 km
E Orihueca, 20m, Aug. 17,
1985 (LACM); Parque Nacional Tayrona, Guairaca, Mar. 11, 1977 (LACM); Parque Nacional Tayrona, near Neguanje,
60m, Jun. 30, 1976 (MCZ); Santa Ana, Feb. 1924 (USNM); Manantial, May 29, 1976 (MCZ); Cienega, no
date (MZUSP; USNM); Digrera, base of mountains near Santa Marta, 100m,
Aug. 23, 1976 (LACM; MCZ). Prov.
Unknown: Santa Marta Mountains, Jul. 31, 1920 (MCZ). Questionable
Etymology. This species was apparently named
to honor Dr. Gustav Mayr, who erected the genus Pogonomyrmex in
1868; Mayr also described six South American species of
Discussion. Pogonomyrmex mayri is a
distinctive species that cannot be confused with any congeners. Additionally, no congeners are known to co-occur
with P. mayri.
Taber, S.W.
(1998) The World of the Harvester Ants.
College Station: Texas A&M University Press.