Pogonomyrmex lobatus Santschi 1921


Pogonomyrmex lobatus Santschi, 1921: 96 (worker). Syntypes examined: 6 workers [MACN], 1 worker [MZUSP], 1 worker [MCZ], ARGENTINA, Entre Ríos: Villaguay (Charles Bruch leg.). See also Gallardo, 1932: 160, fig. 41; Kusnezov, 1951: figs. 13b, 13c (MCZ worker here designated LECTOTYPE).



Diagnosis.  Within the P. coarctatus-group, the combination of: (1) longitudinal cephalic rugae very fine and dense over entire head, (2) in side view, massively enlarged lateral lobe of clypeus with narrow gap between lateral lobe and frontal carina, the latter two structures nearly in contact, and (3) body mostly concolorous reddish-orange to reddish-brown uniquely characterize this species. 

      Measurements - lectotype (n = 41). HL 2.31 (1.93-2.97); HW 2.39 (1.99-3.22); MOD 0.43 (0.38-0.60); OMD 0.43 (0.46-0.74); SL 1.42 (1.27-1.90); PNW 1.42 (1.26-1.93); HFL 1.94 (1.81-2.55); ML 2.66 (2.13-3.45); PW 0.52 (0.47-0.85); PPW 0.69 (0.66-1.13).  Indices: SI 59.41 (55.21-70.00); CI 103.46 (101.00-113.33); OI 17.99 (14.91-21.37); HFI 81.17 (75.00-99.01). 

Description.  Moderately polymorphic, but lacking supermajors.  Head shape varies with worker size, quadrate in minors and increasingly wider than long in majors (CI = 101.00–113.33, positively associated with head width, n = 42, R2 = 0.28, P < 0.001); widest just posterior to eye, posterior margin weakly concave medially in full-face view.  Longitudinal cephalic rugae very fine and dense over entire head, width of rugae and interrugae similar; in full-face view median rugae not diverging toward posterior corners of head.  Vertex with very fine, dense rugae, interrugal spaces weakly shining to smooth and shining.  Cephalic interrugal spaces dull to weakly shining.  In full-face view, entire head with silky appearance.  Anterior margin of clypeus concave; dorsal surface with numerous moderately coarse subparallel, longitudinal to oblique rugae.  In side view, lateral lobe of clypeus massively enlarged with narrow gap (much less than width of antennal scape) between clypeal lobe and frontal carina, the latter two structures nearly in contact.  Numerous long, curved, bristle-like, yellowish macrochaetae project from anterior margin of clypeus and ventral side of mandibles.  Mandible with six teeth; mandibular dorsum strongly striated.  MOD ranging from 0.16–0.23x HL.  Eyes in profile situated anterior to middle of head, OMD = 1.00–1.51x MOD.  Antennal scapes short (SI = 55.21–70.00), extending beyond posterior margin of eye by less than length of first two funicular segments.  Base of antennal scapes smooth and shining, distal portion sometimes weakly granulate or weakly striate, weakly shining to shining; basal flange well developed with carinate margin.  Psammophore moderately well developed.

Mesosomal profile slightly to moderately convex; all mesosomal surfaces with prominent coarse, subparallel, weakly irregular, widely spaced rugae.  In dorsal view, humeral portion of pronotum rounded to knoblike.  Dorsum of promesonotum with longitudinal rugae that rarely diverge anteriorly toward humeral angles; transverse rugae on anterior face of pronotum continue obliquely or longitudinally on pronotal sides; rugae on mesopleura angle posterodorsally.  Superior propodeal spines long, acuminate, connected by well-defined keel; spine length about equal to or slightly less than width between bases; regular to slightly wavy transverse rugae on propodeal dorsum traverse ventrally or anteroventrally on sides.  Inferior propodeal spines wider than long, apex broadly rounded.  Propodeal spiracles narrowly ovate.  Interrugal spaces on mesosoma weakly to moderately granulate, weakly shining to shining.  Legs weakly granulate, weakly shining.

      Petiolar peduncle about 0.7x as long as petiole, anteroventral margin with broadly rounded to angulate process.  In side view, posterior surface of petiole weakly convex; petiolar node asymmetrical with anterior surface notably shorter than posterior surface, apex of node rounded to ovate.  In dorsal view, petiole longer than wide, widest near center, narrowing to rounded or spatulate anterior margin.  Sides and posterior surface of petiole with weak to moderately coarse, wavy to irregular transverse rugae.  Dorsum of postpetiole convex in profile; in dorsal view, widest near posterior margin, narrowing to anterior margin, maximum width about equal to length, weakly to moderately punctate, rarely with weak irregular transverse rugae posteriorly.  Interrugal spaces on petiole and postpetiole weakly to moderately granulate, dull to weakly shining.  Dorsum of gaster moderately coriarious, weakly shining to and shining.

      Erect white to yellowish pilosity moderately abundant on head, variable in length and arising from fovea; longest hairs not exceeding MOD.  Moderately abundant suberect pilosity on scape; abundant decumbent hairs on funicular segments.  Legs with moderately abundant suberect to decumbent setae.  Mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole, first gastral tergum with moderately dense erect setae, longest about equal to MOD; abundant long hairs on margins of posterior gastral terga, longest greater than MOD.  Body mostly concolorous reddish-orange to reddish-brown.  


      Diagnosis.  As in worker diagnosis, but with caste-specific morphology of the mesosoma related to wing-bearing, presence of small ocelli on head, and as illustrated in Figure x.  This caste is diagnosed by: (1) large size (HW = 3.41-3.55 mm), (2) very fine cephalic rugae covering entire dorsum of head, and (3) in lateral view, lateral lobe of clypeus massively enlarged with narrow gap (much less than width of antennal scape) between clypeal lobe and frontal carina.

Measurements - (n = 5). HL 3.09-3.24; HW 3.41-3.55; MOD 0.53-0.60; OMD 0.67-0.77; SL 1.87-1.93; PNW 2.37-2.51; HFL 2.61-2.77; ML 3.74-4.44; PW 1.02-1.16; PPW 1.25-1.33.  Indices: SI 53.12-56.27; CI 105.25-114.89; OI 15.45-17.01; HFI 75.65-78.69. 

Description.  As in worker diagnosis, but with caste-specific morphology of the mesosoma related to wing-bearing, presence of small ocelli on head, and as illustrated in Figure x.  Large species (HW = 3.41-3.55 mm); in full face view, head wider than long (CI = 105.2–114.9), posterior margin weakly concave medially.  Longitudinal rugae very fine and dense over entire head; striae on vertex often less abundant and/or less prominent.  Interrugal spaces weakly shining to shining.  Mandible with six teeth, dorsal surface coarsely rugose.  In side view, lateral lobe of clypeus massively enlarged with narrow gap (much less than width of antennal scape) between clypeal lobe and frontal carina, the latter two structures nearly in contact.  Psammophore moderately well developed.

All mesosomal surfaces with subparallel, slightly irregular rugae; superior propodeal spines short.  Petiolar peduncle about as long as petiole, anteroventral margin often with blunt to angulate process.  In side view, petiolar node asymmetrical with anterior surface notably shorter than posterior surface, apex of node rounded.  Postpetiole slightly wider than long.  Posterior surface of petiole and dorsum of postpetiole with weak to moderately strong, wavy to irregular, transverse rugae; interrugal spaces weakly to moderately punctate, weakly shining.  Gastral terga smooth, weakly shining to shining.  Most body surfaces with moderately abundant suberect to erect, short white to yellowish setae.  Entire body concolorous reddish-orange to reddish-brown, head often slightly lighter.  


Diagnosis.  This caste is diagnosed by: (1) hairs on head (especially posterior to eyes) and dorsum of mesosoma moderately long and flexuous, longest rarely exceeding 0.5-0.8x MOD, (2) hairs on mesepimeron long and flexuous, length of many hairs > 0.5x MOD, (3) at least one, usually both mandibles with four teeth, and (4) superior propodeal spine usually consisting of blunt denticles.

Measurements - (n = 12). HL 1.83-2.06; HW 1.78-2.14; MOD 0.56-0.70; OMD 0.21-0.36; SL 0.45-0.61; HFL 2.18-2.61; ML 3.39-4.04; PW 0.74-0.93; PPW 0.90-1.12.  Indices: SI 22.39-30.90; CI 93.47-105.94; OI 29.47-36.52; HFI 109.95-129.83.


Additional material examined. ARGENTINA: Córdoba: Rt 5 at 3.4 km S Alta Gracia, 1830’, Jan. 23, 2006 (RAJC). Corrientes: Mercedes, no date (MACN). Entre Ríos: Rt 18 at 7.3 mi SW San Salvado, 220’, Dec. 19, 2005 (CASC; CSC; MCZ; RAJC); La Picada, no date (LACM); Rt 18 at 33.9 mi W Villaguay, 320’, Dec. 20, 2005 (RAJC); Villaguay, no date (MACN; MLPA). Santa Fe: 22 km S Reconquista, 45m, Nov. 15, 2003 (RAJC); 23.2 km NW Reconquista, Dec. 5, 2005 (CSC); Fives Lille, no date (MACN). BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, Mar. 24, 1971 (LACM; MCZ; MZUSP); São Leopoldo, no date (MCZ). URUGUAY: Paysandú: Paysandú, Apr. 25, 1961 (LACM). Questionable locales (appear to be outside of geographic range): ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Monte Hermoso, no date (MLPA).

Etymology.  The specific epithet, lobatus (from Latin, lobat = lobed), refers to the massively enlarged lateral lobes of the clypeus.   


Discussion.  Pogonomyrmex lobatus co-occurs with P. coarctatus, and it is likely to co-occur with P. micans.  Pogonomyrmex lobatus can be distinguished from P. coarctatus using the following characters: (1) P. lobatus has a massively enlarged lateral lobe of the clypeus, with the lobe nearly contacting the frontal carinae, and (2) the entire head is covered with very fine, dense longitudinal rugae.  In P. coarctatus, the lateral lobe of the clypeus is not enlarged, with a wide gap between the lobe and the frontal carinae, and the very fine, dense longitudinal rugae often indistinct and cover only part or most of head.  In P. micans the lateral lobe of the clypeus is not enlarged, the dorsum of the postpetiole has prominent moderately coarse rugae, and workers are bicolored (dark red and blackish).  In P. lobatus, the lateral lobe of the clypeus is massively enlarged, workers are a concolorous reddish-orange to reddish-brown, and the dorsum of the postpetiole is weakly to moderately punctate, rarely with weak rugae posteriorly.  Pogonomyrmex marcusi is only known from mid- to higher elevation areas of central Bolivia and thus is geographically isolated from P. lobatus; these two species can be separated using characters in the key. 




Santschi, F. (1921) Ponerinae, Dorylinae et quelques autres formicides néotropiques. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 54, 81-103.