Pogonomyrmex bolivianus
Holotype worker:
Diagnosis. The
combination of: (1) striae covering anterior
one-fifth to one-half of first gastral tergum, rest of tergum smooth and
polished, strongly shining, (2) rugae on mesosoma wavy to moderately irregular, (3) superior propodeal spines consist of short, triangular, acuminate
teeth, and (4) height of inferior propodeal spines
greater than that of superior propodeal spines uniquely
characterize this species.
(mm) - holotype (n
= 12 paratypes). HL 1.54
(1.43-1.61); HW 1.66 (1.53-1.69); MOD 0.32 (0.31-0.35); OMD 0.42 (0.41-0.47);
SL 1.16 (1.07-1.31); PNW 1.08 (1.06-1.18); HFL 1.57 (1.42-1.65); ML 1.87
(1.65-1.95); PW 0.40 (0.37-0.43); PPW 0.55 (0.54-0.69). Indices: SI 69.88 (66.46-77.51); CI 107.79
(100.64-110.00); OI 19.28 (18.45-22.88); HFI 94.58 (89.38-101.90).
Description. Head
quadrate to wider than long (CI = 100.64-110.00); posterior margin flat in
full-face view. Longitudinal cephalic rugae prominent; in full-face view, medial rugae diverging toward posterior corners of head; interrugal spaces lacking a beaded appearance, weakly to moderately
granulate-punctate, weakly shining to shining. Vertex rugose; interrugal spaces weakly granulate, weakly shining to smoothy and shining.
Anterior margin of clypeus moderately concave, dorsum with numerous suparallel longitudinal rugae. Mandible with six teeth; mandibular dorsum coarsely striate. MOD ranging from 0.19-0.25x
HL. Eyes in profile situated slightly
anterior to middle of head, OMD = 1.20-1.43x MOD. In full-face view, eyes protruding slightly
beyond lateral margins of head. Antennal
scapes (SI = 66.46-77.51) reaching posterior corners
of head or failing to do so by less than length of basal funicular
segment. Antennal scapes
strongly striate, interrstriae
moderately punctate, dull to weakly shining; basal
flange well developed with carinate margin. Psammophore well
Mesosomal profile weakly
to moderately convex; all mesosomal surfaces with
prominent widely spaced, wavy to irregular rugae. In dorsal view, pronotal humeri enlarged, weakly
to moderately angulate. Promesonotal suture
usually weakly to moderately impressed. Wavy
to irregular longitudinal rugae on mesonotum continue onto pronotum,
medial rugae continue to pronotal
collar, lateral rugae diverging to humeri. Rugae on pronotal sides irregular, traversing ventrally or posteroventrally
or weakly rugoreticulate. Irregular rugae on mesopleura angle posterodorsally;
irregular transverse or oblique rugae on dorsum of propodeum traverse ventrally or anteroventrally
on sides. Superior propodeal
spines consist of short, triangular, acuminate teeth, spines connected by a
weak to well-defined keel. Inferior propodeal spines moderately well developed, wider than
high, triangular, narrowing to rounded to broadly rounded tip, height greater
than length of superior spines. Propodeal
spiracles narrowly ovate, facing posterad. Interrugal spaces on mesosoma weakly granulate-punctate, weakly shining to smooth and shining. Legs weakly coriarious, weakly shining.
Petiolar peduncle
about as long as petiole, anteroventral margin with weakly
developed rounded process. In side view, posterior surface of petiole weakly convex; petiolar node asymmetrical with anterior surface longer
than posterior surface, apex subangulate to weakly
rounded. In dorsal view, petiole
longer than wide, sides subparallel, narrowest near posterior
margin, anterior margin spatulate to broadly
rounded. Sides and
posterior surface of petiolar node with regular to
wavy transverse rugae, or rugae
occasionally oblique. Dorsum of postpetiole convex in side
view; in dorsal view, widest near posterior margin, narrowing to anterior
margin, width and length similar.
Rugae on dorsum of postpetiole
more dense and less coarse than those on posterior face of petiole, interrugal spaces on both surfaces weakly granulate, weakly
shining to smooth and strongly shining. Longitudinal
striae cover anterior one-fifth to one-half of first gastral tergum, rest of tergum smooth and polished, strongly shining.
mostly short to medium length, whitish pilosity
moderately abundant on head, few hairs exceed 0.4-0.5x MOD. Moderately abundant suberect to semidecumbent pilosity on scape; abundant
decumbent hairs on funicular segments.
Legs with moderately abundant suberect
to decumbent whitish to pale yellow setae. Rest of body with
moderately dense, erect, medium-length, whitish to pale yellow setae. Head and mesosoma dark
ferruginous orange to orangish-brown, mesosoma sometimes slightly darker than head; mandibles,
antennae, legs, petiole, postpetiole, gaster dark brownish-orange.
Male. Unknown.
material examined. None.
Etymology. The
specific epithet, bolivianus,
is derived from Ross & Michelbacher collecting
the type series of workers in
Discussion. Pogonomyrmex bolivianus is not
known to co-occur with any congeners, but note that very few series have been collected
from the Bolivian altiplano. Regardless, P. bolivianus
is easily diagnosed by longitudinal striae that only
cover the anterior one-fifth to one-half of the first gastral
tergum with the rest of the tergum
smooth and polished, strongly shining. All
congeners lack striae on the first gastral tergum or the striae cover most of the first gastral
tergum with the rest of the tergum
moderately to strongly coriarious, dull.