Pogonomyrmex abdominalis Santschi 1929


Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) naegelii st. abdominalis Santschi, 1929: 278 (worker, queen). Syntypes examined: 8 workers, 4 queens [MACN], #1710, ARGENTINA, Córdoba: Sierras de Córdoba, Alta Gracia La Granja (Charles Bruch leg.). See also Gallardo, 1932: 112, figs. 6, 7 (MACN worker here designated LECTOTYPE).


Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) abdominalis Santschi; Kusnezov, 1951: 250. Raised to species.


Ephebomyrmex abdominalis (Santschi); Kempf, 1972: 106. First combination in Ephebomyrmex.


Pogonomyrmex abdominalis Santschi; Lattke, 1991: 305. Revived combination in Pogonomyrmex.


      Diagnosis.  Within the P. naegelii-group, the combination of: (1)  approximately 8-10 coarse longitudinal rugae between frontal lobes, (2) lacking a small lobe that projects dorsally from anterior margin of antennal fossa, (3) peduncle and anterior face of petiole meet at or near right angle, (4) in dorsal view, posterior face of petiole distinctly wider than distance between tips of superior propodeal spines, and (5) longest hairs on mesosoma approaching to slightly exceeding MOD uniquely characterize this species. 

Measurements – lectotype (n = 31). HL 1.25 (1.17-1.41); HW 1.26 (1.14-1.33); MOD 0.26 (0.25-0.30); OMD 0.28 (0.24-0.33); SL 0.84 (0.87-0.99); PNW 0.82 (0.75-0.92); HFL 1.09 (1.03-1.27); ML 1.38 (1.33-1.55); PW 0.38 (0.34-0.43); PPW 0.49 (0.46-0.54).  Indices: SI 66.67 (70.08-85.09); CI 100.80 (92.37-105.69); OI 20.63 (20.49-24.56); HFI 86.51 (83.46-103.31).

Description.  Head subquadrate to quadrate (CI = 92.37-105.69), widest just posterior to eye; posterior margin flat to weakly concave.  Longitudinal cephalic rugae prominent, occasionally weakly rugoreticulate especially near posterior margin; approximately 8-10 coarse longitudinal rugae between frontal lobes; in full-face view median rugae not diverging towards posterior corners of head.  In side view, area posterior to eyes rugose to moderately rugoreticulate, rugae not converging toward vertex; vertex rugose.  Cephalic interrugal spaces moderately to strongly granulate, dull to weakly shining.  Anterior margin of clypeus moderately to strongly concave, dorsal surface with numerous subparallel longitudinal rugae; lacking small lobe that projects dorsally from anterior margin of antennal fossa.  Mandible with six teeth; mandibular dorsum coarsely striated.  Up to several moderately long, curved, bristle-like, yellow-brown to brownish hairs project from anterior margin of clypeus and basolateral margin of mandibles.  MOD ranging from 0.20-0.25x HL.  Eyes in profile situated anterior to middle of head, OMD = 0.80-1.19x MOD.  Antennal scapes moderately long (SI = 66.67-85.09), failing to reach vertex by 1.0-1.5x length of basal funicular segment; entire scape with strong longitudinal striae, dull to weakly shining.  basal flange of scape flattened and well developed with carinate margin.  Psammophore poorly developed, consisting of short to medium length hairs scattered across ventral side of head.

Mesosomal profile convex; all mesosomal surfaces with highly irregular rugae, rugoreticulate, or vermiculate.  Metanotal sulcus not impressed.  Dorsum of promesonotum and sides of pronotum rugoreticulate to vermiculate.  Mesopleura with irregular rugae angling posterodorsally to rugoreticulate.  Dorsum of propodeum with wavy to irregular transverse rugae that traverse anteroventrally, becoming more irregular on sides.  Superior propodeal spines moderately long, acuminate, connected by well defined keel; spine length approximately 0.7-0.8x distance between bases.  Inferior propodeal spines well-developed, acuminate, length approximately 0.5-1.0x that of superior spines, base wider than length of superior spines; inferior and superior spines connected by weak crest.  Propodeal spiracles ovoid to circular facing posterad.  Interrugal spaces on mesosoma moderately granulate, weakly shining to smooth and strongly shining.  Legs moderately coriarious, weakly shining.

Petiolar peduncle about as long as petiole, anteroventral margin with a weakly to strongly developed triangular process.  In side view, petiolar node asymmetrical with anterior surface shorter than posterior surface; apex of node weakly rounded to subangulate; anterior face meeting peduncle at or near right angle.  In dorsal view, petiolar node longer than wide, widest near middle, narrowing to spatulate to rounded anterior margin; maximal width of posterior face greater than distance between tips of superior propodeal spines; dorsum and sides strongly rugoreticulate to vermiculate, interrugal spaces granulate, dull to weakly shining.  Dorsum of postpetiole convex in profile; in dorsal view, postpetiole robust, widest at or near posterior margin, narrowing from near middle to weakly truncate anterior margin; maximal width slightly greater than length; dorsum and sides weakly to moderately rugoreticulate or with several irregular longitudinal to oblique rugae, interrugal spaces moderately to strongly granulate, dull to weakly shining.  Ventral process of postpetiole large, bulbous, height similar to dorsal portion of postpetiole.  First gastral tergum weakly to strongly coriarious, dull to weakly shining to smooth and strongly shining; anterior margin sometimes with weak longitudinal striae.

Erect yellow-brown to brownish pilosity moderately abundant on head, variable in length, mostly short to medium long, often with one or more longer hairs that approximate MOD.  Moderately abundant suberect to semidecumbent pilosity on scape, abundant decumbent hairs on funicular segments.  Legs with moderately abundant semidecumbent brownish setae.  Mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole, gastral terga with moderately dense, erect setae, mostly similar in length, longest approaching to slightly exceeding MOD; hairs on propodeum less dense.  Concolorous tan to tannish-brown with darker gaster.


Diagnosis.  As in worker diagnosis, but with caste-specific morphology of the mesosoma related to wing-bearing, presence of small ocelli on the head, and as illustrated in Figure x.  This caste is characterized by: (1) petiole and postpetiole very wide (petiole > 0.50 mm, postpetiole > 0.70 mm; see Figure x), (2) posterior face of petiole granulate-punctate, and (3) mesoscutum and mesoscutellum longitudinally rugose.

Measurements – (n = 4). HL 1.19-1.35; HW 1.24-1.30; MOD 0.30-0.32; OMD 0.27-0.31; SL 0.69-0.75; PNW 1.00-1.03; HFL 0.92-0.95; ML 1.56-1.65; PW   0.54-0.57; PPW 0.71-0.76.  Indices: SI 54.33-57.69; CI 95.38-106.72; OI 23.08-25.20; HFI 72.44-76.61.

Male. Unknown.

Additional material examined. ARGENTINA: Córdoba: Alta Gracia la Granja, Sierras de Córdoba, no date (MACN). Entre Ríos: El Palmar, 25m, Feb. 7, 1999 (RAJC); Victoria, 80’, Jan. 6, 2008; Jan. 12, 2011 (RAJC). Misiones: Loreto, no date (MACN). BOLIVIA: Beni: Reyes, Nov. 22, 1921 (USNM); Dpto. Unknown: San Antonio, Nov. 22, 1921 (USNM). BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Belo Horizonte, Nov. 4, no year (CASC; MCZ). Minas Gerais: 6 km E Mariana Mtns, 1000m, May 16, 1971 (MCZ). Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, Mar. 24, 1971 (MZUSP). São Paulo: Fazanda Itaquera, Nova Europa, no date (MZUSP); Pindamonhangaba, Aug. 25, 1961 (MZUSP). Estado Unknown: Pirafron?, no date (MZUSP).

Etymology. The specific epithet, abdominalis (from Latin, abdomen- = abdomen), appears to be derived from the enlarged postpetiole on this species, which Santschi described as wider than long for the worker and even larger and more pronounced in the queen.


Discussion.  Pogonomyrmex abdominalis co-occurs with both of the other two P. naegelii-group species.  Pogonomyrmex abdominalis can be distinguished from P. tenuipubens based on the following characters: (1) hairs on the mesosoma and psammophore are coarse and longer than width of the intercephalic rugae, and (2) approximately 8-10 coarse rugae between frontal lobes.  In P. tenuipubens, the hairs on the mesosoma and psammophore are thin and delicate, and their maximal length is similar to or less than the width of intercephalic rugae, and more than 15 fine rugae between frontal lobes.  Pogonomyrmex abdominalis is distinguished from P. naegelii based on the following characters: (1) usually larger (HW = 1.14-1.33 mm; Figure x), (2) lacking a small lobe that projects dorsally from anterior margin of antennal fossa, (3) peduncle and anterior face of the petiole meet at or near a right angle, and (4) the posterior face of the petiole wider than distance between tips of the superior propodeal spines.  In P. naegelli, the body is usually smaller (HW = 1.05-1.23 mm), a small lobe projects dorsally from the anterior margin of the antennal fossa, the peduncle and anterior face of the petiole meet at an obtuse angle, and width of the posterior face of petiole is similar to or only slightly greater than distance between tips of the superior propodeal spines.

In his description, Santschi listed Alta Gracia, Córdoba, as the type locality for P. abdominalis, as did all subsequent authors (see Gallardo, 1932; Kempf, 1972; Kusnezov, 1951).  However, labels on all syntypes say, “Alta Gracia La Granja, Sierras de Córdoba”.  Alta Gracia and La Granja are small towns along the east side of the Sierras de Córdoba that are separated by about 75 km.  Thus, the labels suggest that the actual type locality was somewhere between these two pueblos.


Gallardo, A. (1932) Las hormigas de la República Argentina. Subfamilia Mirmicinas, segunda sección Eumyrmicinae, tribu Myrmicini (F. Smith), género Pogonomyrmex Mayr. Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural "Bernardino Rivadavia", 37, 89-170.

Kempf, W.W. (1972) Catálogo abreviado das formigas da Região Neotropical (Hym. Formicidae). Studia Entomologica, 15, 3-344.

Kusnezov, N. (1951) El género Pogonomyrmex Mayr (Hym., Formicidae). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 11, 227-333.

Lattke, J.E. (1991 ("1990")) Una nueva especie de Pogonomyrmex Mayr de selva húmeda tropical (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Revista de Biologica Tropical, 38, 305-309.

Santschi, F. (1929) Nouvelles fourmis de la République Argentine et du Brésil. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 107, 273-316.