Pogonomyrmex cunicularius-group
Workers of the P. cunicularius-group can be recognized by the following characters: (1) elongate head (CI < 90.0) with broadly rounded vertex that lacks a perceptible angle, (2) femur long (HFL > 2.05 mm; HFI > 118), (3) poorly developed psammophore that consists of short to medium-length hairs scattered across ventral side of head, (4) scapes long, surpassing vertex; entire scape with longitudinal striae, (5) eyes small, ranging from 0.15-0.19x HL, and (6) anterior clypeal margin flat to weakly convex. Queens of all three species are ergatoid, with morphology similar to workers except for presence of ocelli and slightly larger size. The mesosoma is weakly to moderately enlarged, and mesosomal segments are fused or with a weakly to moderately impressed mesoepinotal suture. Queens also have an elongate head (CI < 94.0). Males are only known for two species (cunicularius and pencosensis). Males have: (1) an elongate head, (2) superior propodeal spines that range from teeth to moderately well developed spines, and (3) a long femur (HFI > 130.0).