Pogonomyrmex coarctatus-group
Workers of the coarctatus-group are recognized
by the following characters: (1) large, sometimes polymorphic, (2) numerous
hair-bearing foveae scattered across dorsum of head, (3) most to all of
cephalic dorsum with very fine, dense, longitudinal rugae
or striae, (4) antennal scapes
short, extending less than one-third the distance from posterior margin of eye
to vertex, and (5) posterolateral margin of head with
a carina that is much coarser than rugae on cephalic
dorsum. All of these features also
characterize queens, which are known for all four species. Queens are also larger than those of other South
American congeners with head widths that range from 2.91-4.06 mm. Males (known for all four species) are
diagnosed by: (1) foveae (usually small and inconspicuous) scattered across
dorsum of head, more prevalent along posterior margin, and (2) large size (HL
> 1.75 mm and ML > 2.90 mm).