Species: Pogonomyrmex brevibarbis
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex brevibarbis
Emery 1906: 158 (worker). Syntypes examined: 1 worker [MCZ], 3 workers [MSNG], ARGENTINA, Chubut Province: Puerto Pirámides (4 December 1899). Santschi, 1925b; 223 (male) - Neuquén Province, Challaco [nec ?]). See also Gallardo, 1932: 106, fig. 2; Kusnezov, 1951: 262 (MCZ worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Emery named this species for its short beard (psammophore), noting that P. brevibarbis resembled P. angustus, but that it was larger with a more shiny integument, a wider head, and a short beard (breve barba) that was lacking in P. angustus.

Species description:
Emery, 1906 (from RAJ revision)
Other literature:
Gallardo, 1932; Kusnezov, 1951
Photos of all castes:
lectotype worker, worker, alate queen, male

Photos courtesy of Brian Fisher & Antweb