Species: Pogonomyrmex sp. RAJ-erem (unpublished mansucript name; name not to be used)
Holotype worker: ARGENTINA, Mendoza Province: Departamento Las Heras, Ruta 39 at 4.1 km S boundary of Parque Nacional El Leoncito, 32º06.7'S, 69º21.8'W, 7250 feet (2195 m), 31 December 2005 (R.A. Johnson #3727) [MACN]. Paratypes, same data as holotype: CASC (1w), FML (3w), LACM (3w), MACN (7w, 2 small ergatoid queens), MCZ (3w), RAJC (7w, 3 small ergatoid queens), USNM (3w). Additional paratype series, same data as holotype - RAJ#3728: FML (6w), MACN (9w), RAJC (6w, 4 small ergatoid queens); Ruta 39 at 5.1 km S Parque Nacional El Leoncito, 32º7.2'S 69º21.6'W, 7050 feet (2135 m), 18 January 2008, RAJ#4043: RAJC (6w); RAJ#4044: MACN (3w, 6m), RAJC (3w, 6m); RAJ#4045: RAJC (4w, 1 large ergatoid q, 4m); RAJ#4046: MACN (3w), RAJC (6w); RAJ#4047: RAJC (6w).

The specific epithet, eremicus (from Latin, eremic = of the desert, lonely), which is a geographical adjective that is derived from this species apparently being endemic to the Uspallata-Calingasta valley, which is an isolated high elevation valley in the Monte Desert that lies between the Precordillera on the east and the Andean Cordillera on the west. This valley has also been referred to as the Eremean District (Roig, Roig-Juñent & Corbalán, 2009).
Species description: from RAJ revision
Other literature: None
Photos of all castes: holotype worker, worker, small ergatoid queen, large ergatoid queen, male

Photos courtesy of Brian Fisher & Antweb