Species: Pogonomyrmex sp. RAJ-sant (unpublished manuscript name; name not to be used)
Holotype worker: ARGENTINA, Mendoza Province: Departamento Malargüe, 35º55.8'S 70º12.9'W, 6060' (1835 m), 25 January 2008 (R.A. Johnson #4109) [MACN]. Paratypes, same data as holotype: FML (6w), LACM (6w), MACN (12w), MCZ (3w), RAJC (17w), UCDC (3w), USNM (3w). Additional paratype series from the same locality and date – RAJ #4108: FML (2w, 3q, 3m), (MACN (3w, 3q, 9m), MCZ (3w, 3q, 3m), RAJC (7w, 6q, 14m).
Etymology: This species is named in honor of Felix Santschi, who was one of the most prolific ant taxonomists. This naming honors his describing more South American forms of Pogonomyrmex (17) than any other person.
Species description: (from RAJ revision)
Other literature: None
Photos of all castes: holotype worker, worker, paratype queen, paratype male