Species: Pogonomyrmex sp. RAJ-pulc (unpublished status change; name not to be used)
Taxonomic history:
Pogonomyrmex rastratus var. pulchellus Santschi, 1925: 223 (worker). Syntypes examined: 1 worker [NHMB], ARGENTINA, Catamarca Province: Corral Quemado, (Weiser leg.). See also Gallardo, 1932; 137 (NHMB worker here designated LECTOTYPE). NEW STATUS
Etymology: Santschi did not discuss the naming of this species. However, the specific epithet, puchellus, (from Latin, pulchell- = beautiful ), suggests that Santschi thought this to be a beautiful ant.
Species description: Santschi, 1925 (from RAJ revision)

Other literature:
Photos of all castes and synonyms:
lectotype worker, worker, alate queen, male

Photos courtesy of Brian Fisher & Antweb