Species: Pogonomyrmex sp. RAJ-mapu (unpublished mansucript name; name not to be used)
Holotype worker
: ARGENTINA, Neuquén Province: Departamento Collón Curá, 40º25.1'S 70º36.0'W, 2800' (850 m), 24 January 2011 (R.A. Johnson #4638) [MACN]. Paratypes, same data as holotype: FML (3w), LACM (3w), MACN (3w), MCZ (4w), RAJC (10w), UCDC (3w), USNM (4w). Additional paratype series from the same locality and date – RAJ #4637: FML (3w), MACN (3w), RAJC (3w); RAJ #4639: FML (2 dq), MACN (5 dq), RAJC (9 dq).

The specific epithet, mapuche, is a noun in apposition and invariant in form that is derived from a group of Indians that lived in this region of Argentina.
Species description: (from RAJ revision)
Other literature:
Photos of all castes:
holotype worker, paratype dealate queen

Photos courtesy of Brian Fisher & Antweb