Species: Pogonomyrmex laevigatus
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) laevigatus Santschi: 1921, 97 (worker). Syntypes examined: 1 worker [MACN], 2 workers [ZSM], #1077, CHILE, Llanqihue Province: Cayutué (Dr. Wolffhügel leg.); Kusnezov, 1949: 301 (male, in key) (MACN worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Ephebomyrmex laevigatus Santschi; Kusnezov: 1960, 354. First combination in Ephebomyrmex.
Pogonomyrmex laevigatus Santschi; Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 75. Revived combination in Pogonomyrmex.
Etymology: The specific epithet, laevigatus (from Latin, laevigatus = smooth, glossy), is derived from the smooth, shiny surface over most of the body of this species.
Species description: Santschi, 1921 (RAJ revision description)
Other literature: Kusnezov, 1949; Kusnezov, 1951
Photos of all castes: lecotype worker, worker, male, alate queen