Species: Pogonomyrmex sp. RAJ-erga (unpublished mansucript name; name not to be used)
Holotype worker: ARGENTINA, La Rioja Province: Departamento Vinchina, Rt 76 at 27.5 km W Alto Jagüé, 28º38.8'S, 68º37.1'W, 7970 feet (2415 m), 2 January 2006 (R.A. Johnson #3735) [MACN]. Paratypes, same data as holotype: FML (9w), LACM (3w), MACN (14w, 1 ergatoid queen), MCZ (6w), RAJC (15w), UCDC (3w), USNM (3w). Additional paratype series from the same locality and date: RAJ #3734: RAJC (1w, 11 ergatoid queens); RAJ #3736: RAJC (3w, 3 ergatoid queens).
The specific epithet, ergatogyna, is an adjective that is derived from this species having wingless queens (ergato = workerlike, gyn = female).
Species description:
(from RAJ revision)
Other literature: None
Photos of all castes: holotype worker, paratype worker, paratype ergatoid queen