Species: Pogonomyrmex aterrimus
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) schmitti aterrimus Wheeler, 1936: 197 (worker). Syntypes examined: 3 workers [MCZ]; between La Visite and Kenscoff, Haiti, 5,000-7,000 feet (Dr. Darlington leg., autumn 1934) (MCZ worker here designated LECTOTYPE ).
Ephebomyrmex schmitti aterrimus Wheeler; Kempf, 1972: 106. First combination in Ephebomyrmex.
Pogonomyrmex schmitti aterrimus Wheeler; Bolton, 1995: 339. Revived combination in Pogonomyrmex. NEW STATUS
Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) schmitti darlingtoni Wheeler, 1936: 197 (worker). Syntypes examined: 6 workers [MCZ]; northeastern foothills of Massi de la Hotte, Haiti, 2,000-4,000 feet (Dr. Darlington leg., 10 October, 1934) (MCZ worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Ephebomyrmex schmitti darlingtoni Wheeler; Kempf, 1972: 106. First
combination in Ephebomyrmex.
Pogonomyrmex schmitti darlingtoni Wheeler; Bolton , 1995: 340. Revived
combination in Pogonomyrmex. NEW SYNONOMY
Species description: Wheeler, 1936
Etymology: The specific epithet, schmitti (Latinization of Schmitt), was derived from Rev. P.J. Schmitt, who collected the syntype series of workers.
Photos of all castes: lectotype worker, dealate queen