Species: Pogonomyrmex sp. RAJ "fore"(unpublished mansucript name; name not to be used)
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Holotype worker : ARGENTINA, Chubut: Departamento Mártires, Rt 25 at 11.4 km E Las Plumas, 43º39.3'S, 67º14.4'W, 1280 feet (390 m), 21 February 2014 (R.A. Johnson #5223) [MACN]. Paratypes, same data as holotype: FML (3w), MACN (9w), MCZ (6w-sent) , LACM (6w), RAJC (21w), USNM (3w).
Species description: (from RAJ revision)
Other literature:
Photos of all castes: holotype worker, paratype worker

Photos courtesy of Brian Fisher & Antweb