Note: The following evaluation form permits us to determine the relative significance, feasibility, duration, and post-project implications of funding requests submitted to CARO. The "request for support" materials should be completed to the extent reasonable in order to help CARO make a funding decision about the request that has been submitted. CARO rates and ranks in priority order for funding the requests for support that it receives.
Some sections may not be applicable for a given project, in which case, mark with NA for that particular question or section.
Project Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Organization: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________ State: __________________ ZIP: __________________
Contact Person: __________________ Phone: __________________
Project start date: __________________ Ending date: __________________
Total funds requested: __________________ (Attach an itemized budget.)
Type of Project (see "Activities Supported")
Please mark the category that best fits the proposed project.
[ ] Research, art, or evaluation project
[ ] Consultation on a project already underway at organization submitting request
[ ] Consultation on proposal or project development in which HRC will play assisting role
[ ] Conference, workshop or training session
[ ] Joint proposal development between the HRC and a CBO or other organization
Project description (use additional sheet if necessary): _____________________________________________________________________
(a) Is this request likely to be on a one-time basis, or is it a multi-phase activity? Do you anticipate submitting future requests to CARO for this or related activities?
(b) CARO has limited human and technological resources. Describe the magnitude of effort required by CARO itself in order to successfully complete the project.
(c) To what extent will the staff of the submitting organization or community persons participate in the project?
(d) Does the project have the endorsement of the head of the submitting organization? Will the head of the submitting organization be actively participating? If not, who will?
(e) Will the project generate income (e.g., through the sale of products or services, registration fees, etc.) ? If so, what organization or individual will receive the income?
(f) Will organizations other than CARO participate actively? Will they contribute financial, human or other resources to the project?
(g) Is this project being submitted or likely to be submitted to other funding entities (e.g., other units of ASU, foundations, corporations, units of government, etc.)?
(h) Does the project involve activities (such as research on human subjects) which require approval from ASUšs Human Subjects review committee.
(i) For projects involving specific individuals (rather than history, art, literature, etc.), how did the target population or clientele participate in this project request?
(j) Post-project status. Will this project likely incur costs and/or effort by CARO after it is completed? For example, will there be significant documentation costs? Distribution costs (e.g., over the internet, in published form, CD-ROM manufacture, etc.)?
(k) Does the proposed project have in place a mechanism to evaluate its success and to make that evaluation available to CARO?
(l) For projects which request $1,000 or more from CARO, complete the following: