Hispanic Research Center
Arizona State University
Box 875303
Tempe, Arizona
(480) 965-3990

The Hispanic Research Center (HRC) at ASU is an interdisciplinary unit dedicated to research and creative activities that is university wide but administered through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The HRC performs basic and applied research on a broad range of topics related to Hispanic populations, disseminates research findings to the academic community and the public, engages in creative activities and makes them available generally, and provides public service in areas of importance to Hispanics.

By-Laws of the Hispanic Research Center

General Info.
Arizona State University
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences












PO Box 872702 / Tempe, AZ 85287-2707

Dept. #: (480) 965-3990 / Fax: (480) 965-0315
Contact Webmaster: Jo Ann Briseño

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