Physical plant and equipment
The classroom and office space for the Studio Core is concentrated
primarily in the Tower Center. In addition to two classroom studios
and a 3-D studio/lab, there is a Studio Core Office in Tower A
that includes a suite of three rooms housing the Studio Coordinators
office, a T.A. meeting and resource area, and a prep room with
slide resources. Three Macintosh computers, an IBM selectric typewriter,
file, and flat file storage cabinets, a light box and miscellaneous
tables are available. We also have a flat bed scanner and a 35mm
slide scanner. We have developed a considerable collection of
books that relate to the theory and practice of Art and Design.
We are constantly in the process of expanding our slide collection
to reflect the formal and conceptual categories around which the
curriculum is organized. We regularly take advantage of the various
museums and galleries as well as the public art collection on
the ASU campus for direct experience of artworks. Facilities for
Drawing are housed in the Main School of Art building.
Other resources
A wide range of resources in both the public and private sectors
are utilized by various faculty teaching Core. The local museums
and galleries are visited on a regular basis; in addition, commercial
printing houses, artist studios, an art foundry, and various manufacturing
companies are all visited as deemed appropriate by the instructor.