person in ASU graduation gown

Facts and figures

"For our society to achieve its ideal, there cannot be an unequal distribution of its most important asset — education."
– Michael M. Crow, President, Arizona State University

The educational experience at ASU is an immersion in a living-learning academic enterprise — a mindset focused on innovation and entrepreneurship, and a deep commitment to serving the public interest during a time of rapid and complex societal change. Nationally and internationally acclaimed, ASU consistently ranks among the very best in nearly every critical measurement of student success, outcomes of groundbreaking research and impact in the communities it serves.

At a glance


Total enrollment


Undergraduate students


Graduate and professional students


Faculty members


First-generation undergraduate students


Countries represented by students


International students


International undergraduates


Undergraduates receive Pell Grants


Undergraduates received financial assistance

sun-devil forks done with hand


Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as the country’s most innovative school, Arizona State University is where students and faculty work with NASA to develop, advance and lead innovations in space exploration.

This is where Nobel laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners teach master learners. This is where nationally ranked and internationally ranked programs prepare next-generation innovators to thrive while advancing pioneering research, strategic partnerships, entrepreneurship and economic development.

ASU’s nationally ranked programs inspire the top-qualified graduates and have positioned the university as a “top-tier” recruiting and hiring institution by more than 50 of the country’s top corporations, according to professional recruiters and rankings services around the world.

Enrollment — total universityFall 2024Fall 2023Fall 2022Fall 2021Fall 2020Fall 2019
Campus immersion79,81879,59380,06577,88174,79575,698
West Valley5,3544,9044,9685,2095,3904,955
Other locations1,313901587540491454
Digital immersion72,99466,06262,55157,84853,99344,253



Veteran and military-affiliated students

More than 18,000 veteran and military-affiliated students are enrolled for fall 2024, a university record.

Arizona spotlight

new students from Arizona

ASU welcomes new first-year, transfer and graduate Arizona residents to ASU’s campuses and online.


new first-year students from Arizona

A university record totaling 53% of the new first-year cohort from Arizona.



81,700 first-year, campus immersion applications for admission were received for fall 2024, the most in ASU history.


Two-thirds of first-year students admitted for fall 2023 had unweighted GPAs of 3.47 and above.


85% of ASU undergraduate students received some level of financial assistance in fall 2023.


34% of ASU undergraduate students received Pell Grants in fall 2024.

girl standing on asu palm walk


ASU welcomed 17,000 incoming first-year undergraduate students in fall 2024, demonstrating its commitment to educational access.


Related links

ASU admission


For fall 2023 campus immersion, 80% of first-year students who are Arizona residents earned one of ASU’s top academic scholarships collectively called the New American University Scholarships.


Reflecting ASU’s commitment to higher education access, 42% of ASU undergraduates are first-generation college students.


51% of first-year student applicants are female.


7,300 first-year, on-campus students identify as a minority (52% of first-year campus cohort), the largest percentage of new minority first-year students on record.


ASU has an 85% first-year students retention rate.

downtown phoenix skyline image


ASU’s faculty is composed of some of the most innovative, brilliant professors and researchers — game-changers whose discoveries are positively impacting the world and whose guidance and mentorship are positively impacting their students.


Related links

ASU majors and degree programs

ASU academics and advising

ASU faculty excellence


ASU offers more than 400 academic undergraduate programs and majors led by expert faculty in highly ranked colleges and schools.


U.S. News & World Report rates 83 ASU degree programs in the top 25 in the country, including 44 programs ranked in the nation’s top 10.


Through more than 450 graduate degree programs and certificates, ASU master’s and doctoral students work directly with the nation’s top researchers.

Top 5

ASU is ranked top 5 nationally for best online bachelor's programs by U.S. News & World Report, ahead of Texas A&M, University of Arizona and George Washington. It offers more than 300 online degree and certificate programs taught by award-winning ASU faculty.

ASU library setup top view

Research impact

Our interdisciplinary, solutions-focused approach to research, entrepreneurship and economic development is centered on discovery that matters and the fusion of intellectual disciplines in order to solve complex problems.


Related links

ASU research

About ASU research

ASU research facts and figures

Top 5

ASU ranks top 5 in the U.S. for research expenditures among universities without a medical school, ahead of Princeton, Caltech and Carnegie Mellon, according to the National Science Foundation Higher Education Research and Development Survey. Since 2002, ASU research expenditures have grown more than sevenfold, going from $123 million to $904 million in FY23.


One of the top-performing U.S. universities for inventions and licensing deals, ASU has been the launching pad for more than 250 startups, generating more than $2 billion in economic output in Arizona alone.


ASU is one of the fastest-growing research enterprises in the U.S., with $904 million in total research expenditures in FY23.


Since fiscal year 2023, ASU research has resulted in nearly 5,000 invention disclosures and more than 1,500 U.S.-issued patents.* To date, startups based on ASU intellectual property have cumulatively raised more than $1.4 billion in external funding.
*From July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2024



ASU Tempe campus stone

Economic impact

ASU is one of Arizona’s largest employers with more than 21,750 employees.


Related links

ASU corporate engagement and strategic partnerships


In FY24, the university generated an economic impact of $6.128 billion on the state’s gross product, $3.828 billion in labor income and 55,688 jobs.


In 2023, 306,150 ASU graduates worked in Arizona, earning $24.1 billion and paying between $1.78 and $2.01 billion in state and local taxes.

Solar panel roof

Impact on our global future

ASU is deeply committed to sustaining our planet and designing a more just, equitable and prosperous future through the knowledge we share, the research we conduct, the spaces we design, the programs we establish and the solutions we innovate.


Related links

Global Futures Laboratory

College of Global Futures

Sustainability Consortium


ASU’s solar program

ASU's sustainability goals and vision

ASU Zero Waste initiative


1st in the world

The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, established in 2019 at the scale of a National Laboratory, is configured to operate like a medical center for the planet and its inhabitants. It is the world’s first comprehensive institution of its kind dedicated to ensuring humanity exists in equilibrium within the world’s systems, empowered by a platform for an ongoing and wide-ranging exchange across all knowledge domains to address the complex social, economic and scientific challenges spawned by the current and future threats.

1st in the U.S.

ASU is home to the College of Global Futures, a unique educational center that comprises four first-ever schools to develop knowledge and skills that address areas integral to understanding our future:

  • School of Sustainability (est. 2006).
  • School for the Future of Innovation in Society (est. 2016).
  • School of Complex Adaptive Systems (est. 2020).
  • School of Ocean Futures (est. 2023).


Ranked No. 1 in the U.S., ahead of Michigan State, Penn State and MIT, for global impact in advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Ranked No. 1 in the U.S. and No. 2 in the world by the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System, for sustainability practices, ahead of Stanford and UC Berkeley.



Ranked No. 1 in the Air and Climate category by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education in its annual Sustainable Campus Index report. ASU ranks ahead of Stanford, Cornell and UC Berkeley.


Ranked No. 3 on the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership Top 30 College & University Partners listing. 77% of ASU’s total electricity use is green power derived from various resources.



ASU’s solar program provides 55 MWdc-equivalent solar generating capacity, which contributed to the university reaching its goal of becoming carbon neutral in 2020, with zero greenhouse gas emissions from campus operations.


Total LEED Building Certifications

  • 8 Platinum.
  • 37 Gold.
  • 28 Silver.
  • 1 Certified.
person with a sticky note

Philanthropic impact

The ASU Foundation raised $379.3 million in FY23 for students, faculty, research and community programs.


Related links

ASU Foundation


At the close of the 2023 fiscal year, 107,529 individual, corporate and foundation donors had given to ASU.


In FY23, 7,406 ASU students received scholarships funded by donors. The total amount disbursed was $39.3 million.


Supporting ASU’s academic programs, research and initiatives, the $379.3 million raised in FY23 generated new opportunities at the nation’s most innovative university.