
Wasserman, flanked by Irene Lyla Lee and Joe Richie, on a rowboat
on the Grand Canal, Versailles, July 2002.
Rosanne Wasserman
Working Note
The inspiration for “Boustrophedon” begins
with some pretty old tech. During a visit with my students to the
new Greek and Roman Galleries of the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York, we saw a vase on which boustrophedon letters had been
painted beside the characters on the vase: names that sometimes
read right to left, sometimes right to left, depending on the profile
of the figure. The word means “ox-turn,” according to the Liddell
and Scott lexicon, which is blissfully on-line. |
The scribe would
reach the end of his section of parchment or tablet of clay, and
instead of lifting his stylus to return to the side on which he’d
begun to write, he would simply drop down a line and begin to write
in the other direction: just as if he were driving oxen over a field
to plow. I started the poem off by hand, which proved to be how
I’d write the whole thing; once I started to type it up, I realized
I was in trouble. Microsoft Word just had no idea about how to do
what I needed. A colleague from the United States Merchant Marine
Academy, Dr. Charles Schultheiss, lent me a copy of PhotoShop, which
helped me to visualize what I wanted for the first twenty lines
or so, but I was flipping every other line and pasting it in; the
flipped and pasted letters were blurry and gray. The poem was still
growing. I went back on line to search Boustrophedon, and the
following site turned up.
This marvellous location, created by Simmon Keith,
would turn any prose text into a boustrophedon image. Alas, I had
this poem that did not automatically wrap or justify: its line breaks
didn't fit the program. I contacted Simmon, who generously not only
rewrote his program to accommodate the poem's format (for which
he's been thanking me!), but also typed the poem up all over into
the new program, gracefully bearing with my additions and revisions
to the text. Once it was finished, we had to scale it to a readable
format: a “tiny” one put the whole piece onto one page, but a two-page
one was more readable and graceful. I was delighted that he had
formatted the piece in such a way that the lines meandered across
the page: my first time out behind an ox, I couldn’t hold the plow
straight at all. I am now considering another poem in boustrophedon
format, but with counted characters, so that the full-page image
is more controlled. |

Bio: Rosanne Wasserman’s poems
have appeared widely in anthologies and journals, including twice in David
Lehman’s Best American Poetry series (Macmillan, 1988 and 1994), chosen
by John Ashbery and A. R. Ammons. Her books include The Lacemakers
and No Archive on Earth (New York and Moscow: Gnosis, 1992, 1995);
Other Selves (New York: Painted Leaf Press, 1999); and a forthcoming
collection, Frequently Asked Questions. A professor at the United
States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, she is the mother of the
young poet Joe Richie (Endless Enchantment) and wife of the poet
Eugene Richie (Island Light), with whom she has co-authored a book
of collaborations, entitled Place du Carousel (Vilna: Zilvinas
and Daiva Publications, 2001). Together, they direct the Groundwater
Press, a non-profit poetry publisher.
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