And what about the women poets who were writing experimentally?
Oh, were there women poets writing experimentally? Yes there were,
they were. They were there and they were writing differently and
a few of them were chosen and did appear in the magazines for
people writing in new forms. And then several women began to make
their own experimentalist magazines. What about that? Well, they
read each other. But we hardly ever heard about their poems where
I was sitting listening. You mean in school? I mean where poems
were being preserved and thought about seriously and carried forward
as news.
And the women poets, the ones you call experimentalist,
were they reading Simone de Beauvoir? Firestone? Chodorow? Irigaray?
Some were. They were reading and they were thinking backwards
and forwards. They were writing to re-imagine how the language
might describe the life of a woman thinking and changing. And
the poetry they were writing wasn't fitting into anyone's anything
because there wasn't a clear place made for it.
They must have felt displaced. Yes, they must have.
They must have felt unreal. Unrealized. Effaced. Did they know
it? Yes, they knew it. Did they talk about it? Yes, they talked
about it. We were sitting in a writing group two years ago and
we talked about it. One year ago, we were sitting there talking
about it. Last summer, I was walking around talking to myself
about it and feeling displaced and I wrote to one of my scholar
friends and asked her about it and she said you are right. There
is this gap. But perhaps we don't know how to acknowledge
something, how to think about something, unless it resembles what
was already there. I thought of Dickinson. I thought of Stein.
Woolf and Richardson. Slashes, anarchies, sentences, disruptions.
I was listening and I said to her, but if we could somehow talk to you
and tell you about us, would you be interested? Yes, she said,
I would be interested.
HOW(ever) proposes to make a bridge between scholars
thinking about women's language issues, vis-a-vis the making of
poetry, and the women making those poems. HOW(ever) hopes to create
a place in which poets can talk to scholars through poems and
working notes on those poems, as well as through commentary on
neglected women poets who were/are making textures and structures
of poetry in the tentative region of the untried.
--Kathleen Fraser
A vehicle for experimentalist poetry -- post-modern
if you will, to be thought of seriously as an appropriate poetry
for women and feminists. The poetry feminists usually eschew,
believing that now is the time for women to write understandable
poetry about their own lives, and with feeling, with the heretofore
undeveloped self in prominent display.
But the myths of a culture are embodied in its language,
its lexicon, its very syntactical structure. To focus attention
on language and to discover what can be written in other than
traditional syntactical or prosodic structures may give an important
voice to authentic female experience. Certainly one should be
read side-by-side with the other.
Unhappily, most feminist publications have ignored
the experimentalist work which women are writing now and have
been writing since early in the century. And unhappily, most publications
of "new" writing have had little interest in feminist
language issues, although some of the women who appear in them
have written brilliantly and movingly about their lives as women.
We want to publish an exception, however.