Stewart from I/T
Barbara Brooks
from The Vertical City
Geraldine McKenzie
Look at the fools... and Context
Gillian Conoley
Lincolnesque and Every Epoch
Heather Bowlan
Conversation with Rich: The Manufactured Woman, Conversation
with Beatty: Carnage, Conversation with Harjo: Nightsong,
Conversation with Cisneros: Girltalk, and Conversation
with Notley: Diamond
Laura Hinton
“The Daughter’s Crime / A Fish Story” and “From
‘This Summer’”
Rachel Blau
DuPlessis Draft 43: Gap and Draft
44: Stretto
Rachel Loden
Substation Casbah
Shira Dentz
Twin, If you're going to keep criticizing the
beginning... and Motion
Virginia Coventry