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The Department of History of Art and Architecture, University of California, Santa Barbara is seeking temporary lecturers in the following areas of instruction:

Medieval and Hellenistic/Greek Art, Latin American and Chicano Art, American and Modern Art,

APPLY BY: April 1, 2005

Applications are invited for one or more full and/or part-time temporary academic teaching positions in 2005-2006, subject to availability of funding. Appointments will range from one quarter to one year. A Ph.D. degree is desirable. Salary is dependent upon qualifications. Information about the UCSB History of Art and Architecture Department is available through the Department�s home page, http://www.arthistory.ucsb.edu/.

Applications will be kept active for consideration for all appropriate vacancies within the Department for one year. Terms and conditions of employment are subject to UC policy and any appropriate collective bargaining agreement.

The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service.

The University of California at Santa Barbara is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Submit vita, teaching evaluations (if available) and the names of three references to:
Professor Peter Sturman, Chair
Department of History of Art and Architecture
university of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7080.



Information on these positions is available as scanned images.
To see these images click on their respective pages:
Page 1 | Page 2


Announcement No. 2419

This position is in the Management Personnel Plan and earns management benefits.

SALARY: Commensurate with background, education and experience.

The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for supervising, monitoring, and implementing programs and services that have a direct impact on student retention. These programs and services are designed to ease the transition to the University, enhance student involvement/participation in university organizations and promote racial, ethnic, and cultural appreciation and equity. The Dean of Students promotes students rights and encourages citizenship responsibility among students and facilitates the development of retention and leadership skills.

The Office of the Dean of Students currently consists of the following departments and programs: Career Services, Centers for Student Involvement, Testing, Assessment & Research, Center for Community Based Service Learning, Cross-Cultural Center, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Leadership Programs, Master Program for Interns, Student Clubs and Organizations, Student Success Center and Student Help Center. The Office of the Dean of Students also facilitates the administration of many other student-sponsored and operated programs and services.

RESPONSIBILITIES: The Dean of Students is responsible for the quality of the campus social, cultural, and educational environment and the student services that enhance the University's academic programs and the intellectual and personal development of students on the San Diego State University Campus. The incumbent is responsible for the promotion of student development through a program of co-curricular activities and services to students. The Dean of Students reports to the Vice President for Student Affairs as one of six Senior Management Team members.

QUALIFICATIONS: Degree in Higher Education, Student Affairs Administration, Counseling Psychology or closely related field; Doctorate degree or terminal degree appropriate to candidate's discipline required. Must have excellent oral and written communication skills and demonstrated effective leadership. Significant professional and management experience to include a minimum of five years supervisory experience in a major leadership position in Student Affairs; work experience in a large comprehensive college or university; experience with student life and development programs and activities under the supervision of the position; experience with fundraising activities; and teaching experience at the graduate level; extensive budget and personnel management experience; assessment and programming experience; and experience with a variety of Student Affairs' programs and activities.

APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applicants should send a letter of application, a current resume, list of three professional references, and a salary history for the last five years to San Diego State University, The Center for Human Resources (#2419), San Diego, CA 92182-1625 or email to: employ@mail.sdsu.edu . Review of applications will begin on December 13, 2004, and the position will remain open until filled. The successful candidate is preferred to start in January 2005 or no later than Juy 1, 2005. Review of applications is not guaranteed for those received after the review date. Applicants with disabilities requiring special application and/or interview arrangements may call (619) 594-4648. EM 10/xx/04




The School of Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder announces three tenure track positions for the 2005-2006 academic year in the following areas: Bilingual Education (with emphasis in Second Language Acquisition or Special Education), Literacy for Linguistically Diverse Learners, and Education Policy Analysis.

The UCB School of Education is located at the flagship campus of the University of Colorado, situated at the base of the Rocky Mountains 25 miles northwest of Denver. The School offers a welcoming and collaborative environment for scholars who desire to pursue the highest quality research and teaching. As a community, we embrace the principles of social justice, democracy, and diversity as the historic moral imperatives of U.S. public schooling. The School ranks among the nation's most distinguished in terms of the quality and importance of the scholarly contributions made by its faculty and students. Graduate degrees (M.A. & Ph.D.) are offered in five areas of emphasis - Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice; Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity; Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Psychology; and Research and Evaluation Methodology. Our exemplary, research-based teacher education programs (undergraduate and Masters) are an integral part of the life of the School. Find more program information at http://www.colorado.edu/education/.

Qualifications: Candidates for the positions must have a doctorate in the specialized area and either a record of research or potential for a career of research and scholarship. The School intends to hire at the Assistant and Associate Professor levels, with consideration given to hiring at the Professor level when appropriate. Scholars of color are strongly encouraged to apply.

Responsibilities: Candidates for the positions must be willing to contribute to teaching and program development in the teacher education and graduate programs, conduct research, publish in significant refereed journals and seek outside funding. Candidates must be committed to working with culturally and linguistically diverse populations.

Salary: Negotiable, commensurate with experience and scholarly record.


College of Education and Human Development
Texas A&M University

The Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, in the Texas A&M University College of Education and Human Development, seeks a senior assistant or associate professor of higher education, with tenure or tenure-eligible. The successful applicant will possess a well-established research agenda, including a record of scholarship with research and/or teaching experience in higher education governance, curriculum, or higher education policy. In addition, the candidate will demonstrate experience at obtaining external funding for research with an established record of contract and grant activity consistent with a tenured faculty member at a Research Extensive university. The applicant hired will also provide support to doctoral students who want a student affairs focus in their dissertation work, and provide some direction and guidance to the Student Affairs Administration master's program. The Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department has the largest number of diverse graduate students in the College, and a strong record of preparing diverse master's and doctoral graduates for higher education, public school administration, adult education, and human resource development professions. Consequently, the candidate hired will have experience at working with, recruiting and supporting diverse students. Candidates are requested to address their experience and involvement in this area directly in their letters to the Search Committee. Professional duties will include teaching graduate courses in higher education administration, advising master's and doctoral students, supervising dissertation research, and maintaining a strong and competitive research agenda commensurate with graduate faculty membership at a large land-grant institution.

The search committee will begin accepting letters of application with curriculum vita, three samples of current writing, and the names and complete contact information for three or more references November 1, and the search will remain open until the position is filled. Complete application packets should be sent to:

Dr. Yvonna S. Lincoln, Program Chair, Higher Education Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department 511 Harrington Tower, 4226 TAMU
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4226

Texas A&M University, in accordance with applicable federal and state law, prohibits discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status.


Division of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher Education

The Division of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at The University of Texas at San Antonio, seeks a specialistin language minority education with broad knowledge of and record of research on bilingual education,bilingualism, biliteracy, ESL, and/or biculturalism, for a position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor tobegin Fall 2005, pending budgetary approval. The Division offers a Bachelor of Arts in MexicanAmerican Studies, a Master of Arts with concentrations in Bicultural Studies, Bicultural-BilingualEducation, and English as a Second Language, and a Ph.D. program in Culture, Literacy, and Language.It also provides undergraduate and graduate programs for teacher certification as well as support coursesfor other programs in the University.

Responsibilities include:Teach undergraduate and graduate courses including, but not limited tobilingual education, ESL, and multicultural education, offered at either the UTSA Downtown Campus,the Loop 1604 Campus or at a public school, day and/or evening; advise undergraduate and graduatestudents; conduct an active research agenda; and provide support to the teacher-training program.

Required Qualifications:Doctorate (required for Associate) or ABD with specialization in bilingual/bicultural education, biliteracy, applied linguistics, anthropology of education, sociology of education or aclosely related area. Record of research and/or publication in one or more of the following areas:language minority education, cultural pluralism, linguistic diversity. EC-12 teaching experience.Proficiency in Spanish and English.

Preferred Qualifications:Experience conducting research in public schools (EC-12) multiple yearsteaching experience (EC-12), experience working with funded projects, experience in conducting researchamong U.S. Latina/o populations, ability to teach courses in Spanish, and university teaching experienceparticularly in teacher preparation programs or ESL programs.

Appointment:For hire at the assistant professor level ABD candidates must have completed the doctorateby August 15, 2005. ABD applicants close to completion will be considered at rank of Instructor. Salaryis competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Application:Applicants must submit a letter of application addressing qualifications including Spanishproficiency, curriculum vitae, two publications or samples of scholarly writing, and the names and contactinformation (including email) of three references to: Dr. Ellen R. Clark, Chair, Search Committee,Division of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies, College of Education and Human Development, The Universityof Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas 78249-0653. Applications will be accepted by U.S. mail orelectronically ateclark@utsa.eduSubject: "Faculty position in Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher Education."Applicants who are not U.S. citizens must state their current visa and residency status. The review ofapplications will begin October 29, 2004, and will continue until the position is filled. The University ofTexas at San Antonio is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.Women and minorities areencouraged to apply.


Current Jobs Openings at WestEd

Note: As recruiting and hiring are dynamic, please visit http://www.wested.org/cs/we/print/docs/we/jobs.htm for the most up to date information, detailed job descriptions and online application.

Professional Development Provider, English Learners & Language Arts (ELLA) - Position #1321 Comprehensive School Assistance Program Oakland, CA, Sacramento, CA, San Francisco, CA, San Jose, CA

Work with K-12 classroom teachers and administrators, and with other educational entities, to make classroom instruction and schoolwide programs more effective for English learners and other diverse student populations.


Search for a senior Professor in Educational Leadership

The Teacher Education Program (TEP) at the University of California, San Diego invites applications for a tenured position at the Associate or Full level in Educational Leadership starting July 2005. The successful candidate will be expected to establish a program of research at UCSD that contributes significantly to the national dialog on effective instruction and school leadership in areas such as visionary school reform, equity of access in a diverse society, or educational leadership theory. The candidate will provide intellectual leadership for a new Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program being implemented in collaboration with San Diego State University and California State University, San Marcos.

Responsibilities for this position will include: serving as UCSD Co-director of this joint Ed.D. program; teaching graduate and undergraduate courses; maintaining an active program of research; advising graduate student research; representing the program in collaborations with partner institutions, local K-12 school districts and community colleges, and participating in administrative functions of the department and the University. The teaching schedule for this program will require flexibility on the part of the faculty since courses will be offered evenings, weekends and summers to accommodate the work schedules of the graduate students who will be drawn from local educators and administrators who demonstrate outstanding leadership potential.

Required qualifications include a Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Educational Leadership or a related field; an established record of research in the field; demonstrated excellence in teaching and student research advising; excellent communication skills; and experience working with K-12 school district personnel to improve school outcomes. Desirable qualifications include successful experience administering academic programs, supervising research situated in professional practice, and developing collaborative relationships with other universities and local education agencies. A description of the UCSD Teacher Education Program may be found at http://tep.ucsd.edu/ . The level of appointment will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Salary: Salary will be commensurate with qualifications, based on UC pay scales.

Closing Date: Review of application files will begin on 1 November 2004 and will continue until the position is filled.

To Apply:
Applicants should submit a letter of interest that describes their training, research interests, and teaching experiences. In addition, applicants should provide a vita, samples of their work, and the names and addresses of three references. Applications may be submitted electronically (in PDF format), with documents emailed to ELead@tepserver.ucsd.edu.

Alternately, hard copies may be mailed to:
Bud Mehan, Acting Director of Education Studies
Teacher Education Program
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0070

Please refer to position #4-306-AA in your response.


Position Announcement
Professor, Multicultural and/or Bilingual Education

Ph.D. Program in Urban Education
The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

The new Ph.D. Program in Urban Education at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York invites applicants for a tenured or tenure earning position in multicultural and/or bilingual education in urban education. An appointment at the rank of associate or full professor is anticipated. A candidate of substantial merit, accomplishment, and scholarly reputation may be appointed as a Distinguished Professor. The salary of the successful candidate will be competitive, negotiable, and commensurate with scholarly productivity.

We are seeking a fine scholar in multicultural and/or bilingual education who will provide leadership through research and doctoral education. Candidates for the position should have a relevant doctoral degree and a record of exceptional academic achievement in one or more of the following areas: teaching in urban schools, research and scholarly publications in multicultural and/or bilingual education, and evidence of research with institutions associated with multicultural and/or bilingual education.

Teach courses in the core of the doctoral program and electives in the specialization in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Studies (AHSS). Core courses might include Pedagogy, Structures of Social Knowledge, and the Logics of Inquiry. Seminars might be offered in AHSS (such as language and culture) and across the program (such as multicultural issues in urban education). Advise doctoral students, direct dissertations, and conduct research on issues in urban education. The capacity to obtain external funding to support scholarly activities is a high priority.

Review of applications will begin on January 31st, 2005. Queries for further information are welcomed. Please send a curriculum vitae, letter of application, and the names and addresses of three professional references to:

Kenneth Tobin
Search Chair, Ph.D. Program in Urban Education The Graduate Center, The City University of New York
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016-4309

Nominations of suitably qualified candidates for this position are welcome.

A note on the Ph.D. Program in Urban Education at The City University of New York:
The Ph.D. program began in the fall of 2001 and we have admitted our fourth cohort for a present total of about 80 doctoral students. We have just added a specialization in Education Leadership that brings the number of specializations to four, the others being, Policy, Science, Mathematics and Technology, and Arts, Humanities and Social Science/Studies.

This position will be to the Graduate Center and the successful candidate will join Professors Jean Anyon, Kenneth Tobin and a person to be hired in Education Leadership.

A feature of the Ph.D. Program in Urban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center is the appointment of faculty across program and disciplinary lines. Other members of the Urban Education faculty include Stanley Aronowitz, Michelle Fine, Thomas Kessner, Ricardo Otheguy, Collette Daiute, Julia Wrigley, and Leith Mullings, among others from Sociology, Psychology, History, Linguistics, and Anthropology. Students in CUNY programs routinely take courses in related disciplines, and the Graduate Center maintains a reciprocal agreement with the major private universities in New York City for students to take courses across institutions.

As with other programs at the CUNY Graduate Center, the program's faculty is drawn from a consortium of the various CUNY senior colleges including City College, Brooklyn College, Hunter College, Lehman College, and Queens College. Campus based education faculty members include Philip Anderson, Joe Kincheloe, Hubert Dyasi, Carmen Mercado, Alberto Bursztyn, Daisuke Akiba, Gaoyin Qian, Penny Hammrich, among others. The program is also associated with the University Dean for Teacher Education's Office at the CUNY central office, the Institute for Educational Leadership at Baruch College, and various CUNY Centers, including the Center for Media and Learning.


Assistant or Associate Professor
Social Foundations of Education

The Education Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz invites applications for a full-time tenure track position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We seek outstanding individuals whose research is relevant to questions of education for culturally and linguistically diverse students. We particularly seek candidates investigating fundamental problems in the social foundations of education, including the history, philosophy or sociology of education. Faculty appointed to this position will play an active role in the departments joint Ed.D. Program in Collaborative Leadership. Please visit http://education.ucsc.edu/edd/ index.html for information on the Ed.D. Program.

Successful candidates will be expected to establish a vigorous research program, contribute to the intellectual vitality of the department, and teach across the departments academic programs: the undergraduate Minor, Masters/Teacher Education Program, Ph.D. Program and joint Ed.D. Program.

RANK: Assistant Professor (tenure track) or Associate Professor (tenured)

SALARY: Assistant Professor, $46,300 - $51,700 Associate Professor, $57,400 - $60,200 Salaries are commensurate with qualifications, experience, and level of appointment.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Separate pools will be formed for the Assistant and Associate Professor applicants. For persons applying for the untenured Assistant Professor position, a Ph.D. in education or related field is preferred by July 2005; must be in hand no later than June 30, 2006. Candidates will be judged with respect to their performance and promise in teaching, research, and/or other creative work.

For persons applying for the tenured Associate Professor position, Ph.D. in education or related field, outstanding record of excellence as a researcher, and evidence of excellence in teaching. The successful candidate must demonstrate the ability to provide leadership in the departments academic program.

The selected candidate will join a faculty representing diverse disciplines (e.g., psychology, anthropology, cognitive science, etc), but all of whom endeavor to understand the processes of teaching, learning and schooling in the context of social, cultural, and linguistic diversity. In addition, research partnerships and other collaborations with public school educators are key features of the Departments programs. The Department and campus are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching, and service. This position is contingent upon final program approval.


APPLY TO: Applicants should submit a letter of application that provides a concise description of research, teaching experience and plans, a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation (all letters will be treated as confidential; please direct your references to UCSC's confidentiality statement at http://www2.ucsc.edu/ahr/ policies/confstm.htm), copies of reprints, and copies of teaching evaluations and course syllabi to:

June Gordon, Search Committee Chair Education Department
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Please refer to position #739-05 (Assistant) or 739T-05 (Associate) in all correspondence.

CLOSING DATE: The department will begin reviewing applications on January 7, 2005 and continue until the position is filled.

UC Santa Cruz is nestled within 2,000 acres of redwood forest and meadows, overlooking the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary of California's beautiful Central Coast, about 70 miles from San Francisco and 30 miles from Silicon Valley. Information about UC Santa Cruz is available on our Website at http://www.ucsc.edu.


Inquiries regarding the University's equal employment opportunity policies may be directed to: Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Office at, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; (831) 459-2686.

If you need assistance due to a disability please contact the Academic Human Resources Office at 350 McHenry Library (831) 459-4300. This position description is available in alternate formats, which may be requested from Academic Human Resources at (831) 459-4300.

VISIT THE AHR WEB SITE AT http://www2.ucsc.edu/ahr/employment/


*Arizona State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer*

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