Species: Pogonomyrmex saucius
Taxonomic history:
Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) saucius Wheeler & Mann, 1914: 29, figs. 10, 11 (worker, male). Syntypes examined: 5 workers, 1 male [MCZ], 1 worker [LACM], 1 worker [NHMG], 4 workers, 1 male [AMNH], 14 workers [USNM]; about one-half mile east of Manneville , Haiti (W.L. Mann leg).
(LACM worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Ephebomyrmex saucius Wheeler & Mann; Kempf, 1972: 106. First combination in Ephebomyrmex.
Pogonomyrmex saucius Wheeler; Bolton, 1995: 341. Revived combination in Pogonomyrmex.
Etymology: Wheeler did not give any information on the derivation of this name. The specific epithet, saucius (Latin, sauci = wounded, injured, weakened) might be connected to the behavior of disturbed workers feigning death, as occurs in some related species.
Species description: Wheeler & Mann, 1914
Photos of all castes: lectotype, syntype workers, male