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November 5-6, 2010
2010 Computational Social Science Society Conference
September 30 - October 2, 2010
IASC North American Regional Meeting
CSDC joins the Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems
Together with the Center for Institutional Diversity and the Mathematical, Computational, and Modeling Sciences Center, the CSDC has been brought into the Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems under the leadership of Sander van der Leeuw.
"Integration is the key to being a leader in solving complex challenges," van der Leeuw says. "You must be able to look at problems holistically, and not just at one point in time, but across time. The consortium's goal is to position ASU as leader in research, education and application of complex system concepts and methods across living and social systems."
The new Consortium is also a part of the university-wide Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative headed by Sander van der Leeuw and George Poste. For more information, see: http://asunews.asu.edu/20090511_casi
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